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Stalins Organ

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Posts posted by Stalins Organ

  1. "million to one chances happen nine times out of ten"

    paraphrase Douglas Adams or sumone similar

    Terry Pratchett, discworld series - I forget which book - I think it might be the one where the librarian becomes an Orang Utan....oook!

    from some wiki or other:

    Traditionally, one has to say "it's a million-to-one chance, but it might just work!" to invoke this rule. It also has to be exactly a million to one - none of this fiddly "995,351 to 1" business, or whatever other number you might end up with. So while the list of things that people have accomplished with million to one chances is quite impressive, the list of things they have failed to accomplish with odds a few percentage points off in either direction is probably a lot longer and involves a lot more fatalities.
  2. The very first game I ever bought back in 1983 or 84, was "Knights of the Desert" by SSI - & it was pathetic even then! I'd been playing an older Nth Africa game on a friends Apple II with the 40x40 block graphics that was better! :(

    Recently - "Commander: Europe at war" sucked as a simulation.

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