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Everything posted by Lorak

  1. LOL, Yes, I have myself made a lot of Enya MP3's and of Altan also. Can't mess up that CMBO Cd. By the way I am sure you will love Altan. Really nice Irish music. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  2. I am glad you fellows seem to be enjoying it. I guess being a slack arsed web surfing Cess-poolers pays off sometimes. I found this site a couple hours ago. Due to selfessness...er... research I listened and waited a while to see if it was worth posting. Whats odd is we have been listining to it at work now for several hours. I guess that is a benifit of being in the IT dept. and surrounded by geeks. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  3. Umm.. this is interesting. I wonder how much of the German's ability to cross bad terrain was due to the experience of the drivers though? I go off roading with some friends now and again. Most are using the same equipment (old jeeps), but there are some drivers that just know how to drive and cross rough terrain. just my .02 Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  4. Surrender? Bah! Axis Sally has just stated and proven the folly of that thinking. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  5. Enya... nope, sadly they do not. Thats why it is important to have your own Enya cd's avalible. By the way Stuka, I must recomend Altan if you can find them. Very nice Irish band. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  6. Found this WWII music and propaganda station while wandering around the web today.. Now I believe you may have to use Winamp to hear it. Winamp is a free download. the address is Can also find it on the winamp web site. www.winamp.com For example: right now a speech by Mussolini is on. Kind of interesting. Oh, and they seem to cover both sides of the war effort. A nice song making fun of Aldolf just went off. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^= [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 01-08-2001).]
  7. Also, If you notice. Your infantry never runs out of ammo. The lowest they will go is to a "Low" ammo state. This makes them kind of usless for an offensive role. But leaves them enough ammo to defend themselves. I believe this is suppose to represent scavaging. Your troops can scavage enough to remain armed and protected. But not enough to continue on the offensive. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  8. Tomb updates: Stuka-win OGSF-loss Berli-win Croda-loss Jshandorf-win Hiram-loss jd-win ninjis-loss David-win Babra-loss Games in progress. OGSF... He is surrounded, looks like he is stacking all of his men like firewood under his last victory location. I guess I need to apply a litle fire. Berli... Sigh, He thinks I am whining about his tigers and heavy artillery. Nay, I am whining about my total lack of defense! No matter. I may lose, but men know how to go down fighting (they have had practice) Germanboy... Didn't notice the turn sent back until today. Guess it is time to continue the skeet shoot. Ummm... I believe those are all of the pool games I have going at the moment. I guess I take my leave now, until I find it is time to bless you with some more knowledge from the Lorak. Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  9. Ahh, as tomb keeper and messenger, I have a umm... message. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>By speedy: " Fionn you damn thumb sucking, fish eating fenian scum. I'll take you on in a reenactment of the battle of Gabhra if you like."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now for the message.......... <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>by Fionn: Well apart from the fact that I detest fish and thumb sucking Speedy's taunts are as accurate and effective as ever. Unfortunately I have a policy of not mercilessly crushing or disagreeing with the mentally unstable ( a position adopted after meeting a certain S.C. on this forum), congenitally idiotic, those suffering the neurological sequelae of tertiary syphillis or immature children. Given these simple rules to live by it should be obvious that an immature, mentally unstable, congenitally malformed idiot child of syphillitics shouldn't expect a game. IOW Numbnuts, nice try but you still failed miserably. The only plus to this failure is that, by now, you must be almost inured to it. It is, after all, your habitual PBEM companion if reports regarding your ability are correct.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Believe My work here is done. Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  10. LOL Jeff.. Lets just say some of have attempted our hands at mods. I think you would prefer to play CM in its alpha stages, before you used any of the crap I turned out. lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  11. Lord General, Warphead is a poster to this board. He also has a very nice web site, which by the way is where the Picture came from Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  12. Good, glad things have settled down. I just hope people didn't think I was an ass for stepping in. I just notice that some people read things the wrong way when they are directly involved. I figure sometimes a thrid party's take on things clears them up sometimes. no harm, no foul... Now... Kitty are we going to see the mod? huh? huh? are we? please? I would attempt it. Except for the fact that I have not one artistic cell in my body. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  13. Jeff and Kitty, Once again misunderstanding blossums. Why I venture from the pool anymore is beyond me. Jeff, Bastables ask you to post the pic.(nice by the way) In bastables next post he says: "And now for Kittys next trick " Kitty does some nice Mods and I believe Bastables was droping a hint. I don't think the picture was causing any grief. I think Kitty just wondered if she could get it in color so she would know how to paint it. Cripes It is always like walking on egg shells out here. I wish people would actualy take the time to read all the post before conclussions are drawn. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^= [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 01-05-2001).]
  14. ahh jd, That is also true. But being a lawyer remember this: If all your life you remain with a clear conscience, you need not fear a knock on the door at midnight. Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  15. Ahh... I have a little news to post. Fionn contacted me in an e-mail and ask that I pass this along. I will not post the whole thing... Just the important parts, manily for you celtophobes. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>by Fionn: The cesspool denizens are the most trustworthy folks on the forum. {snip} So, keep your post there and be sure to let any of those bottom-dwelling ****-eaters in that thread know I'll take any of them who slag na Fianna off. If they try particularly hard I may even go public with AARs to commemorate the beatings I give them. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Brings a tear to my eye to see Fionn and his Fianna defending the homeland. Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^= [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 01-05-2001).]
  16. That is the mouse. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Berli bleated: Let's see, Irish history can be summed up in two points. 1... It took Giere's ancestors to bring them civilization<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Umm lets see... "Though the Viking invasions checked the normal development of Irish civilisation, undid what the efforts of successive centuries had realised, and gave Ireland such a shock that learning scarcely ever fully recovered from it. A brilliant intellectual life prevailed during that period and, in all the things that pertained to the mind, the Irish were far superior to thier invaders and Irish genius made itself felt upon them." "Irish sculpture, building, metal work, art, and ornament, flourished and influenced all the art of the scandinavians. It was Irish scholars who introduced the literature of Greece and Rome to the men of the north. In this, the influence on the early literature of the north men is unmistakable. Indeed the Norse were the imitators of the Irish, motives and forms of style are clearly of Irish origin or delveloped through Irish influence. The Irish were also of considerable influence in softening the wild Norsemen they came in contact with and It is the Irish to who the Norsemen owe thier Christianity." Humm... Now it makes sence that "they" brought the irish civilisation.. NOT! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>2... They still have Pommies in their country... a problem the rest of the world has managed to solve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The Pool has lasted a long time. I am not about to go into the troubles here. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>by Wildman: Hey I'm a stupid american! I know 200 years ago something happened. But since I'm ameican I am allowed to be a dumb ass. And I am a good one at that.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ahh, yes. How could I ever think that you would bother to concern yourself with anything more than what is on must see TV this week. Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^= [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 01-05-2001).]
  18. Wilhammer, Sounds good. Just send whatever you come up with. Can't be half as bad as a lot of the crap I get sent in the pool. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  19. Herr Oberst, Obviously I didn't write that myself. What really suprises me is that someone like you with the intelligence of blind fruit fly would actualy know the Tao. Lah, My post was ment in jest. Lorak the loathed follower of the ten thousand things. ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  20. Hey Wilhammer PBEM game is fine by me. If you like you can just send a file to me at the address in my profile. As for meeting at the waffle house... That would be fine by me. I work on Hanes Mill road. So that one is the one I tend to eat at... sigh(every night). Only Problem might be that I work 4pm-12am(second shift.) But I can get away about any time I need to. SO if you come up with a date or time just let me know. As far as the T-shirt designs. I like the cover for CMBO too. But I wonder if it might not be too busy for the front of a shirt? I just wonder if something simple might not be a better way to go. Hell I think on of Max's joke POTD's from CMHQ would be pretty funny too. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  21. Hey! Happy birthday Wild Bill ! and a thanks for all the scenario support you've provided. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  22. Thanks Mark, I'll let Germanboy know the deal. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>by Hakko: "I/O Error = An error with the old in/out" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> and I said it ment he was a geek..... I fail to see the diffrence Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  24. Kitty... Every good knight needs a damsel to defend. Sheesh. Mark IV, would you be willing then to try and update our game then? If so I could send you the file when I get home tonight. I just guess Germanboy would need to send you his password.Oh and if so, weather you need it zipped or not. Hey! and you could see just how much his smoking armor is clogging my roads! Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^= [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 01-04-2001).]
  25. Lah, That was a nice try. But you really need to be a little more cryptic in your responses. Being just you will have an open mind. With an open mind you will be open-hearted. Being open-hearted you will act with grace, you will attain the divine. Being divine, you will be one with the Lorak. Being one with the Lorak is eternal. The body will die But the Lorak will never pass away. Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
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