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Posts posted by Stoffel

  1. Hi Jan,

    To answer your questions.

    Yes there are more UK players,you should join the TACops Maillist.

    there are no other forces in TAcops 4 than the ones currently available,i.e. US,canadian and NZ

    Opfor though has a lot of new weaponsystems including Chinese types APC and tanks abnd a lot of engineering equipment

    I suggest to buy 4.0 but the Major surely doesnt mind it if you buy both:)

  2. other option to kill the sams is look where they are and make a note of it.

    I used M1 to knock them out

    load a mortar team on the M1 and move to the area you want to clean in the rear near the big town.

    Smoke the guns and kill them,than advance against the sams

    Nice and safe way to clear a path for your choppers

    its also possible to use artillery for supression

  3. Which ones are that Marlow?

    I can have a look,I know the feeling. :(

    Some of my scenarios are dl over a 100 times and have only 1 review

    At least I review every scenario I play from the depot.

    I hope others will do the same in the future.

    feedback can make os only better,it doesnt matter if its negative or positive feedback!

    btw any one here that dl one of my scenarios from the depot?????? :rolleyes::rolleyes:

  4. Well,I always keep these artilleryunits together if I want to target infantry or AFV's

    More tubes in one marker give you a better hit chance.

    Only split them if you want to use them for smoke screens.

    About the delays,in 3.0 its not possible to change that.

    In v 4 you have a wide range of possibilities to change the delay times or the TOT for each off map artilleryunit

  5. hmm,odd story about the assistant

    I never had any problems with my personal mg in service.

    My assistent only had to link new ammo to the belt every now and than.

    Or change the barrel after 1 box of ammo was fired during rapid firing

    Thus he had time enough to fire his own weapon since both activities only took a few seconds to do.

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