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Stalins Organ

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Posts posted by Stalins Organ

  1. As I understand it, no, you didn't get a mortgage from GS....but the banks you did get mortgages from sold them to investment bankers - including GS - who then traded the debt around for advantage to themselves.

    Whatever it is that the infamous CDO's were - they included a considerable amount of "toxic mortgage" debt.

    GS were selling CDO's off to various investors.

    At the same time they were betting that those packages would collapse - taking what amounted to insurance against the value of those CDO's - if the value fell they would get a payout.

    So on one hand they were encouraging people to buy them....but they were not telling people that they expected them to be worthless in short order.

    Happy to be corrected....but I think that's the guts of it.

  2. I find the notion that some ppl should be excluded from working in one part of the world based on where they were born both illogical & distastefull.

    It is completely logical from an evolutionary point of view - you have your resources, and you seek to ensure that you descendant's keep the use of them - introducing "strangers" in to the environment creates more competition for resources and increases the chance your descenadants may lose control of them.

    we are not so far removed from the jungles and savannah's - recorded history is only 5k years, farming is possibly as little as 10k years old - "civilisation", "human rights", liberalism, and "Western civilisation" as we know them today arguably can only be explicitly seen in the last 1000 years, and industrialisation is, of course, only 300 years old.

    None of those have done more than scratch the surface of a million years of more-or-less human evolution leading up to them!

  3. The defence mentioned below seems to be the same one claimed by the peaceniks who sabotaged the radomes at the Waihopai spy-base - ie they "honestly" believed they were doing a "greater good" - it worked for them too

    Greenpeace-driven economic sabotage was catapulted into the public

    limelight following the non-guilty jury verdict rendered on September 20,

    2000, at the criminal trial of Greenpeace UK executive director, Peter

    Melchett. Melchett and 27 other members of Greenpeace had been

    criminally charged on July 26, 1999, with raiding (trespass), damaging

    (vandalism) and trying to remove (theft) six acres of a GM maize crop that

    were being grown by local Norfolk farmers for seed company Agr-Evo Ltd

    (now the agrochemical company Aventis). At trial, Melchett successfully

    invoked the subjective facts-intensive defense known in Britain as “the

    Tommy Archer defense” which, as the Independent wrote, "relied on the

    jury accepting that the defendant genuinely believed that the action would

    prevent greater damage being done."

  4. lol - I love how the "slightly more humble and academic" SMH version includes a coupel of lines stunchly defending the editor who foisted this great lie upon the world - apparently you only do this sort of thing if you are

    a stickler for painstaking accuracy. He went for the dull, unvarnished truth, always."

    - oh yeah - Aff's an Aussie.....:P

    The irish are used to it - we've only had 150 years of having an obnoxious big brother next door who's always full of himself. And they never actually invaded us....

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