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Everything posted by Moriarty

  1. Oh, the shame of it all. Shame it is. Abject, dismal, run-away-and-hide shame. Friends, zealots, Poolers old and new, I sound the call help heal the painful wounds from the arrows of shame that have recently been heaped upon one of our own, Goanna, who in a twofold fit of tactical misfortune and utter contempt shown to him by the AI scoring system, neither of which oft has been bestowed upon the Eldest of the Oz Kannigets and Kanniget-wannabes, has fallen in battle to the uberFrench Foreign Legion forces led by Moriarty, Knight of Hopeless Causes. (OK, so it was a minor vic, but a win's a win.) Axis: 127/42 WIA/KIA; 1 captured; 3 guns KO; 2 vehicles KO = 28 Allies: 125/38 WIA/KIA; 3 mortars destroyed = 45
  2. don't say I didn't warn ya. Seriously, though, thanks for the info Jon. [ June 18, 2002, 12:25 AM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  3. The variable-time fuse allows the shell to go off above the ground. It annoys the German infantry to death. The arty grogs can fill you in on the details, if you're interested, but that's the Reader's Digest version. [ June 17, 2002, 06:46 PM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  4. You're standing next to it, ya Git, close it yerself. And bolt it, too, if you please.
  5. Peng is noun, verb, adjective and adverb, depending on your usage. It also is a state of mind, a geographical region not limited by location and a bit of cookery thrown in. It is alien and human, good and bad, it is the height of achievement and the sum of all fears, it is pod, it is person. It detests emoticons and has reverence for the written word. And it's MrPeng to you, interloper.
  6. It can also ignite the house and kill the zook team and anyone else in it. (Yes, I speak from experience). Most susceptible are small, light buildings.
  7. I have checked my premises, Mr. Smirk. I checked them before I posted and I couldn't care less about the history between any two people on the board. That's their business, public or private, not mine. At it's most basic, it is still about communication. It is still whether you define a sniper as anyone who shoots from a hidden vantage point or whether you use the definition that involves specific skillsets, ratings, testing, etc. Personally, I think that Fionn's most salient point in the discussion involves avoiding the inevitable carping about "snipers" being modeled incorrectly if they were labeled as such in the game. Is it wrong, absolutely incorrect, to define a sniper as any jamoke with a gun popping off from a hidden place? No, not according to the common-language definition as set forth in Webster's New World College Dictionary, Fourth Edition. Is it the most correct definition? I think the discussion would show that it is not, with all due respect to those who have earned that particular rating. What is most appropriate to the game? That is probably the real issue at hand. IMO, the folks who made this game have hit upon the best and most historically accurate solution with "sharpshooter" -- a squad-level guy who's a pretty good shot with a pretty good gun, as Tarqulene noted in the above post. [ June 16, 2002, 05:29 PM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  8. Mustang, this is hardly a flame war ... it's more of a grog discussion. There are other forces at work here that have carried the discussion to new heights/depths. At its most basic level, it is quibbling between common language (Cawley), which has built-in fudge room, and the precise, very specific meaning (Priest, Fionn) of the terms. Added to it are long-standing differences of opinion in some cases that have nothing whatever to do with you. Both sides are correct relative to their positions. A sharpshooter does snipe and to Joe Sixpack is a sniper. But, a sniper nowadays carries with it a specific and very precise meaning, which was brought out by Fionn. To students of military history, organizations, etc., it is important to use the term in the confines of its specific and precise meaning.
  9. Sharpshooter, Sniper and Marksman all translate into the same German word: Scharfschuetze. Over here there exists no other word for it, so I´d say the German language implicitly agrees with you. (If I ask a German Officer: >What´s the difference between a Scharfschütze and a Scharfschütze?<, he might be tempted to ask me if I have seen my psychiatrist lately. )</font>
  10. I don't know that I would find insult in that, either. The only difference that I can see, even with my bad eyes, is that one is technically correct, thus appropriate for specific discussion where specific meaning is important for correct understanding, while the other is common usage, which is fine where such specific interpretation is not crucial to understanding.
  11. Every once in while I find the need to chime in with a stupid question. sharpshooter n a person who shoots with great accuracy; good marksman How would calling someone a sharpshooter be a slap at WWII veterans? I wish my eyes were good enough to be a sharpshooter.
  12. Fear not, fair Persephone, anytime the Bard needs an ego boost, he challenges me.
  13. Ahem, Lizard Boy-o, did not the Diety specifically say that this was a No-Excuses match? "Why, yes, I believe he did," is the correct answer. Perchance you should take your sniveling down the hall to a room where someone might possibly care even a jot, whit or iota. [ June 14, 2002, 12:39 AM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  14. Joe ol' buddy, I wouldn't wanna be you if Persephone gets a-hold of this one. The Devil hisself may come a-callin'
  15. au contraire, you dog. The e-mail you're now sporting is different from the previous one.
  16. That wouldn't have anything to do with numbering turns, now would it?
  17. Suck is such a harsh word... but in your case, it fits
  18. Greetings, Fionn Work me into the schedule whenever convenient. Ideally, I'd like to go twice: once on defense, once on attack. I suck at both. Learning mode, if you please.
  19. I think, Berli, that I might have mumbled something off-the-cuff about a 'Dirtbike Knight'. Oh, well, no harm done... Make it so.</font>
  20. I think, Berli, that I might have mumbled something off-the-cuff about a 'Dirtbike Knight'. Oh, well, no harm done... Make it so.</font>
  21. Sir Dalem congratulations on being elevated to a lowlife in camouflage. Sir Stuka good show. Now, if you can just get that skulking Sir Leeo to be a big enough thorn in Seanachai's side, he'll be elevated to something or other, too. Then, all of House Moriarty will be high or somefink. [ June 04, 2002, 12:28 AM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  22. Sir Dalem congratulations on being elevated to a lowlife in camouflage. Sir Stuka good show. Now, if you can just get that skulking Sir Leeo to be a big enough thorn in Seanachai's side, he'll be elevated to something or other, too. Then, all of House Moriarty will be high or somefink. [ June 04, 2002, 12:28 AM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]
  23. You could also play MEs without VLs. I would hope that the caliber of player you're talking about here would stick to the spirit of the game and search each other out. It also would be apparent if one player was sandbagging to avoid taking losses and a suitable penalty could be assessed.
  24. Joe Shaw, you have achieved new depths of poltroonery, ya libelous, sodding git. I only have two in my Kaniggetly lineage and they are Stuka and Leeo, the latter by the fact of his indentured servitude to my former vassal. Both are now kannigets who are much more adept at this game than I, as both have followed to the letter my only instruction – Go Forth and Kill, Maim and Destroy – whilst I still fumble about with the "Go Forth" part and rarely get to the good stuff ... unless it's against that haggis-eatin', Span'l-flayin Spaniard OGSF.
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