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Everything posted by Quenaelin

  1. I was coastal artillery border watchman for 285 days. No training for arms, except basic training and training for fire directing. I was in the island for about 8 months, damn **** job.
  2. When you give follow command and if one vehicle is knocked out then other one is coming leader like in real life. And vehicles should be able to keep their spacing also. But maybe this kind of AI is too much to ask for, one minute is so short time that you can always change your direction easily.
  3. Follow would be good command to implement, it could be used with own units too. It is often hard to move road collumns when you don't know exactly how fast everybody is moving, if you could use follow command everything would be much easier.
  4. That was somekind of a miracle that Combat Mission was released. And lots of thanks to BTS for that. Muzzle Velocity was great game too, but it was more action game than wargame. I have always been interested in military history, medieval battles and WWII. I have tried to play those board games and two dimensional wargames but never got so interested from them as from CM.
  5. My typo, it meant to be HD access of course.
  6. I think this problem has something to do with DMA and MB chipset and drivers. I have seen this kind of stuttering with other games also. This could be somekind of DirectX related problem and so it could related to DX optimization, but I don't know exactly where, becouse I have so little experiences on DX programming (I am just guessing these things). If BTS could optimize code littlebit so all used textures could be located in memory (If it is possible with DX) so we could test if it is working better. Try to turn off swapfile, you don't need too much swap space since you got lot's of memory, this is only guessing, but good to try this also. My machine is working better after I bought PIII 650 not so stuttering as with Celeron 450 but still there is little bit HW access even when I have 192 MB of memory.
  7. I thought this was realistically simulated, and shell actually flies throuh the air or isn't it so?. Becouse obviously it is harder to hit target if it is carefully covered (in rightly posted hull down position) and not just partially hull down. But if shell trajectory isn't simulated allready, then I think this should be modified to CM2. This kind of hit propability stuff is getting my nerves. How can you calculate in the heat of action how much whichever target is covered and which is propability to hit it. It should only be estimated value of hit propability not the real value. And shell should be simulated when it is going through air and trees and any obstacles it passes, not these cheap calculation stuff on hit propability. That is my opinion. If something should be changed to CM next version, this simulation thing is one thing and better graphics is second.
  8. It is happening to me also, but I don't get so annoyed with it. I think it is becouse of VIA chip set, my both machines has VIA chipsets and same kind of little tackling happens in them all the time. Game doesn't scroll so smoothly thats it, but I don't get so bothered with it.
  9. I think this unlimited number of turns should be still an option and I am NOT suggesting that battle lenght increase should be mandatory. There could be check after 30 turns, if both players are willing to continue fighting. So everybody could play until last man standing or force opponent off the map if they like (if opponent is retreating) or just end the game. This last man standing subject is the one which BTS has allready taken to concern in some previous discussion. But I would like to add this unlimited number of turns to that also, so we could actually battle to the last man standing.
  10. A) claudy rainy night, its so dark that you cannot see about nothing. rain is just clearing out, or at sunset or dawn, where you can see things pretty much clearer. I like A better, becouse B is maybe just momentary wheather change. But that would be cool feature in CM if wheather could be changing during the game, so it is clear sky in first but it suddenly starts raining and sky is covered with clouds.
  11. This hull rotation thing was very offen requested feature, and now people are wandering is it good or bad. I don't understand that. I think it is best feature of all time. If you are moving your tank, turret allways rotates, but when stationary it is obvious that hull can be moved to help acquire targets and keep it to position of threat. If your tank doesn't know which threat is more dangerous, you have to decide that in next turn. It is scarefull situation when you have so many targets and you have to sviwel your turret side to side, so you mess your targeting and expose your side to enemy. I allways try to position my tanks so that I have my back covered and not so many targets from any side. My opinion is that this should be option for every tank you are controlling, so you could change rotate hull to acquire targets on or off.
  12. copy & paste works with PBEM files, since they are just plain text files. But it is more convenient to zip them.
  13. Lot's of thanks to BTS folks for doing their job with exceptional passion and commitment to customer feedback. This game is getting better all the time, and it is best wargame ever made.
  14. I don't think B-17 stinks, I have read few reviews that says it is light sim, but good. It has bugs, but I guess there will be patches, it was obvius they tried to push it to Christmas market. You should buy it if you like it (try demo first(if there is any yet)). There isn't so many these kind of bomber games at market. It hasn't got online play, but there is allready online flying games like Aces High and Warbirds, where you can fly bomber.
  15. I have seen this ass attack too, I was playing with my friend and he was attacking one of his jagdtiger with back first to the scattered woods. It was coming to the point blank range at my three squads, infantry was throwing granades(or dem.charges) like a mad and finally got that tank. Where this happened in your case, maybe this is somekind of simulated crush attack of tank when it is too close to the enemy and hasn't got time to rotate, or is it really bug (I don't beleave so).
  16. In WWII there were lots these kind of things to inhumanize enemies. Allies were calling Germans as Jerries as in the Tom and Jerry cartoon. And in war time there was Hitler's propaganda movies, where Judish people was showed as rats. Your site just reminds me those crueful propaganda movies human can create. Don't take this as offence, that was fact there were this kind of propaganda in WWII, if you don't allready know that. There were this good side also, maybe it was easier to kill people, when you were thinking them as a rats.
  17. If BTS is going to control these kind of "gamey" tactics, TacAI moral should be classified somehow, here is example: Moral gameplay (decent good old war) Immoral gameplay (killing prisoners and so on..) Mad/Insane gamepley (you can do suicide attack and everything you want) Then players could select which kind of war they want moral, immoral or insane: Player A: I want moral war. Player B: No, I want insane! This could be joke also or not
  18. This is leading nowhere my point was that tank crews should be left as they are in CM and definetly not disarming them. But VP calculation should also notice value of tank crews. And if tank crew is still alive in the end of the game, you could get more points becouse they managed stay alive, so these kind of "misused" tactics couldn't be usefull anymore.
  19. I don't mean so dramatic hit, just track hit or machine broke off, so you have to abandon tank and then you could be fighting again. I don't think experienced tank crews aren't very claustrophobic and I think german units in later war where used to get some hits in their tanks (becouse they had so thick, not easily pierced armor).
  20. It is maybe realistic to have few bazookas or panzerscreks in tank. Crews could be used as half -squad and TC is squad leader (if he is alive), so they could ambush some tanks. I think how scared and dazed tank crews are is strictly relative to their experience. And fanatic tank crews could be still fiercy fighters with anti-tank weapons or with any weapons, even when their tank is abandoned.
  21. Supply trucks, answer is supply trucks, in Muzzle Velocity there was supply trucks where to get additional ammunition and medical trucks to get first aid. So Battles could last about 1-2 hours or more, but that was in realtime. So if you want longer battles it could be good to implemented these too to CM. And of course this whole supply system could be simulated with factories, trasportations and logistics. Maybe I am just dreaming of these things, programming effort would be quite much, I realize that.
  22. I think this is not hard to implement, how about it BTS, unlimited number of turns should be somekind of option? Of course then there should be retreat option implemented too.
  23. Hyvää uutta vuotta vaan kaikille ja pitkiä ja "iloisia" Combat Mission sessioita kaikille. Terveisin Q Happy new year to everybody and long and "happy" Combat Mission sessions to all. Regards Q
  24. Hornet Korea, I am still playing it becouse it is so good Hornet simulation, not the best maybe. And of course Indepence War best space sim ever made, and these games have only Glide support. WWII Fighters has D3D and OPENGL support also but I prefer using Glide. If you haven't ever used Glide you don't know what you are missing, glad to you. In older games picture is little bit crispier when using Glide not so smooth and clean as in early D3D supports in DX5 and DX6, thats why I like it. And effects used to be better also, though nowadays it has changed.
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