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Posts posted by Stoffel

  1. Ha, I dont think I will play QB unless Fionn or someone else should come up with a new set of rules

    I think most guys will be playing russians in early war to get the heavy KV tanks,just imagine what would happen:

    few 7,62 mm guns set up in a line boosted up by a kv tank.

    Now if you have to attack as the germans with Mk I and II tanks......................

    On the other hand the attacker still has an advantage.

    Only he knows where the attack will come from

    So my advice is to play on big maps (with lots of turns) only with lots of cover and lot of manouvring area

    Use the blitzkrieg tactic

    recon in force to find a weak spot and throw in everything you have,good use of combined arms with proper arty/air support should be able to bring you victory

  2. one thing missing are normal AT mines like tellermines

    standard procedure was to let the T34 drive through your position.

    the tankhunters than would take em out, if one drove over a foxhole or a trench ,than a brave soul would throw an AT mine to the tracks.

    remember Steiner in Cross of Iron

    The first report I read of the usage of mines and grenades was about Hauptsturmbahnfuhrer Seela.

    he crawled upon a T34,placed a mine between the enginedeck and the turret and than used a grenade to explode the mine.

    Brave guy,he killed 7 T34's that way

  3. hmmm,what is wrong with a low member number?

    Means you are a well respected and veteran CM player.

    besides Gay-lord I really dont like that sig of yours,it has a tendency to embarrass people from a certain country :rolleyes:

    Me for instance

    I rather would like to see you remove that sig.

    Very friendly asked for now.

  4. sounds as a nice initiative

    I am not sure if we can get the members of the email list(most frequent players) on a ladder,but its worth a try.

    Lot of them are busy with work,RL,Mbx and multiplayergames,some of us also with CMBB smile.gif

    We hope more (younger) players will join our ranks once V4 comes out.

    Its a very new and fun experience to play a multiplayer game.

    I will do my best to support your effort if needed.


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