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Stalins Organ

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Posts posted by Stalins Organ

  1. Concentrated nicotine is a serious poison - along with many of the otehr 2000+ chemicals that exist in cigarette smoke.

    I don't know anything about Macs, but if they have a fan drawing air through the computer then the computer will be a filter for everything nasty in the air and so there's a lot more crap in the computer than there is in "normal" 2nd hand smoke.

    Back when you were allowed to smoke on passenger aircraft we occasinally used to find cracks in the fuselage from the sticky brown mess of concentrated cigarette detritus that would seep through them!

  2. Western civilisation has only discarded honesty and discipline in the last 2 decades?

    I was pretty sure it was founded on lack of honesty and discipline only in terms of seeking the most for oneself - how else do we explain that western "civilisation" is founded on the basis of robber barons, slavery (or exploitation of the poor to virtually the same extent if not actual slavery...), political corruption and cronyism, religious extremism, and financial misdealing, fraud and exploitation on the most massive scales...ever since...oh...say Henry VIII to pick a name only 450 years ago that ppl might be familiar with....I could go back further.....

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