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Mark IV

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Everything posted by Mark IV

  1. Anyway, we already had LAVs, or at least the Marines did: These suckers actually won an armor battle in the Dominican Republic, against Swedish Landsverk L-60 light tanks and French AMX-13 light tanks... but they had their issues. They sure did well in infantry support in Vietnam. Then there was the Sheridan, but the main gun kind of threw it around...
  2. Another straight 12 hours of work, and you idiots post 4 pages of drivel. Where to begin? Henri: How can a given name which looks powerful in any other language appear so limp in froggisch? Yes, I did indeed register in the year 100, and the astute would ask, AD or BC? You were here too, insisting that using triremes on land wasn't really gamey at all, they did it in the Forum all the time... you idiot. I registered my first nick in November '99, lost it in an earlier crash, but survived the Great Crash with my glorious current model number and the distinctively altered registration date. Good god, did you run out of jeep recon theories to test? What kind of snail-breathed pind**k would sit around reading people's posting histories? PeterNZer: Apparently you haven't been reading along with the rest of the class. You seem to have missed the facts that a) the 'pool is kinder and gentler now, and I am very Busy with Work and only return games to Very Important People. Which excludes everyone who has ever posted here, except Steve (of BTS, not the annoying and witless rodent), whom I am not playing. Even GITom was able to deduce, by carefully moving his lips as he moved his greasy finger down the screen, that I will be back to destroy you all in February. I may squeak out a turn here and there, before. I am still ahead of your unenviable record in the return department. Anyway, you're killing me, so STFU. I haven't even gotten back to Croda who is unable to even surrender properly. "Hmm, wave my arms, or put a white flag behind my head? It's all so confusing..." Being kinder and gentler I will continue shooting him in the only glacis offered me, his back, though if he would only face me, he would benefit from the additional slope. I am so deeply annoyed with all of you that I may post a picture of me to the loathesome Lorak's site. I will say that, if I was running a photo site, I would take pains to see that I wasn't the ugliest person posting before putting up my own picture. I continue to admire your courage, despite detesting you. Anyway I have a New Computer in case I forgot to mention it, and it is so cool I can just watch the screensaver for hours, allowing me to pretend I am in upper management, or a lawyer. Sadly, I am forced to use it for work while I am here at home, because it is better than the ridiculous Etch-a-Sketch I am provided at work. But rest assured you are all in it, and Marked IV Death.
  3. 3 years US Army, tank gunner MOS, later G3 Operations Specialist at HHC 3rd Armored Division in Frankfurt, 1977-80. No combat except for MPs and Polizei. Hey, Berli, they got a new bar here called Chesty's. Total jarhead theme with Chesty's medals listed on the wall, marine pix everywhere- all wars. Shot and beer joint, and when I checked it out at noon on Sunday the owner was slamming a shot and a beer. Looked authentic to me.
  4. The sadly misinformed Meeks blurted: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>All reputable sources said they were using enriched Zinc. Christ, who thought they'd be stupid enough to use Co-59.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Several very local sources spring to mind. And never cut the red wire. Now, on to lesser and messier things... Der Unbekannte Jäger, having volunteered as clay pigeon of the latest thread, should look for suitable tall grass in which to land, as sometimes those suckers are reusable. Raob/1 (oh, did I spell tht wrang?) and Maximus, both in our eager greeting line, are collectively a sign that America can come together for a common cause. Frankly, this is a symbol of all that's wrong with this country, and I say, time to clamp down. George W., we know you're reading, for gawdsakes do somefink. I am now posting from my new Gigaputer, and you're all no doubt noting the crisper edges and brighter colors, gnashing your little mandibles (GI TOM, the "g" is silent) in envy. Too bloody bad. Every time I fire this sucker up, half of northern California goes dim or dark, so I leave it on all day, even when I'm out spearing dolphins, which will always remind me of dalem. Now some words for the True Old 'Poolers: They're useless buggers but they're all we've got. Two or three have turned out, and the rest should be turned out. They know who they are and should just file the front sight off the old pistol to prevent unsightly scarring, take a deep breath, and apply a few ounces of prevention. Honor, lads. Not just a slogan but a lifestyle™. Marlow: (note that you don't yet merit the coveted boldface type): Nice play-by-play, in a disappointing sort of way. Those who can, do. Those who can't....
  5. Peng: I hurl your worthless challenge down in the sludge and jump up and down on its tender challengey parts until pengyfoam bubbles from all its orifices. This is only partly because I despise you and the Elvis you rode in on. It is also partly because I like unprovoked savagery. However, it is mainly because I am very busy. My recent lack of activity here and in PBEM would indicate to anyone with any perception at all that Something must be up. And so it is.... I have received, and am installing and tweaking, my new triple-barreled, laser-guided, multi-turreted, gyro-stabilized micro-Cray (with attachments) and it is so cool that I may have to buy some FPS blasters and flight simulators and get a force-feedback joystick. (Micron Millenia Max XP, 1.2Gig, DDR RAM, 64Mb Nvidia card with 19" Trinitron, killer audio, and runs big maps like flowing water). This is an interruption in itself, to RL events of such magnitude and importance that you could only comprehend the articles and smaller prepositions in the briefest description of them. Suffice it to say that the fate of CM2, the cesspool itself, and our fragile planet, (in descending order of importance) depend on my efforts these next 4 weeks. Note that I am not helping Meeks disarm the cobalt bomb that SMERSH has placed at the South Pole. Frankly, I'm surprised that he needed help with something that basic. Anyway, put a cork in it until then. You might want to thrash Croda until his back is bloody to build those biceps up... I will graciously offer him for that purpose, as I'm about done with him. Please die-a-lot soon.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GI Tom: even with me getting 92 and Berli getting 8... I feel as if I didn't get Berli's "best". <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ! I believe Chuppy is running a support group for Monodigitosis. Perhaps we should send the ambulance round, as this seems a little out of character?
  7. Another example: A "robotic tech" is a robot who has been programmed to behave like a technician. This may be deduced from the adjective "robotic" modifying the noun, "tech", though some might think that it is a technician who works on robots (which would be a "robot tech"). It is not easy to program these robots as they lack the surly but pedantic traits of the dour humans they replace. Cybeq, you may want to stop by the Peng thread one of these days. You may have the Right Stuff, and even if you don't, the lads haven't fed in a while.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by arax3: Sorry, no quote. Most of this "cesspool" is just "spam" for amusement of those with no lives. Are there any serious questions/answers? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> There have been serious questions, and they have gotten some pretty good answers. Read through them. The rest is just idle chatter to keep this bumped up, where it may eventually do some good for some poor newbie, wondering where the FAQ for the game must be... Cesspoolers play a LOT and know a few things (except Meeks). But they are very dangerous when they get bored... best ask a question or move along.
  9. Deja vu all over again... http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/009894.html [This message has been edited by Mark IV (edited 01-18-2001).]
  10. Christ, I come to work for a few hours peace a day, and what do we have here but the Asian Girlfriends Theme. My home life is "Bridge Over the River Kwai", except louder, and the two biggest crimes are being caught playing CM and being caught on this stupid thread. The hours I spend in the Tiger Cage are worth a QB now and then, though. She seems to think the computer has gone from joint custody to being protected by a restraining order. But... the end is in sight. The New Rig is en route, around Sacramento according to the UPS tracker, and then it's "here ya go mama-san, that there's yer ON button, here's yo mouse, sayonara." MINE. MY Computer. 1.2 gigs of screamin' silicon, adding approximately 200fps to all my muzzle velocities and doubling my rotation speeds. 18 flat hi-res viewable inches of exploding Crodas, burning Babras, and Geiers on fire. Oh yeah its gonna be GOOD. And my CM time's gonna go up too, soon as I figure how to mount all this in the closet.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Polar: You guys need to wake up... a real conversation has just shot past you in total posts!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Someone get this man a calculator? I have perused that "conversation" a few times to see what all the fuss is about, btw. It is about a bunch of whiney, flamey crybabies insulting one another over nothing at all. Wait a minute...
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem: I ONLY GOT TO THIRD BASE WITH MY SISTER TONIGHT - POSSIBLE BUG... please, hate me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OK. First, what kind of friggin' amateur would bring up his sister here? 2nd, re: your problems with the board... They're having fun in their own way. Believe it or not, they think THIS place is odd. The Paint Chip algorithm is deeply flawed, as a matter of fact, there is way too much cyan on the late Marder mix. But you're getting too worked up... Just look out over the valley, dalem, some day we're gonna build that rabbit farm over there, right over there on that bank... BLAM. Thud. Stupid bastard, third one today. Someone help me lug the guts into the next room.
  13. Hetzer is extremely vulnerable to infantry, with thin side and rear armor and only 1 MG. The gun is good, but it's only a 75, after all. It may be a great value (it is) but it is not ueberstoff.
  14. Here's the story on suitcase nukes from a recognized authority: http://www.fas.org/nuke/hew/News/Lebedbomb.html Nothing like CBS News for the "facts".... though they didn't get into dial-a-yield. The smallest known bomb was the Davy Crockett W54 arty shell with a .1 kt yield.
  15. I recently had an 8/4 US infantry squad take out a Hetzer, which pulled up about 10-15m from the building they were in. It's flank was exposed to them, and the grenades were flying thick. No gammon bombs or anything. The Hetzer crew abandoned, and the sole survivor was Captured.... I didn't expect the Hetzer to move there in the first place, so the cool thing was that the squad did it on their own (they were in command radius, which I suspect helped).
  16. Outstanding, and richly deserved. Congratulations to sharky as well, for good judgment. Amazing how many folks lament domination of the genre by the big companies, then fail to laud the quality under their on-line noses.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dar: I'm reading your post as if you are skeptical about such bombs even existing, so correct me if I'm wrong. No, you are 100% right on the money. I'm not sure what they weighed, but among other countries the US has also had suitcase "dial-a-yield" nukes. They are man-portable, and they contain a dial that lets you set how much of a yield you want (within a limited range, of course--i.e. we're not talking 20 megatons, but more like 5KT). If I find some links, I'll post them. Always willing to learn. And now a dial! What'll they think of next? Click, click, just ignore the rest of the fissionable material here 8 inches to my left when you go thermal. What implosion technology do these marvels use? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  18. I am an OEM supplier of Dell products (with our systems) and I would not recommend them, based on their customer/tech service support. Our customers have a special OEM tech line and registration numbers... same old runaround, press "x" for ignore, then who the hell are you? tech support. Don't do it. I personally have a Micron Millenia Max XP on order right now, but Micron's customer support already has me thinking about cancelling. No answers, no confirmations, press "x" to go in a circle and get corporate happy talk. Still a great machine by all accounts, but gawd help ya if you ever need them. A good premium runner-up (features and price) that I may end up doing business with is http://www.xicomputer.com . They also have an on-line direct roll-your-own config and are very highly rated, though less well-known than Micron or Dell. I figure order the 128Mb DDR RAM setup and get my plug-ins locally.... [This message has been edited by Mark IV (edited 01-17-2001).]
  19. Nice post indeed, jason@. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shadow 1st Hussars: The Russians made small nuclear bombs, placed them in breifcases and sent them to embassy's in western countries.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Really. According to the documentation, what did these suitcases weigh?
  20. Thanks! This was a great find (for me, at least, maybe common knowledge around the board), and probably didn't attract much discussion because it is so comprehensive. Worth a gratuitous bump, at any rate.
  21. Partly because with limited resources and almost unlimited enemies, they had to try to do more with less. Partly because the Western Front was only a rearguard action to the bulk of WWII, which was fought against Russia, and they were designing tanks to deal with the primary enemy, and couldn't just custom-build tanks to suit the foe in the West. But mostly because they didn't. They were fielding thousands of PzMkIVs and Panthers main battle tanks in '44-45, and I'm not sure what leads you to "uncanny obsession with fielding the Heavist" as a peculiarly German phenomenon. Take a look at some of the Russian monstrosity designs that were actually in mass production. Check out the armor (and is there such a thing as a "cumber rating"?) on the Churchills. And the US developed the atomic cannon....
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Commissar: Very interesting, especially considering this is an engagement I've never heard about. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The remarkable thing is that the Soviets, under Zhukhov, were probably the first to use massed, concentrated armor in warfare, 2 years before the invasion of Poland. They had been defeated a year earlier in running battles around Lake Khasan, and were in trouble again at Khalkhin Gol when Zhukhov took command. He was already in characteristic style, slowly massing forces to obtain overwhelming local superiority, then staging a massive offensive without regard for the lives of his own troops. It was after this battle that he described (to an American general) how he insisted that his infantry advance through minefields "as though they weren't even there." As for avenging the R-J War, I don't think they came close. If it wasn't for the Japanese, Manchuria and Korea would have been Russian territory before WWI, and Russian would have had a warm water port on the Pacific. The losses at Khalkhin Gol would have been insignificant in the battles of the R-J War, and their Navy didn't recover until after WWII.
  23. Ardbeg your pardon? www.ardbeg.com Flash foolishness... but a very fine liquid.
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moriarty: Steve's lockup message caught my eye. OK, I am closing this one up. I refuse to let this thread become the one that is the first go reach the 200 mark, so better to nip this one in the bud. Plus, I think our server will crash if there are any more smilies put into a single thread Does anyone find it ironic that Steve was at one time worried about the Peng thread reaching 200 posts.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The gods must be crazy. That really was a crack-up on reading this AM in 2001; remember, it was before the Night of the Refreshing Monkeys, and long before the first P2K. Then there was alt.panzers.booze....
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: [bWhile I'm at it, anyone know which Schwere Abteilungs were equipped with JagdTigers towards war end?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> My version of von Senger und Etterlin only shows the first 48, but over at www.achtungpanzer.com he's got... "Production Period: Number Produced: July - December 1944 49 January - April 1945 36 "The number of Jagdtigers produced was adequate to equip two units, schwere Panzerjager Abteilung 653 and schwere Panzerjager Abteilung 512. sPzJagAbt 512 was formed in the Summer of 1944 and was composed of two companies (1st company was commanded by Albert Ernst and became Kampfgruppe Ernst, 2nd company by Otto Carius) and was commanded by Major Scherf. Elements of sPzJagAbt 512 took part in the Operation "Fruhlingerswachen" in Hungary (part of VI SS Panzer Army), and then in the defence of the Fatherland on both Western and Eastern Front. sPzJagAbt 653 was formed in the Spring of 1945 and probably was not more than an understrenght company. It probably took part in Ardennes offensive and then was employed on the Western Front (Rhein and Karlsruhe area)." Your friend and docent, Mark IV Working together for sub-continental literacy.
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