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Posts posted by Stoffel

  1. At least I got some more tank kills.

    Problem with the 88 bunkers is that they dont cover the entire area on the right flank.

    Steve,maybe you should make the hill they are on a bit higher?

    Attrition is a big problem for me now.

    Lost another one of my stugs.

    Not many armor left.

    My artillery is opening up on the advancing brits in the open:)

    I think for them it was a surprise I had arty left :D

  2. well,I based a scenario on operation switchback

    I have read a lot of stories about that battle.

    the one thing that keeps coming back is the accounts of whole squads of infantry man killed by rapid firing cannons and by Infantry guns of various types

    they were always wel concealed and camouflaged and hard to spot and hit

    The germans had 100's of those guns packed together in the area where the canucks crossed the channels

    no big surprise the initial attack failed badly

  3. well it was just a matter of time you would spot him(stug)

    the other ambush didnt pay of as well,4 rounds fired ,two missed,two penetrations(!)but no kill redface.gif

    besides it has no ammo left to fight:(

    you have waisted to much arty-ammo on empty spaces tongue.gif

    I managed to move my troops around succesfully till now.

    You will find some other nasty surprises when you move on smile.gif

    Steve,ok that you changed the victory points

    I just read the story.

  4. the biggest problem I face with my armor is that I need to have good flank positions and I can only assault armor if they are properly identified

    The ammo load outs are scarce so I cant afford to waist rounds on Churchills frontal armor

    Also I dont have to many tanks:(

    Set up some new ambushes to get some tank kills

    indeed as Jeff stated the map might be too big for 60 turns,but we will see

  5. You can also look in your local bookstore

    I found a book by Bruce Quarry about german weapons.(use it for diorama building because of the nice pictures)

    ranging from most used small arms to artillery and tanks

    Had most of the data about those weapons and nice pictures with a price of only 5 British pounds

  6. off course I could have known that it was a loadcarrier,I used this vehicle a lot in tacops games redface.gif

    I guess the term they used, APC mislead me :eek:

    I checked the picture of the Tamiya model,it has a big square shaped turret,it looks like the one Turkey bought on its FMC/NUROL made apc,only bigger

  7. Tamiya plastic model firm made a model of this 25mm vehicle in 1/35 scale

    MT almanac mentioned the version of the M 113 with 76 mm gun as stil in service as the M806A1

    but indeed no word about the M113 with 25 mm gun

    they do have a M 548 apc though ,dont know what that is.

  8. usually I can do several turns a day

    depending on my time

    best advice is to look for a day/time you both can do a lot of turns,if that is what you like

    Also depends on the size of the battle,handling a bn takes less time than a regiment

  9. At turn 18.


    Be warned this topic can contain


    from now on




















    eliminated enemy para presence on my right flank.

    brit artillery offered a helping hand but caused some casualties on my own troops too redface.gif

    retreated the tiger after letting it play with some allied vehicles

    My left flank has some trouble but I think I will be able to retreat the man to a new defensive setup to the rear

    Time for some extra troops!!

    [ April 04, 2002, 07:15 AM: Message edited by: Stoffel ]

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