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Stalins Organ

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Posts posted by Stalins Organ

  1. Some allied units were almsot completely fought out - the British 7th armoured, for example, got a reputation for being combat shy that was attributed to "veterans" in it having been in action since the early days of the Desert campaign & not wanting to cop a bullet this late in the war.

    On the flip side it's combined arms tactics were much better than other British armoured divisions for a while until they learned better - also attributable to its extensive combat experience!

    so having veterans is not an adequate explaination for supposed german superiority - the 7th had plenty of veterans!

    IMO the ease of conducting a defence against the difficulty of conducting an attack is sufficent explaination - that there was also good defensive terrain in the bocage just amplifies the gap.

  2. The Russians were actually surprised that the Germans were surprised by the T34 - remember these Russians were designing their heavy tanks in 1941 to have a 107mm gun because they expected the Germans to field something that could take out the KV-1!!

    Those tank plans were quickly shelved when nothing bigger than a Mk-IV rolled across the border.

  3. Not just over there - in these parts there are small memorials in every town & "locality" initially put up in the 1920's mostly - the WW1 names are often on the front the WW2 ones added later!

    I while back I was driving along & noticed a small "bridge to nowhere" just off the side of the road - it was named "ANZAC Bridge", might once have been part of the highway before it changes path. It listed 5 or 6 names of farmers from the area killed in WW1 - it was obviously still maintained - painted and with a little bit of old road maintained as access and a picnic area.

  4. It seems the Brits & Australians can relax.

    Press Release: Union Negotiations

    Muslim suicide bombers in Britain are set to begin a three-day strike

    on Monday in a dispute over the number of virgins they are entitled to

    in the afterlife. Emergency talks with Al Qaeda management have so far

    failed to produce an agreement.

    The unrest began last Tuesday when Al Qaeda announced that the number

    of virgins a suicide bomber would receive after his death will be cut

    by 25% next January from 72 to only 60. The rationale for the cut was

    the increase in recent years of the number of suicide bombings and a

    subsequent shortage of virgins in the afterlife.

    The suicide bombers' union, the British Organization of Occupational

    Martyrs (or B.O.O.M.) responded with a statement that this was

    unacceptable to its members and immediately balloted for strike action.

    General secretary Abdullah Amir told the press, "Our members are

    literally working themselves to death in the cause of Jihad. We don't

    ask for much in return but to be treated like this by management is a

    kick in the teeth."

    Mr. Amir accepted the limited availability of virgins but pointed out

    that the cutbacks were expected to be borne entirely by the workforce

    and not by management. "Last Christmas Abu Hamza alone was awarded an

    annual bonus of 250,000 virgins," complains Amir. "And you can be sure

    they'll all be pretty ones too. How can Al Qaeda afford that for

    members of the management but not 72 for the people who do the real


    Speaking from the shed in the West Midlands where he currently resides,

    Al Qaeda chief executive Osama bin Laden explained, "We sympathize with

    our workers' concerns but Al Qaeda is simply not in a position to meet

    their demands. They are simply not accepting the realities of modern-

    day jihad, in a competitive marketplace. Thanks to Western depravity,

    there is now a chronic shortage of virgins in the afterlife. It's a

    straight choice between reducing expenditure and laying people off. I

    don't like cutting wages but I'd hate to have to tell 3,000 of my staff

    that they won't be able to blow themselves up." He defended management

    bonuses by claiming these were necessary to attract good fanatical

    clerics. "How am I supposed to attract the best people if I can't

    compete with the private sector?" asked Mr. Bin-Laden.

    Talks broke down this morning after management's last-ditch proposal of

    a virgin-sharing scheme was rejected outright after a failure to agree

    on orifice allocation quotas. One virgin, who refused to be named, was

    quoted as saying "I'll be buggered if I'm agreeing to anything like

    that........it's too much of a mouthful to swallow".

    Unless some sort of agreement is reached over the weekend, suicide

    bombers will down explosives at midday on Monday. Most branches are

    supporting the strike. Only the North London branch, which has a

    different union, is likely to continue working. However, some members

    of that branch will only be using waist-down explosives in order to

    express solidarity with their striking brethren.

    Spokespersons in the North of England , Essex and the entire Australian

    continent stated that this would not affect their operations as "There

    are no virgins in their areas anyway".

  5. funny thread :)

    I was diagnosed with gout 30 yrs ago as a 20 yr old!

    The only thing I knew about it at the time was it happened to fat old Englishmen who drank too much Madeira and ate too much rare beef so they had to sit in big armchairs with their feet swathed in bandages!!

    Not being one of those (then...) it actually went away for reasons I don't recall....but certainly had little or nothing to do with cutting back alcohol consumption!!

    I have a slightly arthritic toe every now and then these days still and that's all the remnant of it.

  6. If it's a free country can I have a dozen please?

    Honestly.....what do you expect? It happens everywhere that "regulators" get employed by hte regulated, and vice versa - that is how expertise gets into the regulatory agencies, and how industry attempts to ensure they have contacts, influence and understanding in/of the regulator.

    do you have any actual evidence of wrongdoing, or are you just paranoid?

  7. If you only spotted 1 logic flaw then you're possessed by the aliens already.......

    However the one you think you spotted seems perfectly reasonable to me ...well in their terms that is.... of course they will know where you think you hid it well.....they can read your thoughts dummy!

  8. And if you think you don't need one..well...you're a casualty already....

    Aliens will try to stop you from wearing the helmet both mentally and physically. Remember that they can read your mind. Before you make one they may try to influence you that you don’t need one.

    Wow - how prescient is that?! :eek:

  9. For a realistic depiction of ancient war you need to live without flush toilets and antibiotics for your whole life, get a bunch of people to do likewaise, then have at each otehr with sharp bits of metal.

    Everything else is simulation - better or worse only according to personal taste.

    As a long time ancient wargamer & reader of the classic histories I found RTW's tactical battles up to par with most sets of figure rules I have played & I enjoyed them immensly.

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