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Posts posted by Stoffel

  1. yes Marnix you are right.

    Overloon is the musuem in Question.

    they have a few airplanes, shermans and indeed the panther G there.

    Do A search on the museum they have a website available in german and English too.

    Also worth wile visiting is the Cavalry museum at the Bernhard kazerne in Amersfoort.

    Near my place smile.gif

    ew weeks ago I saw a website on the battle MArket Garden with a lot of interesting items.

    I lost the URL though

  2. Ahhhh,that picture brings back some good and some bad (walking long marches carriyng the damn thing)memories

    Best thing was firing at night with the infrared sight.

    Has been my personal weapon too in the service smile.gif

    Regards shooting atlong ranges,I never used the iron sights,all our belts had 2 tracers for every 5 rounds.

    So it was very easy to adjust firing.

    Soom very good gunners in my company used the sights though to hit targets with one shot on long distances smile.gif

  3. Scipio has some points here,not all units were that good.

    In the beginning the 4 top divisions had a lot of tactical,military shortcomings.

    But they made it up with a fanatical esprit.

    Eventuall the army provided them acces to various schools for training.

    Dont forget that it was very common for an SS soldier to obey any order given.

    He was tought to do so,or should I say brainwashed,with a risk of being severly punished or even put behind the barbed wire himself.

    Tought were political lessons about the purity of the german race they learned systematically how to hate and torcher/kill their enemies

    Most of the them started as units in the camps which later transformed into the waffen ss divisions.

    Nucleus of these units commanders came from the Totenkopfverbande or Totenkopf division

    After the winterwar of 41/42 most of the initial divisions were almost destroyed or had suffered very high casulties.

    specially Totenkopf lost about 70% of its combat units.

    Losses which could not be filled up again,and after that period most commanders complained about (what they saw as man unfit to be in the SS

    They meant with that(Eicke was one of them) that those troops lacked the fighting spirit and more important the "true"nazi spirit

  4. good question Michael.

    In some ways yes,

    We are very liberal(at least thats what the government wants foreigners to believe,just ask the common man in the street what he thinks about crime,foreigners,asylum seekers and so on)

    We have politicians that are discussing a lot of topics which are unspeakable for other countries,for instance abortion,euthanasia,birthcontrol and stuff like that.

    But we also have a higher crime rate in murders and theft than some major US cities,former east block countries criminals feel at home here.

    Junkies and other scum steel bikes and car radios

    And worse of all 60000 asylum seekers a year on a population of 14 million people,allready the number of foreigners here is 13%,which causes there own problems regarding integration and hatred feelings

    And most recently what some people described as the right wing party from Pim Fortuyn rising.

    A big problem we face here is the inability of any political party to stand for its political ideas when they get into the government.

    Big issue is the fact that we have too many parties involved,previous elections had about 16


  5. Ah someone who knows his history :D

    indeed the Dutch were presented in the SS,two divisions

    It were the 23rd divison Nederland and 18th division Horst Wessel, both were panzergrenadier divisions

    although it wasnt a proud part of our history the soldiers performed good.

    most of the resistance guys were the same type adventurours too,especially in the early years of the war their(often useless)actions triggered a terrible response towards the civilian population by the Germans

    A good example was the killing of a SS officer near Putten.

    The entire male population of the town was shot by the Germans as reprisal.

    [ July 12, 2002, 09:10 AM: Message edited by: Stoffel ]

  6. Moon,

    I really dont care about swastikas,ss signs or whatever.

    biggest problem I am going to face is where to buy the cd!!

    I live in a small town where the stores only have the average blockbusters.

    Not even stores in bigger towns as Hilversum and Amersfoort has CMBO.

    Which will probably mean I have to drive 50 or more km to Big towns as Amsterdam or Utrecht with the risk of not finding it there too.

    Is there a different way for us to get the game??

    I really,really dont like this


  7. I had this map which I originally created for the Magenta Onion wars.

    But it was rejected cause I choose the wrong sector :(

    So since its a nice big city I thought,hey lets do somethink with it smile.gif

    A big new fictional citybattle evolved out it.

    nearly 9000 points split over 5 reinforcements for each side.

    US against germans,army and volkssturm

    If you want it than send a mail or post here.


    [ July 07, 2002, 08:54 AM: Message edited by: Stoffel ]

  8. welcome on board,you sure came to the right place smile.gif

    you are right too about the depot,more people should take the time to review/give comments about a scenario.

    In my case and for some others some scenarios have over 200 to 400 downloads and no review.

    That is very frustrating,nice reviews are good for a persons ego but negative ones surely help to make a scenario better!!!!

    Keep that in mind if you dont like a scenario :rolleyes:

  9. Indeed it is a nice weapon,I had the privilage of firing the weapon when I was serving in the army.

    It had a whole range of shells like illumination/anti armor and HE types.

    It was mainly used for infantry support not anti tank roles.

    You could not kill a T80 or T 72 with it only from the sides.

    Normally you would not get that chance I guess smile.gif

    Today the weapon is out of the inventory and replaced by the AT4 which is a lot easier to handle and can be thrown away

    However i think they took away a very good support weapon for our infantry.

  10. A lot of those special vehicles were requested by the Canadian army .

    They often cant perform the task they were build for in TACOPS

    At least thats what the major once said.

    examples are the ground radars and the recon vehicles like the coyote

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