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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. Wow, I did not know that. I got confused between Makarov and Tokarev. I am now fully wikipediad up and better informed.

    Hey, I have been near your home town. I loaded cargo on a ship in Helsinborg. I worked on ships for a decade, mostly cargoes out of and into the Baltic.

    I hate helsingborg..

    But that's just because I failed my drivers test there...

    Because I "didn't plan my driving well enough"...

    Had never been to the town before my drivers test, and they wanted me to plan my driving better?


    Sorry, got derailed a bit hehehe...

  2. I'm glad someone else pointed this out. Those Soviet goats are tough, or at least they're grenade proof.

    This is why in CMRT there are no dead goats, only horses and cows.

    Wasn't exactly a cowardly goat either... didn't run until that grenade blew up right under it... before that it was just strolling calmly through the artillery barrage.

  3. ^^ and recon.

    Never send a half squad anywhere a scout hasn't gone. Never send a squad anywhere a half squad hasn't gone. Never send a platoon anywhere a squad hasn't gone. Never send a vehicle anywhere infantry hasn't gone, and so on...


    Alwasy send recon ahead with as small a team as possible to minimise casualties (although, don't recon with just one guy, since if he dies, you still won't know where the enemy is :P ).

    Also, don't move entire formations at the same time. Have some cover while the others hunt forward and then switch.

    Slow and careful is the way to go.

  4. Heh, yeah. I certainly DO like his MG42 - best of the "ripping" sounds in any of the soundmods out there.

    oops, no offence, Oddball, lol ;)

    None taken.

    I am a firm believer of picking and choosing the best sounds you can find from whatever sound mods or sound sources you can to make your own soundmod.

    It's how I started modding sounds from the beginning (way back when Rainbow Six was new).

    I plan to go through waclaws mod sometime soon and cherrypicking any sounds I might like, but usually they are all too bass-heavy for my tastes so I haven't found much to my liking yet.

    But we do use mostly the same sources so that speaks volumes to how close we are in our tastes. I just like a little less rumble in my speakers and I tend to prioritise having distinct sounds for weapons over having heavier movie-type sounds.

  5. Well, I thought I'd ask in case he actually had gotten something wrong ( misnamed sound or some similar sort of bug ).

    I certainly don't know how these should sound in order to constructively criticise in any other way.

    Heh, well I have previously commented on that I feel his MP40 sounds like a heavy machinegun :P

    It's all a matter of personal taste of course, but considering how heavy his sounds usually are, I doubt it was a mistake :)

    On the other hand, if you happen to be standing right next to one, I'm sure it'd sound something like his 20mm sound.

    But then again, pretty much any weapon sounds damned-near deafening when standing next to it.

    But we are rarely that close with the camera in this game, so that's why I prefer my mod (I'm even starting to lean towards my lightweight mod that only uses the original game sounds)

    PS. here are a few examples of different 20mm weapons:


    For fun, here's a PTRD:

  6. Just tried this out and it is indeed, excellent.

    One query though - the 20mm sounds very "heavy".

    I ask out of ignorance, - I do not know what it should sound like - it just seemed deeper and "more" than some heavier guns ? ( 0 and 3 particularly ).

    I agree. I had a listen and it sounds more like something over 50mm at least. Maby even higher.

    Waclaws mods are well known for being a bit heavy on the "heavy" so to speak tho. I would suggest picking another sound that you feel fits better and using that instead (and maby switching that with the 20)

  7. Well, I just did a battle and my StuG III got destroyed by a direct impact from an 82mm mortar (or whatever the russian equivalent is).

    2nd impact of the game from a pre-planned barrage. BLAM! and the StuG was gone.

    Just like that.

    One thing I noticed tho is that there are no penetration decals for artillery :(

    Oh well, we can't have everything.

    Moral of the story is that even the lowly 82mm mortars can knock a panzer out. You just have to be lucky enoug to hit it :)

  8. I have a feeling that we are going to be spoiled with high-quality mods pretty fast :)

    After all, the russians have pretty much streamlined their vehicles (T-34, IS, ISU, SU in different calibers pretty much) so I have a hunch that they will be popping out quickly :)

    Of course, I could be wrong... I mean... it's bound to happen sometime, right? :D

  9. Damn, now I have to pick and choose between this and Oddball's mods! They're both excellent, so I guess I'm going to have to simply keep swapping them in and out..maybe once a week. It's such a burden to have a wealth of riches!:)

    Pick and mix man! Make your own personal sound mod!

    It's the only way to go :D

    I'm sure both me and waclaw would love to hear your own personal soundmods.

    Make a video and post it. I would love that :D

    You never know, we could easily go "hmm, I never thought of using that sound for that gun but it sounds perfect!" :D

  10. 1: Armor cover arc (it's in the combat commands. redish button bottom left)

    2: it means that the armour on the inside has come loos in flakes and is flying around a bit inside the tank (kind of like shrapnel, but it's the tanks own armour becoming the shrapnel)

    3: yes. Tanks generally have very weak armour on the top (so weak that airplanes with 12.7mm MG's can take out the tanks in many cases) so a direct hit will often take the tank out. Even with 81mm mortars (maby even 50mm depending on the tank)

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