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Everything posted by argie

  1. Because in the General Forum every tool can become a deadly weapon.</font>
  2. Because in the General Forum every tool can become a deadly weapon.
  3. The "ideal" of Russian Communist Party was a merithocracy, AFAIK. Something like a Communist MacDonalds Don't you remember all those old men buried in medals french kissing each other? You must be too young... Or too whacky? You were rewarded each time you make something good for the community, like increasing productivity, killing Nazis or somefink.
  4. Truer words have never been spoken. But the guy has 50 years of wargaming experience under his belt...</font>
  5. They don´t pay us. They have dismissed our own intents to put our filthy hands on the code. And we have some very capable people to make the campaign layer
  6. Right. But I don't think is the case in CM Is more related with the TacAI looking for the nearest cover when the unit is under fire. Usually, at close range firefights in low visibility, the nearest cover is from where they are firing to the unit :cool: The Sneak command makes the unit to stop and fight when under fire. When the unit stops, the TacAI takes full control over it.
  7. I can barely call "civilization" to our General Staff meetings. Its have some very "local" color, though
  8. I suppose Bin Laden must be Abdul Alhazred, then
  9. Epaminondas invented the "schwerpunkt". Let's do a grog thread on Epaminondas
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai: "Celtic Hordes"??? They were Carthaginian, though Hannibals army was made up of many nationalities. Canae is the perfect example of a battle of annihilation. No General in the peloponesion wars killed 50,000 soldier in one day. No general in World War2 killed 50,000 soldiers in one day. There is a reason why all General to this day study Hannibal and attempt to replicate his success.<hr></blockquote> The centre of the dispositive used for Hannibal in Cannae was made with Celtic and other mercenaries he added to his army through Spain and North Italy. His best troops, the Carthaginian heavy infantry, were the phalanxs at the flanks.
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Andreas: ... and his feat of taking his army across the Alps in Winter, IIRC, has yet to be repeated, AFAIK. Been a while, my memory gets hazy. I'd go along with the Mongols being the most efficient army in history.<hr></blockquote> The General San Martín crossed the Andes in winter, at an average altitude which doubles the Alpes pass, with an infraestructure not much better than the one the Romans constructed through the Alpes, and defeated an Army 4 times bigger in detail thanks to operational surprise (they know he was coming, but he make the cross with a two pronged force, which joins for the battle, and 4 phony forces along the frontier. He won a tactical advantage of 1.2/1 for the first battle, Chacabuco). The numbers considered were pretty low for European standards (5200 Patriots against 23000 Royalists). But, of course, nobody study wars with less than 100000 people involved
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai: Personal dispute? Try a disagreement, your realy showing your age. Since you seem socialaly retarded and unable to discuss a subject with someone who may not have the same view as you,i suggest you head on over to the IL2 Forum. Also i think i hear tanaka crying out for his warm milk, mabe you two should go to a forum about your favorite soap opera or soemthing.<hr></blockquote> How interesting... A disagreement... Calling other people "ignorant and immature" or "socialy retarded" (both things coming from a guy who can't properly use sentences and capitals) is a mature way to show "disagreement". I have yet to see you posting any fact. After that, maybe, and just maybe, something can be discussed, if you try really hard to learn how to talk to other people with respect.
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai: this has what to do with the t-34 argie? perhaps you should go to the IL2 forum and cry there.<hr></blockquote> This has to do with your ways, that obviously come from another place. If you want to make it related to T34s, then I would said that Gyrene's post wasn't in any way a valid rebuttal for anything Tanaka said, nor was intended that way. Look the above post, he even don't know from what the Armor of the Christie's tanks was done. In fact, he jumped to a conclussion only for looking a few pictures. The same pictures have a very different meaning to me, more related with aerodinamics than with the better armor resistance slopped armor has. If Gyrene has posted a paper (even from a Internet site, as a lot of very good sources are in the Net by now, like that Russian site) in which Christie stated that one of his goals was improving the armor with slopping, then that could have been a valid rebuttal to what Tanaka posted. So far, the only we know about Christie's thoughts on armor is that armor wasn't needed if the tank was fast enough. I find myself offended because you not only dismissed a valid source just for your own prejudices, something you are consistently doing all around the board, but also thanks to another people making a valid, but personal interpretation from some pictures, for supporting you when he wasn't, dragging him into a personal dispute between you and Tanaka. [ 12-30-2001: Message edited by: argie ] [ 12-30-2001: Message edited by: argie ]</p>
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai: imprecise? Thanks Gyrene, i did'nt feel like going out of my way to prove a point to someone who sounded so ignorant and immature.<hr></blockquote> A Iron Chief, you can't imagine how well the words "ignorant and immature" sounds when you uses them... Is like if the words come from the fount of their significance... [ 12-30-2001: Message edited by: argie ]</p>
  15. I can think in two things: 1 - I wouldn't purchased my G4 for replace my lousies PCs, which I did when the Full Demo come. 2 - I will have purchased my G4, and used it in a productive way, making a lot of money in the last two years... Umh... I have to think on it...
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai: What is wrong with what i typed in? I figured i'd get to the point instead of simply plagerizing books and random websites like so many seem to do here. Was what i stated incorrect or something? Also as a side not, i would not base fact on a website. Next time your going ot direct someone to a source of information, give them a list of some books to read. Anyone can make a website and put whatever they want in it, does'nt make it fact. So in turn, i would like to add a link here that would take you to your local book store or library, but you'd have to do that on your own. <hr></blockquote> You will be horrorized to know that the people involved in the making of that site is credible enough to be heard by Steve from BTS (who has degree in History and is specialized in East Front, BTW) with great respect when they come here from time to time to say something. And some people here is still waiting some good books references from you.
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Heibis: Political opinions are best reserved for the general forum, anyway... Jens<hr></blockquote> Yes... Yes... Send him to us, please... Ahhh! Fresh meat in the General Forum soooon... Mmmmhhh...
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai: here is a question about flags in general, in cmbb will the germans have their real flags from the period modeled? or will we have to have the world warI imperial german flags? i'm not big on nazis or anything, but if their flag is in a realistic game about world war 2 it would'nt offend me. the Soviets under Lenin and Stalin massacred more innocent people then the scum bag nazi leaders, will the hammer and sickle be replaced with the russian world warI flag as well?<hr></blockquote> The Swastika is banned in some cuntries, like Germany, which are a big wargames market. Also, as was pointed once and again, quantity doesn't matter when talking on attrocities.
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mannheim Tanker: Hey Argie! How does it feel to be fighting against the Communists for a change? <hr></blockquote> As ever. I born to kill godless commies like you, that had given the beautiful Red color a bad name. General Ricard Malvinas Advisor on Tortures and other not so fun Intel stuff.
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