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Stalins Organ

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Posts posted by Stalins Organ

  1. As an aside the following is from a wargame rule writer of some note who is currently designing a set of low-scale rules for modern warfare (which I shall refrain from mentioning so as to not breach the forum rules....)

    Now that a few facts are emerging (from unofficial IDF and West Bank sources) it looks like this time the Israelis got quite a lot more right than last time.

    1) They achieved surprise by attacking 3 days earlier than expected, with simultaneous pre-dawn air strikes on the homes of Hammas leaders and Hammas installations before they could be evacuated.

    2) They kept all the reporters and cameramen back on the border and have published nothing of their troop movements. Combined with the air strikes on Hammas command, this left the surviving Hammas leadership completely in the dark about what is going on.

    3) Instead of sending untrained reservists straight into action (as in Lebanon), they gave them a week's intensive FIBUA training before committing them.

    4) Despite the demonstrations in London, they had prelocated the majority of leadership, troop and logistics targets with the unstinting aid of the Palestine authority's defence forces - eager for revenge for the Hammas coup.

    5) Dense fields of mines and IED in scrubland were burnt out with WP.

    6) Suicide attacks were prevented by an even more ruthless than usual policy of shooting at any civilians including children that approached Israeli troops. I doubt if this was ordered explicitly, just an understanding established as to what should be done. There were no cameramen present to record it and it will be automatically denied.

    7) Air targeting was not restrained by considerations of collateral damage. The guided bombs used were 1,000 and 2,000 pdrs (compared with rhe 500 pdr Paveway 4 the RAF is now limited to). Hits on a couple of mosques produced violent secondary explosions, in one case with burning rockets exploding high into the air.

    8) Early on, there was an attempt to kidnap a lone Israeli soldier in a house previously cleared, a camera dog introduced into a tunnel found was heard being shot at in another house 100m away, which was then stormed. Extensive tunnels have since been found in most BUA - something I have to cover in ##### ###...

    9) Leaflet drops calling on civvies to get away from Hammas sites and explosive stores produced some hurried mass evacuations from places that were then bombed producing secondary explosions.

  2. I don't think thepress is turning a blind eye to Palestinian crimes - there hasn't been a suicide bomb there for a few years, and every time casualties are mentioned here both sides are always given - 1300+ Palestinians , and 13 Israelis.

    However hte disparity in numbers speaks volumes.

    Now as a "pragmatist" I see nothing surprising in the numbers - and they are exactly what the Palestinians want - espcuially the hundreds of civilian casualties. They know they cannot defeat Israel by themselves, therefore they sacrifice their own people to Israeli gunfire to put pressure opn outside parties - it helps fan the flames of Moslem extremism and ensures they remain the cause celebre.

    How things would have been different had the Moslems taken the Palestinians into their countries in 1949, as Israel did the roughtly equal number of Jews expelled from the Moslem countries - but Moslem politics was such that they were never going to do that - the Palestinians were then, and remain now, sacrifices to restoring Dar al-Islam (Muslim territory, house of peace) to hte fold.

    The world is divided into 2 areas - Dar al-Islam, and and Dar al-harb (house of war).....and htere's plenty of Moslems take that quite literally.....

  3. In the series of Soviet Orders of Battle by Charles F Sharp (see here about 3/4th down the page) the volumes on Rifle divisions mention the scale of officer training - I forget the details but they're trying to turn out 200,000 junior officers in 1942 or some similar massive number.

    Anyone with pre-existing experience & presumed reliability is considered particularly suitable - the NKVD combat units are disbanded for example & many of their NCO's promoted, political commisars are turned into "line" officers, etc.

  4. That's not even close to the 180,000+ that are reported on various websites.

    Either way you cut it, I don't buy that the journalist was motivated out of frustration over the number of deaths of Iraqi civilians resulting from the current war. Civilian deaths aren't exactly a new concept in that country. He's a little late with his protests if that's his main beef - which I doubt it is.

    Ah...so his failure to commit suicide by Saddam invalidates his objection to murder by Bush....righ - good ol' moral relativism strikes again!

    what a crock of carp - even if Saddam had killed millions then Bush's killing of thousands still ranks as a crime against humanity, and your summary dismissal of the protest is unjustified.

    Crimes do not have to be compared to each other - each is evil in and of itself.

  5. AFAIK there's nothing in the US constitution that says a kid has a right to a birthday cake is there? I mean even ones without f-wit moronic parents (even if trying to reform perhaps) dont' have that as a "right"?

    So just what rights are being trampled here? and how is it that 1 supermarket with a vague sense of decency is suddenly "America"? Don't they have the right of freedom of speech too? and doesn't the right of freedom of speech include the right to not say something you find offensive?

    Why can't the parents bake and ice the freakin' cake themselves? Heck even I could probably do that if I set my mind to it.

    So many questions....so few "right" answers! :/

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