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Posts posted by Stoffel

  1. If the principal is a worried man and if he sees potential dangers of hurting people(which might happen in a very militaristic game like paintball)you might have a better chance with lasergaming

    just as fun and it doesnt hurt when you got hit smile.gif

    would you be so kind to post the results of the tacops game here or on the list please?

    I am very curious about those results

  2. Funny you mentioned this school story

    I did exams in history,most part of it was 20th century,world war 2 till 1985 about US and germany

    I missed one question and got a 9.6 for my final test:)

    I knew more on WW2 than my teacher did

    which often presented me the possibility to make the fool out of her.

    making me the hero of my class :D

  3. Far as I know,

    in the early war years all vehicles were indeed painted grey,in 1942 SS units used a german green striping pattern over the grey.

    Winterpattern was whitewashed over the grey

    After 1943 the dark yellow came in service this was generally the basic paint

    olive green and dark brown were supplied too.

    crews had the liberty to paint any pattern they wanted.

    in the last year of the war the old grey came back due to shortages of dark yellow

  4. Question for the commissar:

    you say the smg squads are gamey,right?

    in cmbb we probably get the russian shock/assault troops..................and if I am right they were armed almost completely with PPSH's with these nice big drum magazines.

    and I am sure these units were pretty common too

    But since you think such units are gamey,you for sure aint gonna buy them,right??? :rolleyes:

  5. I agree with all newbies that they need more time to learn:)

    but I have a good suggestion:

    all newbies should wait ordering CMBB untill they are experienced enough.

    this will have a positive effect for the veterans,they can order the game first than without having to worry the supply rans out to fast:D


  6. About spotting wel,BTS should draw a line somewhere,the abstractions given by Steve seems ok to me.

    It depends on how much time you have to camouflage things and how well trained the unit is

    in my unit we would get 24 hours to dig in our vehicle and to dig mg and rifle pits fortified with sandbags ,we were very good in camouflaging it,but as I said when you have enough time that is possible

    on an exercise in Germany i saw a British tank dug in and camouflaged in grasslands,we only saw it when we were at 500 meters away from it.

    it wasnt visible from the air,our recon units and the choppers didn't see them.

    it was a very nasty surprise for our main force

    we lost the exercise because they took out the HQ unit

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