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Posts posted by Stoffel

  1. Buy and play Opereation Flashpoint if you want to go through all that.

    leaving your vehicle and get back in it,using other members and enemy weapons

    I think the reasons why we dont have this are explained before

    So you can do a search first,but on the other hand the question was indeed polite asked so there is no need to be harsh against this fellow

  2. its very simple

    if I there is a chance that a german player can be attacked by planes he should be able to buy mobile FLAK

    nothing gamey on that,what would be gamey is that an allied player can buy planes and the german player than is not allowed to buy flak

    since there were no Wirblewinds around early 44 ,you must be able to buy the flaktrucks

    Use them in the role they are intended for and not have them move around hunting for vehicles

    Oh and I did a test with a platoon of these against an infantry company.

    They were gone very fast,60mm ,M2 andd light infantryfire kills them fast

  3. why dont you join the newbie tournament?

    if you do,please post AAR's of the battles you are going to fight tongue.gif

    Than we all have something to laugh about :D

    Allthough I think you are just a big mouth like we had them before ,like a certain Jochem P and others redface.gif but you can always prove yourself and join the tourney!

    But my other part says you are to scared to do that because you are afraid to get slaugthered by a freakin newbie,and your tiny little airbubble you live in rightnow might blow up :D

    so be a man and show that you are not afraid or else keep the big mouth shut or post something usefull , please

    oh did I said please?? :D

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