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Stalins Organ

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Posts posted by Stalins Organ

  1. As in 3 litre containers of "ready to drink" labelled "Fruit Juice" - often with an "apple base", and various brands & flavours.

    Over here Fruit Juice" means it has to be 100% fruit juice - although it can be "reconstituted" from "concentrate" that is usually imported.

    There are also "fruit drinks" which have to have at least 5% content of fruit juice (I think) but are otherwise sugar, water & flavourings, and "cordial" is generally something that lacks any actual fruit content at all and can come ready to drink, concentrated or dried.

    So I was being virtuous and drinking only the fruit juice.

    But it's usually 10-15% sugar by weight (grams per 100ml serve on the labels), so a 300 ml glass can have 30-45 grams of sugar - 1-1.5 oz's, or 6-9 teaspoons. Have 2-3 of those a day and your sugar intake skyrockets!

  2. Hansen may well be right about the source of the Marine's confusion.

    which still begs the point of what to do about it.

    the idea that the war in Iraq is "won" and a stable democracy is installed is laughable. Anyone who is peddling such ideas is either stupid or thinks that their audience is.........and if their audience is the American population then from Hansen's statement above they may be right! :(

  3. While it seems superficially attractive suchregimes have always ended up making hte US look pretty bad - Chile, Nicaragua, Cuba, etc.....and I'm pretty sure the long term effects need to be looked at alongside teh potential short term gains - for example it would make hte US the supporters of the warlords, adn a target for the inevitable religous extremist opposition - and we all know where that leds to! :(

    No - while Afghanistan might not be as closely related to the War on Terror as it once obviously was, the connection there is still clear - Taliban support AQ, AQ are still determined to attack the USA and their leaders have not been bought to justice.

    Such a simple connection should be easy for the spin-meisters to pump up IMO.

  4. Good grief - talk about getting it the wrong way around:

    "The Iraq war was different from this war," a US marine in Afghanistan's Helmand province told a BBC reporter recently.

    o.gif "That was definitely a war on terrorism. Here I don't know. No-one even mentions 9/11 any more. That's why I went to Iraq."

    how screwed up is that? Has the US forgotten who actually launched 9/11, and where they were based??:confused:

    (from a BBC article)

    Is a bit of a history refresher needed for the troops on the ground?

  5. ?? I've never heard that as a reason for the war - certainly the Iranians thought Iraqi's Shi'a were repressed and should rise up (aloong with al the otehr Shi'a in the region of course....).....but I haven't ever seen any actual revolt given as a cause for the war.

    Saddam expected Iranian Sunni's to join him too of course, and we all know how successful that idea was....

    but what happened when Iranians did start defeating hte Iraqi army, and occupy Iraqi territory? The Iraqi resolve actually stiffened, foreign aid poured in, and we all know the history.

  6. Bulgaria didn't get any German hulls until mid-late 1944. While it's possible they were handed clapped out B and C models, I think it's extremely unlikely.

    I'm sure the4 ones actually sold to them were just fine, but I'd guess the Heer left behind bits of junk like every retreating army in history has, and/or they had some captured examples transfered from Soviet service.

    Here's some more pictures including a couple of this variant - 1 is as already noted in this thread, but there's another in a field that seems to be a different locatino, and the 1 by het 2 Stugs is open topped so apepars to be a 3rd vehicle?

  7. the points posted above are seelctive quoting of hte article & give an entirely false imrpesion of what hte Colonel was saying IMO.

    Here's something else from it:

    Yet despite all their grievous shortcomings noted above, ISF military capability is sufficient to handle the current level of threats from Sunni and Shiite violent groups. Our combat forces’ presence here on the streets and in the rural areas adds only marginally to their capability while exposing us to attacks to which we cannot effectively respond.

    Give a different picture to that painted above IMO.

    His point is neatly encapsulated by that paragraph - for all the shortcomings and limitations of the GOI & ISF, US presence there is no longer useful - it doesn't actually help any more.

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