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Everything posted by argie

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon: Last time that happened you guys invaded the Falklands <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What is the Falklands? Last time is every time here
  2. Mucho arriba, pero perdieron No te preocupes, que yo soy de River Slap, maybe I take your advice: I will sent to you all my savings and then you will feel real compassion and maybe I get some good money from you We are in the worst economical crisis of our history, as ever
  3. Hasta acá (Buenos Aires, Argentina), tardó algo más de un mes en llegar... Pero llegó y, más importante aún, Steve contestó a todos mis mails desesperados! BTS ya tiene una parte de mis pocos ahorros tercermundistas asegurados por el resto de su existencia O todos, si es necesario
  4. My RL experience with Gral Winter : I did my conscription service in Rio Gallegos (if you care to look at a map, is the last continental city in America, going South, just North from Tierra del Fuego, and in front of Malvinas). I'm from Buenos Aires, almost subtropical climate city... I saw some people who suffers badly from the change of temperature in March (beginning of Autumn down here), working with the frozen water to the chest making bridges in the middle of the Winter... Not ever with the aproppiatte clothing (no double stuff in anything, but maybe some nylon panties [don't tell that to anybody outside this Forum, please ]), and some of us (myself, at least) without gloves, because I feel better "touching" the heavy equipment that could hurt me badly that handling it with gloves... Most of time under -10C... Human body is very adaptable to environment...
  5. The most incredible thing I saw in Mortar HTs (almost a bug), is that they could fire on the move Amazing!
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Trooper: There were a few Amoured Car companies lying around, with AMLs, but they never seemed to do much. It would have been interesting to see AML-90s go up against CVR(T)s, but I think the general terrain of the area would have been in favour of the tracks. NTM<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Absolutely right! They sent those wheeled Recon vehicles to a terrain which we call "turba", which is a kind of coal, very spongy, and with great humidity... No wheeled vehicle could make anything outside of paved roads there... except to sink The CVR(T)s, on the other hand, were tracked vehicles with an incredible low pressure on floor, and even they got stucked a few times, being limited to a very few fire support missions. I got a few ISP crashes today (they hate Macs) and can't wrote something about one of the Triumvir comments: "posession is nine tenths of the law... so it's 90% de jure!". Hey, Triumvir! Could you borrow me your car!
  7. Triumvir, I don't have the luck of to read the book you mentioned, but I think there is a flaw in what you said: the problem with losing the battle (the war is still over ) wasn't in the fact of having a conscript army, although of course trained troops do things better, but in having all the pros in the Military trained for repression and not to conduct a "conventional" war. All accounts I read from British sources said that Argentinian conscripts were at least a difficult pain in the ass to remove from positions, although they were in such positions frozed with the water to the chest and starved because the faults of their superiors. Must be noted also that because Galtieri (de facto president) make his service in some subtropical provinces, sent troops from those provinces instead of the troops equiped to fight in Patagonia... The only troops equiped and trained to fight in cold terrain, the RI 25 and the BIM 5, put a lot of fight on their "proffesional" opponents. The RI 25 didn't fight as a unit, in fact, as was ordered to defend the airport, but some subunits of it fought in San Carlos and Goose Green. Although all teh enterprise was conducted by an illegitimate government, made the worst way possible from any military or geopolitical stand point, every Argentine believe that Malvinas are Argentine... On this times, I think that very few could think that dying for the land is a solution, but nobody doubts that the land is our... OTOH, you statement could be readed also as a luck for UK in not having a Conscript Army, but a very good proffesional one... Other way, the battle could have had a very different outcome Slap, Although there was a lot of hate between Latin American people from centuries (something actively fomented by UK ), I think today the things are changing... Although Argentines in general have a sort of hate for Chile, Brazil is loooked at more as a bad brother than with real hate FYI, we are a people almost obsessed with the bath. I know that I take at least two showers a day in summer, and at least one every day in any other season, and nobody looks me as weird for that (in fact, I know a lot of people doing the same) About dance, we can, but nobody in the world, except maybe some Africans, can dance as good as Brazilians, that is a hard fact. Cooking... Argentina is more "multicultural" than Brazil, so we have food from a lot of countries very well done here, plus our own receipts... Maybe Brazilian tastes are too localist to enjoy that Soccer... hehehehe... Say her that take a look on the Mundial's eliminatory table, or in the actual Sub 20 mundial... Ghana has eliminated Brazil from that one and will play the final with Argentina next Sunday. I think is Maradona's envy Did you said that you have a friend that fought in Malvinas? I don't fully understand that part in Spanish (as to everybody here must happen with almost all my Engish)
  8. Well, I looked into this book "Las armas modernas de infantería (Su evolución)" made for a Colonel of Argentine Army in 1958, based on test of weapons from every side in the WWII stored here in Argentina. He classified the PIAT in a category apart from Bazookas, Schreks and Fausts, as grenade launcher, and states that could use an AT, an AP and a Smoke grenade, in DF and IF, acting as light mortar. Not too much... Nothing more specific... He then goes with great detail in Fausts, as were copied for local production here. Tanaka, Malvinas is British de facto, not de jure
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff Duquette: HE rounds as well as shaped charge rounds (HEAT) were manufactured for the M1A1 and M9 Bazookas during the war. In addition HEAT is apparently very effective against troops in bunkers and buildings. Someone know if the PIAT or Panzerschreck had HE rounds?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think the PIAT was DP... Not sure if rounds were DP or have specific HE rounds though.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kingfish: Don't you mean the Falklands? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Falklands??? What the hell is that??? A Nordic land or somefink?
  11. Nope. The zooks were used against infantry. Most against strong points. As an interesting side note, British troops used wire guided Milan missiles against Argentine infantry troops in Malvinas. Not too much armor around to fire at. The blast of such weapons is enough to toast infantrymen pretty well.
  12. I will concur with John here. If anyone has the time to read "Changing an Army", by General Depuy, will see a lot of things a bit clearer. Although is an account from the war fro m the memories of the combat he saw when he was in Bn command or staff, is interesting t note how good concept he has about "suppressing" power of German's burp guns against rifle markmanship from US Army. He also states how he rearranged his Bn to maximize his Heavy Automatic weapons, and even which German armament was picked for use. He participated in a lot of post war test that seems to have confirmed his views from the WWII. Of course, all this is anecdotical, as is every doctrinary issue, as is almost impossible of quantify. But I don't remember him talking about the US Army going heavy in Thompsons, but in BARs. I could be wrong, because I read it more than a year ago
  13. Steve, Many thanks for taking care of us Yes, I saw the gun moving. I give it the order and the little pixel guy move the gun to a better firing position. As it happens in a QB against the AI, I didn't keep the file But maybe was some Finn in German suit, so perhaps is not a bug after all
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: First of all, crews do not abandon guns automatically if one crew member is taken out. I have seen AT guns with 4 losses still firing at enemy tanks. Very slowly though All depends on the circumstances. Generally 2/3rds losses will result in the crew taking off. Steve [ 06-29-2001: Message edited by: Big Time Software ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, I have had this little Pak of 50mm with his crew down to a man still fighting... But the really weird thing was, unlike HMGs, this lonely man was able to MOVE the gun!!!! :eek: Is a kind of bug or somefink? :confused:
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Murph: New York, New York Although I'm originally from Buenos Aires Argentina and have lived all over the place growing up. Murph<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ok #3913. But I'm still the old timer Argentinian in the place... And I'm living in Buenos Aires [ 06-27-2001: Message edited by: argie ]
  16. Take a look at COCAT: http://www.combatmission.com/CMMC/Vault/cocat/cocat.htm
  17. I do too.... And caring for the little grunts have improved my play
  18. People, just asking, did you have the freaking manual??? :eek:
  19. Engineer creed: an obstacle not covered by fire, isn't an obstacle That is the point. Engineer work under fire is difficult to do, or to model (too many variables). But for sure more kind of obstacles and constructions are needed. How to model breaching in the scope of a non-canned CM battle is something I found very difficult to even imagine (Sort of disconnected thoughts too late and under too much Malbec wine, sorry )
  20. tero, have you done (military) engineer work? Have you participated in a (modern day) engineer recon to find a ford? Have you read about timeframes Soviet Manuals on Engineering put for things like making trenchs, for offensive or defensive purposes, building minefields, etc? I'm really interested in to know about it as I know you did 11 months of military service in Finland, were you are very familiar with Soviet practices. Thanks.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by StellarRat: You should check the spelling of "apart" before you make jokes about someone's spelling....HE! HE! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And also Scandinavian, BTW
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The_Capt: A quick question while we are on the topic, Has anybody out there tried a "mobile defence"? I am talking about a smaller force mounted in HTs with armour in support. You would put out a coy or so dismounted forward to feel out the enemy and then hit him in a localized area hard and fast either in a hasty defence or outright c-attack. You could team this force up with arty to stage your "hits". It has the advantage of being able to rapidly hit the en in an area of your choosing and force the local force ratio to 1:1 or better. Once the hit is over you remount and pull back for a second hit. I guess the fundemantal problem I have with the classic method is that you do not have enough resources to do it. Engineer works are too expensive and one cannot mass armour for a c-attack for the same reason. It may be better to fight a traditional "Covering Force Battle" rather than a slugfest when on simply cannot apply the required force to the frontage given. Just a thought.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I have do something in the lines of that in a PBEM... I purchased British troops and set 2 Strongpoints with 1 Bofors, 1 6" and 1 Infantry Plt as skirmish line with a double foxhole line in front of it. My MLR was covered by 4 or 6 (I don't remember exactly) Vickers, and I have another Plt with all the 2" in the farest flank. The mobile force was that Plt plus 5 Sherman V and a Daimler and 2 Humbers. I tried to use the Shermans in pairs to plug holes by firepower and to get local superiority... Was really fun Was a QB, but I did my force purchase thinking as if I was the spearhead of a British Tank Brigade (1 Infantry Coy + 1 Tank Plt + 1 Scout Unit + Support + Arty) being counterattacked in positions ahead from his Div. For that, I didn't purchase any fortification. I lost the strongpoints around the 2 turns I used them, and from there was all a battle of maneouvre: Infantry Plts falling back, FOs runnung from side to side, exposed, to get LOS and tanks running like crazies to keep all together
  23. Well, I'm a bit schizoid, but only a bit... The good people in white shirts keeps me on track The point is as I'm not an English speaker, then some subtles jokes or between lines readings tends to escape from my understanding, so I want to check
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