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Stalins Organ

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Posts posted by Stalins Organ

  1. There's actually 3 of them - 1 in white, 2 in camo...Nazi nuclear bombers I think - Ju-490's?

    Or maybe Herc's with outboard wing tanks...hard to say....

    Looks like some interesting a/c around that apron - 8 0r 9 C47's, a Beech 18 between 2 of them, a F-80 or T33?, F-100? A few Harvards (T-6 Texans to our Yankee friends), an A-37, F-86 perhaps next to it, Orion/Electra?

  2. Here's an Axis Forum thread dealing with German atomic bomb delivery aircraft. The discussion of the modified He-177 (includes pics) and Alsos raids on its Cheb, Czechoslovakia facility before the Russians arrived is highly pertinent to what we're discussing.


    And if you bother to read it you will see that the conclusion is that he modified 177 was testing the bomb bay size that the Ju-287 would have, and that the Nazi atom bomb was a dirty bomb, if it existed at all.


    1/ not designed to carry an atomic bomb

    2/ no atomic bomb in the first place

    3/ with all due respect to the ppl posting, not a "source" at all!

    Oh and the Brits did not find an airfield in Norway full of atomic bombers.

  3. 1zbxcv7.jpg

    - painted in German colours this Piaggio 108A sports a 4" gun firing out the nose (it's the little thing poking slightly down from the a/c) - the Italians were awake to the need to intercept UFO's, and figuring that UFO's might be fast but without control surfaces they would be fairly unmanouvreable, they thought a 4-engined bomber would suffice.

    Of course we now know that the UFO's were actually very manouvreable and the Italians just got it wrong.

    More drawings:


  4. Reich of the black sun is just a joke.

    The leaps of faith would get a 10 in the Olypmics if it was a floor event for sheer audacity, and the illogic is breathtaking in its cupidity.

    As an example (I'm not going to look it up again - shouldn't be too hard to find to book's text is online) there's a bit on the test on Rugen where the author says that the "time frame" of the test and Hitler finally acceeding to research on Nuclear weapons means that the test "could only be a nuclear weapon" or some similar words to the same effect.

    and what I've just written is pretty much the sum of the evidence - a couple of bits of info and hey presto a nuclear bomb is invented. Bet the allies were pissed at paying so much for their one when they found out how easy it could be!

    It would be a joke if it weren't serious ...oh hang on......yeah - it IS a joke!

  5. What part of it did you have trouble with? Sometimes there's nothing deeper in a statement that what it actually says!

    there's plenty of "them vs us" in the world - generalisations galore about all sorts of groups of people.....and IMO slagging the USMC is pretty much on a par with the rest of them - almost everyone is happy to do it to somone else and upset when it gets done to them

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