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Stalins Organ

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Posts posted by Stalins Organ

  1. Yeah, well I did suggest that how we spell doesn't matter....so perhaps I'm guilty of a bit of hyperbole.....my gripe is actually that spelling is too complicated - 9 or 10 ways of pronouncing "-ough" is just not helpful so why not spell each phonetically and remove the problem?

    I advocate set spelling - but simplified. Enuf is enuf, but enough is too much.

    Coincidentially this got published in today's paper....

  2. Are you sure you understand what he meant to say?

    Dunno who you were talking to, but I did despite the incorrect word being used....I chose to reply to the actual on the basis that stirring up the bottom dwelling muck was a reasonable metaphor.

    Sorry if I overtaxed your comprehension.

    I make mistakes, but regret and correct them.

    Organ makes mistakes, yet tries to make it your fault and problem.

    That's the difference.

    I thought the difference was I don't make up stories about what your attitudes are.

    I claim that current English spelling is often arbitrary, complicated, confusing and a factor in literacy problems, and that we would all be better off if it were simplified.

    But I guess that's a leap of logic too far for many.

    It's amazing how it's such an untouchable institution.

  3. If they simply said "Alice threw the looking glass" (i.e., with the sort of straightforward cadence and emphasis implied by the lack of distinguishing punctuation) I would think, "Why did she do that?"

    If they said what sounded like "Alice, threw the looking glass" (in this rendition the comma indicates a momentary pause, which would imply a separation between the subject, Alice, and that which phonetically could be a verb or a preposition), I would think they were speaking of the character Alice and the literary work said character was featured in.


    context is everything. Punctuation is very useful for context and in the written word is seks to convey those cadences and emphasis (emphases??) that the spoken word conveys - I have no problem with punctuation.

    It's only the idea that "correct" spelling is untouchable/set in stone/important that I take issue with - English is about the only modern language where spelling is actually a problem.

    Ghoti & chips anyone?

  4. Also, real examples happen all the time and, again, the way to resolve ambiguity isn't by adding more ambiguity - it's by mocking the lackwits who think that is the solution.

    I'm glad we obviously agree that the way to solve ambiguity isn't arbitrary spelling restrictions.

  5. Misunderstandings are part oflife - they occur with perfect spelling and bad spelling, and with no spelling at all (spoken). They are a function of humanity, not of spelling.

    If you were told Alice threw the looking glass how would you know if it was destruction of property or literary masterpiece?

    again - context - simply writing the sentence provides none, and it is only becuse there is no context that there is potential for ambiguity.

  6. And yet everyone actually understood all the "silly" spelling examples written down.......they're not evidence of how necessary spellign is - they're evidence of how it is not necessary at all!

    We take meaning of spoken words from context - we do NOT always have the opportunity to query the meaning (eg film & television), and with all those "silly" spelling examples we took the meaning from the context without any great bother too.

    and in these parts "rays" is not pronounced the same as "race"! :)

  7. It's not a New Zealand design - ships of this class are in service with the Mauritanean coast Guard & Irish navy sine the mid 90's.

    AFAIK the modifications for light ice resistance (0.4m of broken early season ice!) are not a problem.

    the delivery problem is not the ships themselves (a opposed to the weight problem which is the ships), but something to do with the sea boats they carry - 2 were deployed on HMNZS Canterbury & 1 was destroyed & the other damaged by high seas.

    then a seaman was killed when a boat overturned during deployment.

    AFAIK the argument is whether these problems are intrinsic to the design or a fault of the builder - ie who has to pay for them.

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