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Posts posted by Stoffel

  1. This is a piece from the Totenkopf division book by Charles Sydnor:

    To counter the possibility of breakthrough by the new Russian T34/KV1 tanks-against which the divisions AT guns were ineffective-Eicke(divisional commander) created tank annihilationsquads

    These consisted of 2 officers and 10 enlisted soldiers armed with bags of satchel charges ,mines,gasoline bombs and grenades.

    They were ordered to attack on foot individual tanks that penetrated the defensive lines,and to destroy or to disable as quickly as possible with their variety of explosives

    At Lushno one of them was Haupsturmfuhrer Max Seela companycommander of an engineer company

    At 26 th september his squad destroyed seven T34's in this fashion.

    To set an example to his man and to demonstrate the proper finess in hand to muzzle combat(I like the way he words this)Seela destroyed the first tank by crawling right up to it,placing a double-satched charge against the turret and detonating the explosives with a grenade.

    He than personally led his man as they tackled each tank

    Seela and his man than shot all the remaining crews which managed to escape their doomed vehicles

  2. BTS,

    with SOP menu I was thinking more like the tacops one.

    specially APC's and their onboard infantry can benefit from orders like:

    Unload if fired on

    and another important one:

    Reverse or stop if fired on and (!) pop smoke

    something thats not possible to do for the player rightnow

    Or, stop/reverse and pop smoke when enemy is spotted


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