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Posts posted by Stoffel

  1. Nice reading Michael

    I live near Hilversum where those Paratroopers trained,its a small airfield where today parachutists still train.

    There are several German build bunkers at the edge of the field

    my entire family lives in that town

    My grandmother told me few things about the war

    She never really wanted to tell us anything about those years.

    Only that they had a cow in their street,it was their secret and they managed to keep it alive throughout the war.

    She also told me several german soldiers lived in her street,they were houses with locals NSB people.

    After all its a small world

  2. shame on thou!! redface.gif

    thou shalt immediate order the game from Major H :D

    and tacops 4 too while we speak about the subject!!

    I shall help you with the game if you want

    Major H : is it possible to play the gallagher scenario with him?

    demo against full version?

  3. A certain bold guy informed me on this subject after I asked him what to buy

    He told me that a 16mb card would be the minimum so I bought a 32 mb TNT 2 card

    He told me a P800 would be good so I bought a 1,4

    And he told me I needed a fast hard drive and a good quality motherboard with a lot of free space and a lot of memory

    So I bought a 20 gb disc and 256 mb of memory

    Total cost $1000 for a complete new system

    Totally prepared for CMBB :D

    With special thanks to Madmatt's advice ;)

  4. Lol,sharp sticks

    that makes me think of a commercial from an insurance company

    a guy in a museum finds some sort of voodoo doll

    and plays with it

    next to him is a tv on with Clinton doing a speach,off course clinton does the same movements as the guy makes with the doll

    Than at the end the guy sees the iron pin from the doll and slams the doll very hard back on it

    could be a nice idea for our friend??

    his first movie :D

  5. common people!! :(

    I just checked the Scenario depot and found out that there are scenarios downloaded 50 or more times

    One of these was only reviewed by me redface.gif

    I even took the time to write a simple AAR about it ;)

    We as a community must be able to do better than that!!! :mad:

    The guys making the scenarios are doing that for you,give them back something in the form of a review

    Might be a nice xmaspresent for them after all

  6. Holland(which is a provence!!,name is the Netherlands)

    had about 4 million people in 1865

    In 1900 there were 5 million and by the time war broke out in 1940 about 9 million people most of them lived in the cities in the west

    The area around Son didnt change that much during those years,there was the grow of industrial sites and some towns got bigger but overall landscape in the area remained the same

    wooded hills with farm and grass land here and there and small villages scattered throughout the landscape

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