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Stalins Organ

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Everything posted by Stalins Organ

  1. And why was it important they be kept out of the "proper" US (not just the mainland, but anywhere considered part of the USA for legal reasons) - wasn't it so that they would not be subject to normal rules of law, so that torture would be applied without review, etc?? Yes I read that torture used at Gitmo may have started the ball rolling or contributed to his death. "The ends jsutifies the means" is a pretty slipperly slope though - what else would you consider doing for an expedient result?? Hmm...???
  2. I thought the whole point of Gitmo was that these people did not qualify to be POW's, hence the various conditions such as lack of red Cross access, solitary confinement, etc., which are all forbidden to POW's. So sorry - that's a complete non-issue.
  3. I still don't understand why guantanamo exists. If people commit crimes, either in military action or civil society, they should be charged, the evidence weighed, a verdict reached, and hten punished or released as appropriate. WTF is with this indefinite detention crap??
  4. I've read the reviews on Amazon - most are flattering. A couple make vague points about the 23rd's experience at Minden, note that the British had instituted light companies in America before the AWI due to Indian and French wars, and one specifically says that the conclusions drawn about any changes have only a tenuous link to the AWI. Apparently it's a good read tho
  5. lol - although I'm pretty sure that Russia punched Austria jsut after Austria punched Serbia in the first round, the Germans borrowed the Turk's suit to sneak around Russia & kick it in the butt, resulting in Russia punching Turkey at which point Britain & France thought it best to kick someone while they're down if you can, not expecting the Turks to get back up, and there were a lot more British and French punching the Turks than Australians doing so. but that's all...
  6. no problemo - don't buy me any aussie beer & we're both happy!
  7. not both at once tho - there's a significant life (sic) event betwen the 2.... Converting ot islam is so passe - how about changing your gender bias?? Hmm????? Aff - would you change to prefering humans??
  8. Seems unlikely - the British Army didn't use any different tactics in the Revolutionary Wars & it was only Wellesly himself who had different tactics from the rest with his typical reverse slope deployments. His first experiences were in Flanders in 1793 where he learned how poor supply and HQ arrangements could ruin a campaign - a lesson which stood him in good stead in the Peninsular. Light infantry famously was only expanded and improved as a result of the revolutionary wars experiences, and cavalry remained poor until Wellington beat it into shape in the Peninsular. I'm not sure what the lesson(s) he thinks the Brits learned was - haven't read the book - could you provide a precis?
  9. Guns of August still, just bought Advanced Tactics Gold....yet to really see if it's an improvement
  10. Yes well that makes more sense - although only the Russian Fleet & subs from the others should be able to do so if they've got things right, but the comment was that the blockade is doing it......
  11. there's a bunch of allowances on page 2 of the document I linked to.....and if all else fails there's this - http://www.defence.gov.au/dpe/pac/
  12. A question - why does the Atlantic blockade stop German trade with Sweden?? Wushuki - it is a common factor in other WW1 games too - Germany making a massive offensive against Russia & leaving Belgium alone, and making the TE declare war - if they don't then the limited frontier with Germany is a real hinderance. Moreover other games allow Germany t oset up in order to do this, so not requiring tiem to move troops to the east (I dont' have SC WW1 yet - jsut going from teh description above where airboy has had to move rather than start setup for the easten campaign)
  13. aus military pay rates as of November 2010 are at http://content.defencejobs.gov.au/pdf/triservice/DFT_Document_PayRates.pdf Links to the various US rates can be found here - http://usmilitary.about.com/od/2011pay/a/2011paychanges.htm dunno how they compare - the US rates are presented in a fractured manner compared to the Aus chart.
  14. Depends where you live I think - it seems to vary wildly, so I'm restricting myself to comments about the British system. According to wiki, in the "British" system only the Sovereign and hereditary peers are not commoners. So even Prince william & Princess Anne are commoners, as they have no title of peerage. Nobility is less well defined, but seems to include non-hereditary title holders such as knights and baronets, and even untitled offspring. Obviously in places without titled "gentry" the terms have been suborned with other meanings more appropriate - so in the US the "aristocracy" probably refers to "old money" families & political and business dynasties & that terminology is understood worldwide too as it is more common than the traditional meanings.
  15. Actually it's funny here people bleating about knighthoods recently (they were done away with by the last Labour Govt in 2000 & and reinstated by the new National Govt in 2009) saying we don't want an aristocracy.....except of course Knights aren't aristocrats - they're commoners
  16. 236 years later and most americans are still revolting.....
  17. IIRC about 75% of Libyan oil went to Europe already - although mostly to Italy. France "getting" it seems a fairly unlikely motivation.
  18. Legalise it and have as many parents, old hippies & baby-boomers smoke & munch it as possible - that way the kids won't touch it!
  19. I'd say about 100% of NZ households have one. My last one was 2nd had from my parents - I don't know how long they had it - and needed a replacement cord befoer it went "phut" after 8 years. Possibly I could have replaced the elements, but at $16 (about US$13, UKL5.50) for a new one it seemed like a waste of time and effort.
  20. Never seen a cat playing with a mouse hat it's not going to eat??
  21. I think evaluation of such behaviour would have to decide whether the animals were concealing their behaviour because htey know it to be "wrong", or to avoid punnishment by their peers, and I have no idea how you would determin that!! On a slightly silly note - China bans film and TV that shows time travel
  22. A guy called Lloyd Geering wrote a book in 1996 called "Tomorrow's God: How We Create our Worlds " in which he postulated that (IIRC) the main thing that seems to differentiate "us" from the "lower animals" is the ability to think in the abstract. I read it several years ago & it was a fairly radical tome - IIRC he's in favour of the idea that humanity created god, and sees the ability to do so as part of the ability to think in abstract.
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