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Stalins Organ

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Posts posted by Stalins Organ

  1. the law was only changed quite recently here in Australia: in the late nineties I think. It was a deliberate sell-off of the populace into debt slavery that went mostly un-noticed by the press.

    It's been the case here in New Zealand since time immemorial even for loans from Govt agencies such as my parents got in the early 60's - you contract for the loan and you are liable for the entire amount.

    It's no more debt slavery than any other hire-purchase contract with the same arrrangement is - and it makes a great deal more sense.

  2. Yes it's happened a lot - and some of those changes have had massive impacts on local or global human populations - mini-ice ages turning Europe into a dark hole, wet and warming weather wiping out the Aztecs (the most popular theory is now that they were wiped out by an endemic disease that raged out of control due weather changes completely coincidentally with the arrival of the Spanish - Europe is off the hook for that one!).......hands up all those who want any of those kinds of scenarios to happen again in the forseeable future?

  3. Another post from my source - does anyone else have access to JDW & can confirm this?

    JDW has an article detailing a Hamas internal report on their failure in Gaza. There is an acrimonious split between two groups of commanders, one blaming the other for prematurely ending the ceasefire before preparations for war were complete, and for planning that left an undefended corridor at Tel al Halwa that enabled the Israelis to cut off the coastal defenders from their supplies and missile reserves. The military wing as a whole blames the political wing for refusing a pre-war urgent request for satelite phones, which led to the leadership being entirely cut-off from the fighting. The politicians blame the military wing because they relied heavily on IED that were largely ineffective against Israeli AFV because of uparmouring and poor quality. Both sides blame Fatah activists in Gaza for helping Israel with intelligence both before and during the fighting. They admit more than 1,300 military losses, including 50 top explosives experts and the Interior Minister.

    The Israelis say Iran is already trying to rearm Hamas. The Iranians expected Israel to occupy the whole Gaza strip and wipe out Hamas, and were relieved when they did not. They are now blaming Hamas for their ineffectual defence.

    The Israelis expected to be facing ATGM, but only one (of unspecified type) was encountered. There were several attacks with tandem-warhead RPG-29, one of which knocked-out a D9 armoured bulldozer. All the Merkerva 2,3 and 4 used had been fitted with extra belly-armour, but several were penetrated by massive belly mines, which because of the front engined layout did not cause crew deaths. Tsefa mine-clearing rocket line charges were used in alley-ways to destroy IED. Hamas is estimated to have started with 3,000 rockets, fired 600, and had another 1,200 destroyed in airstrikes and ground fighting. Most were 20km range home-made Qassam or 43km range Chinese-made Grad. The Grad had to be broken down into 4 sections to get them through the smuggling tunnels, which the Israelis think explains why none of the longer range Iranian Fajr rockets were available.

    The UN film of white phosphorus rockets shows airburst US 155mm cargo rounds which disperse multiple phosphorus-impregnated felt wads that start burning in mid air for a quick smoke screen. It is possible that a blind round hit the UN compound, or that it was hit by the cargo round body and a few wedges. We will see. {we've already seen that of course - I've posted him the photo! - SO}

    Interesting how many MPs have been asking questions about British-supplied weapons being used by the Israelis and getting unnecessarily foggy anwers. As far as I know, the Israelis do not have any British kit. However, we do buy drones from them, and I suspect the government did not want to attrack attention to this...

  4. I'm hearing that the Israelis did not indiscriminately drop 1000 and 2000 lb bombs, but that they used pretty large numbers of PGM's, including the new US Small Diameter Bomb, which has a 250 lb warhead for minimized damage.

    Here's one take on it:


    I presume you're responding to Flanker's response to my info - he seemed to assume that they were used indiscriminately.

    But the quote I provided said no such thing - it says their guided bombs were able to be 1000 or 2000lb because they were not too worried by collateral damage.

    It doesn't anything about how many they used, or what their other useage criteria were.

  5. More from the same source:

    IDF sources report that Hamas used cruder devices than Hezbollah, but made up for it in sheer quantity of explosives. They describe an "unimaginable" quantity of HE backed into drums or formed into shaped charges and planted into virtually every building in the Gaza strip as booby-traps set to detonate against tanks, light vehicles or infantry platoons. Many such buildings were identified because the inhabitants including women and children had climbed on to the roof. They were dealt with by a "door knocking" technique. The occupants were phoned and told to evacuate. If this produced no result, a small missile was fired into a wall corner, then after the people had left, a guided bomb dropped into the middle of the roof.

    6 armoured brigade teams were used, each of mixed armour, inf, engineers and intelligence sources. Each team was allocated a squadron of attack helicopters and UAV, and each Bn had a 120mm mortar team, Spike missiles and a new building-busting tank round.

    About half the 2,400 IAF attacks were on groups emplacing, firing or transporting rockets, with a sighting to shooting cycle of 90 seconds.

    Battle drawings captured in one neighbourhood depicted the area defence plan, showing locations of IED and mines along every alley and in every tunnel. 2 years intelligence gathering had located hundreds of tunnels 8-16 metres deep connecting buildings in every neighbourhood. These were mainly intended for sniper infiltration.

    Much of the building destruction was from big secondary explosions.

    One big "unexploded" bob shown on TV lying horizontally on the floor of a house lacking tail and guidance seemed to be concrete-filled and had obviously been brought from elsewhere.

    My experience of IDF information is that it rarely lies but is very selective about what it leaves out.

  6. Saw this line in a local opinion piece & thought it worth sharing with the world:

    Bush did once say that the only job he ever coveted was baseball commissioner. If he could do for America's national game what he's done for America's international reputation it wouldn't be long before the new Yankee Stadium was hosting a cricket test.

    The writer was commenting on the occupations of past presidents -

    I can't see him popping up as a special envoy to the Middle East any time soon, or heading some altruistic foundation based on the goodwill his name engenders around the world.

    however elsewhere I read an article about a success of the Bush adminstration - that being the fight against AIDS in Africa and aid in general to that continent (if not the specific problems that beset it)......so maybe he'll mellow out and find a role there......he's got plenty of time I think!

  7. Always a believer that Archimedes was a smart cookie and to have been made up it was an unlikely tale:


    who do you prefer to believe.

    mythbusters - for starters this experiment used high grade modern glass mirrors that Archimedes didn't have.

    BTW if I were trying to set alight a galley I might choose to aim at the cordage or stowed sails for a quicker result. Also the upper part of a galley I would very likely have light wood shielding the rowers from arrows. Not 1" thick for sure.

    1" thick IS thin on a ship!!

    and galleys going into battle leave their sails and masts behind as they are too vulnerable and make the ships top heavy.

    Funnily enough if Mythbusters had done any research this may have been useful to them


    mythbusters had a huge number of high-polish bronze miirrors, all carefully aimed and on fixed mounts so their aim did not change, the target did not move, and the target area focused on was quite small - only a foot or 2 across IIRC.

    And it failed to catch fire in any reasonable time.

    It is difficult to see how the unsuported assertions from some of the sites at this link can be held up as "evidence" of anything contrary.

  8. not that I recall - yuo may be thinking of Archimedes and his various machines during hte Roman seige of syracuse in the 2nd Punic War (the seigeg was 214-212BC)- one of his machines was supposedly mirrors reflecting sunlight but the ol' Mythbusters put that one to rest when a massive bank of highly polished bronze mirrors only just managed to get a bit of smoke from a wooden hull under ideal conditions.

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