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Everything posted by argie

  1. Go to http://salts.britwar.co.uk/salt5.htm and look for "WO 291/1169 An Analysis of Infantry Rates of Advance in Battle"
  2. I found that MGs are quite effective firing from more than 500mts. If they are well concealed, they beat the Squads and tehy are no exposed. Also, if they are in wooden bunkers or pillboxes, are amost immune to Arty. I found that HMGs in Heavy buildings firing long distance are quite capable of making the enemy loss the timing, most of the time not being discovered until the enemy units are at less than 500 mts. Using a sort of talking guns, i.e., firing with alternates HMGs in each turn, hiding the other, helps to make it work. When the scouts try to get close for ID the fires, they fall in the ambushes made with infantry. I used HMGs with good effect so far as 1200 mts. This works well also with 20mm AA guns, except for the part on having them in Heavy Buildings... Woods are the choice then.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kburns24: argie... How did they manage to find out that the F-111 was taken down by a single bullet? Any time a plane goes down it is extremely difficult to determine what took it down, especially when the plane is in thousands of pieces spread over a large area. Since it was hit by small arms fire I can assume it was over enemy held territory making it even more difficult to determine what knocked it out of the sky. Just wondering.... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I was trying to found the quote, with no result so far Seems like the plane was taking off or landing in a friendly base and crashed... They disasembled the thing (was in the first [pathetic] deployment of the F111) to see what happens and found that nice bullet in the valvle... I wasn't making a point of it, just quoting an interesting outliar
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon: Most small arms fire, except .50 cal, was more designed to aid the moral of the guys beimg attacked, not bring down an enemy plane. In the Falklands LMG gunners dired hundreds of thousands of rounds at planes flying to fast and to far away to hit. The idea was to give the Tommies a feeling they were fighting back.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> In Nam, a F111 was knocked out for a single 7.62 round Seems like the bullet make a hole through a lubricant valvle, making the engine overheat and stop... The plane crashed...
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus: OH MY GOD! MY EYES!!! What kind of hardware are you using for grass and road textures like that and non-transparent buildings? If that is a Mac, then I feel for Mac users. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If he was using a Mac, he wasn't saved it as a BMP.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by John Kettler: Madmatt, The time warp has affected the Forum. I live in California where right now it is Saturday, July 21st. The Mein Kampf thread, though, is five days ahead. The posts there are showing July 26th. I went back and rechecked my last post, which was to the Tournament of the Stars II thread, and it was correct. It would appear that some bit of cyber weirdness is occurring, and that it's peculiar to that one thread. Thought you'd like to know. Regards, John Kettler<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Look at the YEAR of that thread, John
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzerman: I am Rob/1 Slapdrageon you freak!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No, no, no Slapdragon was who commit the mistake, not Freak
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tero: Noooooooooo !!!! What is the almost bit ? (Just to keep up the appearance of not agreeing) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Almost
  9. Only if manned by Finns Don't be so hard with the guy! The topic had not arose in almost three months!!! [ 07-20-2001: Message edited by: argie ]
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tero: I find this broobahah about the alledged overeffectiveness of the SMG superfluous. IMO a SMG rush is no more gamey than any kind of rush. And while it is admittedly hard to beat back it is not impossible to beat it back. Even with the current set of assets and settings.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I can't believe it! I (almost) agree with Tero in something!
  11. Thanks! Finally I found something useful in one of this SMG threads
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff Duquette: I have excerpts from a WWII Soviet Combat Engineer (sappers) manual. It has several tables indicating construction essentials for all sorts of entrenchments from a rifle pit up through gun pit for a 76.2mm field gun. Excavations quantities and time to construct are all indicated (it assumes no lend-lease beavers were available). Anyway, if this is of interest to you I can post some of this techno-minutia. ASL I must admit that was a funny read. However I don’t think Jason is quite as puffed up with himself as your post implies…just my opinion.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Please, please, please, Jeff... Post ALL that techno minutia!!! If is too complicated to post, then mail it to me, please, please, please Thanks.
  13. CMMC Rules are here: http://www.combatmission.com/CMMC/Academy/academy.htm Some are very complex, and there is a lot of room for improvement. But you could take some of the fundamentals, as all the rules were very well researched and seems to work well in CMMC
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon: I suspect you have some hidden agenda since you know all the answers to these questions before you ask. I encourage you to buy the game, or state the agenda, whatever is the reason for your posts. You will find the game better though than a hidden agenda any day.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey! Hidden Agenda is a little nice game too!!! A bit outdated with all black and white... But is fun to play from time to time And is abandonware, so you can found it for free in the Net... At least for Mac.
  15. Ops! [ 07-16-2001: Message edited by: argie ]
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: Innere Fuehrung is a concept that I seem to have forgotten most about but I believe it relates to the integration of the army in the democratic process, and the idea that no order given should be in contradiction to the laws governing society. So that if you as a grunt are ordered to do something illegal, you are within your rights to disobey the order. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think the right to disobey a criminal order was in the German Military Code long time before WWII, but I haven't evidence to back up this... I read it somewhere a few years ago.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gyrene: O problema com o futebol brasileiro e o fato que a maioria dos jogadores jogam fora do Brasil e esquecem como jogar a moda brasileira. E tambem todos esses milionarios com contratos com a Nike que sempre tem que jogar, mesmo se tem jogadores menos famosos, mas melhores. I wonder if soccer breaks will be modelled in CM10 The Banana Wars edition? Gyrene<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Lo mismo pasa con los jugadores argentinos, y los únicos que nos ganan son los brasileños I have data from inside BTS that CM10 will start with a campaign mode of the Futbol War beetwen Honduras and El Salvador. (For the ones not "groggish" enough, that war started after a riot in a soccer match between the above mentioned countries).
  18. Ningún problema con el portugués My problem is with the Sdkfz 7/2!!! If they at least put in them 3mm of armor to improve the simulation of impacts!
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Vanir Ausf B: BTW tero, any problems with MG modeling currently in CM apply equally to all MGs in the game, not just German MGs.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Arrrggghhhh!!!! The Forum read my mind!!! I did a quote and the machine selected exactly the phrase I was looking for... In fact, most of the complains are from Allied players who can't stop SMG hordes with their HMGs
  20. La AFA decidió ayer que la Selección Argentina no va a la Copa América Is something related with the poor covert que las camisetas de fútbol dan against the AP bullets... De todas maneras, siguen las eliminatorias Hace unos días salió una encuesta hecha en Brasil, y si la Selección Brasileña no clasifica para el Mundial ( ), un 18% de brasileños van a apoyar a la Argentina BTW, BTS, will you simulate the good soccer skills on Brazilian troops in CM3? I think Brazilian soldiers must have a "dodging" special modifier, to represent the well documented ability of dodge anything, even bullets, they have in real life Uber-Brazilians for CM3 crusade!
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Canadian biatch: Canada is a country not a State.Its true that the americans doesnt know nothing about Canada.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> hehehehehehehehe
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Blenheim: Bueno, esto de la crisis es como una tradición Argentina, ¿no? Caramba. Ojalá Domingo Cavalo obre un milagro, porque sino ya sabéis que pais europeo se va a ir derechito tras Argentina hacia la crisis económica... Si, el pais que está jugando a los bolos con vuestra Aerolinea. Ops... realmente nuestro gobierno (soy español) está haciendo el salvaje... Por cierto, Saviola al Barça !!! (soy de Barcelona)... Brief translation to poor Yanks: sarcastic note on the Argentinian crisis, pointing that can hit Spain as well, insults to the Spanish goverment, and general happiness on an Argentinian soccer player that is coming to play in Barcelona. Thanks for you attention....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Bueno, podría darte una larga respuesta (sobre economía política, la responsabilidad del gobierno español, las relaciones bilaterales, etc, etc, etc)... Pero lo único que me joroba es que se hayan llevado a Saviola
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna: Let me just say that I love all this international discussion and find it most entertaining even though I understand almost none of it (even when Ariel uses English). ¿Gooney goo goo?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hehehehe... Finally someone with the guts to said that my English suck
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