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Stalins Organ

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Posts posted by Stalins Organ

  1. so what?

    that's like saying the 787 isn't complex because the Space Station is an order of magnitude more complex.

    We get blase about such things because all we have to do is turn up & expect to have safe, fast & cheap air travel - without having to think about the massive amount of work that goes into every airliner, regardless of size.

    Building large passenger aircraft (and 100 seaters _are_ large passenger aircraft!) is a horrendously complex business, especially for a country that has never done it before.

    Sure they get partnerships with Boeing or (formerly) Lockheed, or whoever - but that's not hubris - that is necessity, and also commercially driven on the part of hte partners, and technology transfer is tightly controlled and paid for.

  2. It's a bit of a rose-tinted comparison with the 747 development - it kind of neglects to mention that not only did Boeing bet the whole shop on the 747 but they bloody nearly lost it too - the first aircraft were months late into service, engine and flight characteristic problems had to be fixed, bankers had to roll over on loans, etc.

    there's not really a lot of difference now regardless of how people feel about it - ambitious aircraft design has always been like that, and Boeing have done well to get through it - unlike, say, the whole British large aircraft industry from the Brabazon onwards......

  3. 500 years ago New Zealand was hit by a fairly big wave & it's interesting to see how much it affected a stone age society without quite managing to wipe it out.

    In hte present day we can see that the quality of crafted items fell, presumably due to death of many skilled workers, and family-trees (whakapapa) often now only go back 15 generations or so again persumably because the holders of the oral history were killed.

  4. A demographic study of Islam has just been released - only 20% of moslems live in the Mid-East & Nth Africa, the 4 highest populations are all in Asia and one of them, India, is not a moslem-majority, 2/3rds of moslems live in Asia, russia has more moslems than Libya and Jordan combined, China has more than Syria, etc.

    If there's power plays going on inside Islam (and I don't doubt it) it's going to be an interesting time to live!

  5. Tell that to al Zarqawi (AQ #3) who was in Iraq, long before OIF ever started. Fleeing Stan to Iraq. And in pre-OIF Iraq, outsiders were not there, who Saddam did not want there or allow there. Saddam new very well who Zarqawi was and his afflication to Zawahiri / AQ.
    Yeah - he knew he had none. His little terrorist mob was aimed at overthrowing the Govt of Jordan & he continually refused o have anything to do with AQ or the Taliban until he figured they might be "serious" AFTER 9/11....and he went from Iraq TO Afghanistan to fight - he had no plans to do so earlier, he didn't formally join AQ until 2004...so much for your precious pre-9/11 AQ cell in Iraq - pure fantasy - like the rest of Bush's bull....

    fail, fail, fail...and how many dead Americans because of it?

    No-one begrudged the US attacking AQ and the Taliban - but the Iraq was nothing to do with any WoT and no amount of post-hoc irrationality is ever going ot change that - it was pure stupidity - lethal, warmongering, war-criminal stupidity, and that's how it's going to be remembered for a long long time!

  6. It is foolish to think that simply because Saddam didn't directly support the attacks on 9-11 ...that therefore, Iraq isn't / couldn't be part of the WOT. The WOT was not simply a war on AQ. Reality is Saddam was a brutal dictator, who had started two wars, was a State sponsor of terrorism, had used WMDs in the past and was an incredibly unstable wild card in the heart of the ME. After 9-11 no reasonable person could allow that man to stay in power.


    do people still actually believe this??

    SH had nothing to do with 9/11, wanted nothing to do with AQ, had no designs on the USA other than getting them off his back while still looking "strong" in the ME for purely local/ME political reaons, and was no more a warmonger than a few other dictators/states we can probably all think of.

    He was entirely predictable to anyone not blinkered by the sort of stupidity echoed in the quote above! :(

    Afghanistan, OTOH, harboured and supported AQ who launched 9/11 - they US had so much sympathy from around the world after 9/11 that IRAN offered to help the USA in Iraq (and to stop supporting Hezbollah & Hamas at the same time!!) - an offer brusquely turned down with "We don't talk to evil" - an example of GWB's "leadership" that has cost thousands of US and otehr lives for no good purpose.

    That people can continue to believe the gist of that quote is just astounding and bodes poorly for the future - those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it and all that!

  7. Amazing how people are amazed by the photo quality from WW2 - do ppl think they are still taking shots with chemical flashes by uncapping the lens then??!! :/

    As an aside, the rear gun of the Fw has an interesting mount - it is offset in the glassed tail-cone, so to get different angles of fire the whole tail-cone rotates - eg in this photo from wiki you can see it in a different position

  8. That would be SOME Govt emplyees...in some parts of the world, at some times.....

    In htese parts we have NO Govt retirement schemes any more - or at least none that are specific to the Govt outside the armed forces....which are contributory of course......the last disappeared decades ago although a few ppl held onto them because they were seriously good.

    The whole of the New Zealand civil Service has just been told to expect a 5 year pay freeze....

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