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Stalins Organ

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Posts posted by Stalins Organ

  1. exactly. ooh, it's satisfying to the only beef i have with any of the above is the part about German and Soviet prewar industrial capacities being equal. if we are talking about tank production, the capacities were quite unequal.

    Soviets had the system ready already before the war. i discussed this with Stalin's Organist in here perhaps a year ago and i refuted every single Soviet tank factory he listed as new.

    not quite how I recall it - you considered factories converted from other sources as "not new factories" - I considered them as "new to tank production" - a difference we never bothered to resolve 'cos it didn't matter then (or now).

    they did lose some factories but all the new factories were basicly just old factories they transported to Urals. many of those factories were up and running in just weeks after arrival.

    they lost exactly 2 factories IIRC - Stalingrad and Kharkov - a list of soviet tank production by factorey & location is at http://rkkaww2.armchairgeneral.com/weapons/afv_production.htm

  2. Keen I understand in that context....but as an adjective not a noun - one can be keen on something (or someone), someone else can be keener than you, while a 3rd person might be the keenest of the lot.....

    From an online dic -

    –adjective, -er, -est.

    1.finely sharpened, as an edge; so shaped as to cut or pierce substances readily: a keen razor.

    2.sharp, piercing, or biting: a keen wind; keen satire.

    3.characterized by strength and distinctness of perception; extremely sensitive or responsive: keen eyes; keen ears.

    4.having or showing great mental penetration or acumen: keen reasoning; a keen mind.

    5.animated by or showing strong feeling or desire: keen competition.

    6.intense, as feeling or desire: keen ambition; keen jealousy.

    7.eager; interested; enthusiastic (often fol. by about, on, etc., or an infinitive): She is really keen on going swimming.

    8.Slang. great; wonderful; marvelous.

  3. Dear Wil,

    We've just had a Finnish lady start work here today. She's young, tall, blond, slim with big...assets......very tasty :)

    I haven't seen any pine cones or toothpicks around tho - but she does have a hand bag.

    Should I leave my tiger tank at home tomorrow?

    she's only here on a 6 month visa - will it be safe to drive my tank to work again after she has gone, or is there some residual danger from over excited shrubbery?



  4. Pre-emption always strike me (sorry) as being a poor excuse for a "peaceful" country to start a war.

    It might make good military sense, but it marks the country as the agressor, and here in "the west" we're supposedly not aggressive........and when "we" are agressive it alwsys comes back to bite us :(

    there are already a few thousand nukes out there in the hands of "hostile" nations and no effort has been made to physicially pre-empt them - why should it be different for Iran?

  5. Are these the irrigation systems that fell into disrepair when the Mongols killed an awful lot of people throughout the region?

    supposedly the early Mongol rulers/generals saw no use for peasant farmers as they were not part of a nomad economy, so happily removed them for anything they thought they needed labour for, or killed them in vast numbers for resistance to the conquest, etc.

    As a result manpower levels apparently dropped to such a degree that underground water channels could nto be maintained, and large areas lost fertility & became deserts - Persia, Afghanistan & Iraq are normally the areas mentioned in conjunction with this IIRC.

    Later Mongol rulers in the area had a better appreciation for settled agriculture - but it was too late for many areas by then.

  6. When the US fighter jets are gone from Iraq, there's a pretty good chance of a war starting right up.

    What - between Israel and Iraq? OR Israel and Iran? Or between Iran and Iraq?? Between DR Congo rebels and Rwandan Govt?

    I don't see Iran trying anything on in Iraq - they won't want the US to have any obvious reason for coming back in force.

    I don't see anyone in the mid-east planning a war of conquest against Israel - or at least not any more so than in hte last 10-15 years.

    Isael has nukes - its neighbours know this and undoubtably believe Israel would use them - that would see the end of a few hundred million Moslems in Teheran, Damascus, Cairo, Rhyadh, etc!

    No doubt they would be accorded martyr status by the living (the ol' vigin production line would be working overtime in heaven that day!! :/) but Mecca and Medina would probably become glass craters too, and that plus the relief efforts from the Christian west would probably see the end of Islam in its current form.

    Of course we all assume Israel would be destroyed - more certainly if the invading forces do have nukes.

    In the case of such a catastrophe IMO there's nothing to be happy about unless you're an Islamic extremeist for whom the number of martyrs isirrelevant and perhaps the more the better! :o

  7. You'd be thinking of this:

    The ability to destroy a Tiger I from other than the front is described in a wartime report from the 7th Armored Division while in Belgium in December of 1944:

    While northern and eastern flanks had been heavily engaged, the northeastern section had been rather quiet. The only excitement there had been was when an M8 armored car from "E" Troop destroyed a Tiger tank. The armored car had been in a concealed position at right angles to run along a trail in front of the MLR. As the tank passed the armored car, the M8 slipped out of position and started up the trail behind the Tiger, accelerating in an attempt to close. At the same moment the German tank commander saw the M8, and started traversing his gun to bear on the armored car. It was a race between the Americans who were attempting to close so that their puny 37-mm would be effective in the Tiger’s "Achilles heel" (its thin rear armor), and the Germans who were desperately striving to bring their "88" to bear … Suddenly, the M8 had closed to 25 yards, and quickly pumped in 3 rounds… the lumbering Tiger stopped, shuddered; there was a muffled explosion, followed by flames which bellowed out of the turret and engine ports, after which the armored car returned to its position.

    Found here - the heading says a Tiger 1 - but the report is non-specific - were there any Tiger 1's in use in Western Europe at the time?

    Or perhaps this one from the same site:

    If an M8 can knock out a Tiger, what chance could a Tiger II have against an M5 (UK Stuart VI)?

    This is one atypical encounter:

    Dennis Riva, a fellow tank buff, remembers the wartime story of an M5A1 light tank veteran, whose vehicle came across a Tiger II tank traveling in a ravine between two small hills. The light tank was quickly moved onto the rise paralledl and above the Tiger. The crew of the light tank then fired four to five rounds of 37mm ammo into the Tiger’s thin upper rear engine deck. As the smoke started to pour out of the Tiger’s engine the German crew took flight.

  8. It's unfair to blame the bureuacrats for this - the population only wants such things if it's not gonig to affect them, and despite tragedies like this the vast majority of the population are not prepared to be inconvenienced.

    A building standard for constructoin in bushfire-prone areas had been under development for 22 years and a 3rd edition was being prepared when this article was published in 2005.

    This Issues brief from 2002 discusses fuel reduction.

    Similarly Australia revoked regulations that allowed authorities to force people to evacuate some time ago - Aussies now have the choice of "staying to fight" fires......this article from Adelaide today has a Fire commisioner still ruling out compulsory evacuation.

    what has happened in Australia then to cause this disaster?

    the same article gives part of the answer I think -

    What has occurred since Ash Wednesday* is the number of people and the number of houses located in these high-risk areas has dramatically increased....

    .....{analysis of the current disaster}.. may lead to a review of our guidelines for living and building houses in bushfire-prone areas. It may lead to a review of whether we should be subdividing and settling people in these areas."

    (* - the Ash Wednesday fires were in 1983 & caused about 50 deaths & destroyed over 2000 homes)

    Basically Aussies like "going bush", the "suburbs" are spreading out around the big cities, and they're living in areas where fires previously would not have harmed them.

  9. Many years ago when I wargamed WW2 in figures I was under the impression thath e 75mm also had smoke ammo that was not avaialble to, or less efficient from the 76, and that 75's would often have smoke "up the spout" - can't give any sources - just an old memory I have clung onto for a couple of decades...

    the 76 had roughly 20-30mm better penetration than the 75 when using "normal" AP ammo - double with HVAP - see here

  10. Except of course the pollutants from "just burning the rubbish" are not all the equation - there's also the pollutants from producing a new article to replace or supercede the one burned.

    In some cases it MIGHT be that "burn+make a new one" produces less pollutants than recylcling - but it also MIGHT be that recycling to recover raw materials produces less.

    Case by case.....

  11. the single largest Muslim ethnicity in Russia - the Tartars - are by the standards of most of Islam not even believers. Mohammed named it as a no-no, and the Tartars do it: They eat pork, their women dress immodestly, no one attends the mosque, the official holy/rest day if there is one is on Sunday not Friday, school and law is secular, the Tartar language is dying if not dead already, and so on. Speaking generally, Russia's Tartar community could care less about the Kremlin stomping all over Muslim rights, what makes the Tartars mad is mostly Russian oligarch monopolizing Tartarstan's oil and gas reserves.

    So they're prime territory to be bought back into the fold - there's nothing so devoted as the reformed sinner....

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