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Everything posted by PeterNZer

  1. I like 'em too but damn it.. playing JD morse my wasp was happily toasting some people when all of a sudden it just ran towards the enemy.. maybe it was spooked by nearby halftracks.. i dunno, it just went full tit, parked near a building and died to a hail of grenades and fausts *sniff* PeterNZ
  2. Egad. Chupacabra is slowly dissecting my hamsters who seem quite confused and generally not in good shape. JD Morse benefited from an insane and un-ordered charge by my Wasp right into the middle of his forces. On top of that my vet rifle boys all paniced and ran when i told them to storm a building *sigh* It's not looking good. The rest: Hard to know, too early in the game PeterNZ
  3. I'm playing a game agaisnt Herr Oberst where two flamethrower units saved my bacon. Plan has been to rush my two panther forward and then hold a VL which is on a road surrounded by a few small woods. On the back of one Panther, two vet flamethrowers, the other has an MG on it. They get their, unload their cargo, and then a zook comes into a building nearby! egad! Well the tanks are slow to respond, but not the flamethrowers who set the buiding on fire, kiling the zook and forcing a squad in their to bail, into the guns of my tanks I am using the FT to cover my flanks since they will keep all that nasty yanky infantry from getting too close to my tanks if any more appear. Works well. And JD Morse is experiencing the joy of a night-time snowing battle where I have a Wasp, and he.. doesn't PeterNZ
  4. Yeah, they were that bad. Germanboy related one incident where a bunch of new german tanks were blown up by more experienced allied forces in fireflies and so on. Simply, the German forces deployed and acted 'wrong'. My guess is you didn't play well either, and were punished. PeterNZ
  5. dude, you don't need to dial me direct to use TCP/IP lol And Kiwijoe, where's my setup? Me, allies, june 44 sounds amusing. PeterNZ
  6. AAR: Chupacabra vs Germanboy - While at the Pub A glorious hour of battle between two knights here in London started with a couple of pints at the pub. Soon the laptop was pulled out and battle commenced! Chupacabra had the axis forces and a 500pt computer chosen force. The evil Germanboy a 500pt Yanky force chosen by the computer and a mechanized meeting encounter began. From the first turn it was clear Chupie would have a hard time. His 2 platoons of infantry and 4 or so halftracks were all GREEN. Whereas Andreas enjoyed a verteran Engineer platoon and 4 or so vet haltracks and a vet jeep. Andreas raced to the VL and deposited his force in the little town. Chuppie advanced more carefully, but was soon spotetd by Andreas. A short battle began where each agressively moved their halftracks to try and suprise and gain advantage over the other. Unfortunately Chupi's troops ran at the sound of a lit fart and his halftracks died like flies, the battle was almost over when the battery on Chupi's laptop ran out and the game ended. A brave attempt by Chupi in the face of difficult odds, but Andreas caried the day! PeterNZ
  7. Chupacabra vs. Germanboy at the pub. Read all about it on the Peng thread! PeterNZ
  8. Yeah, i'm leaving here in 5, should be there on time. Peter
  9. instructions on first page of this thread! PeterNZ
  10. Sounds good to me. I'll be there. I feel too tired to do any more work anyway! bring yer laptop, have some hotseat Peter
  11. Germanboy is oldest, he should name when and where Somewhere on jubilee line, or pic line is good for me. Watching some hotseat could be interesting.. Give one a new perspective on other people's styles and stuff.. and drinking is fun PeterNZ
  12. Yeah, lets drink and play cm, anyone up for that? Name the place and time, i'm just at work till then. Peter
  13. Anyone up to anything tonight? I'm bored PeterNZ
  14. My old german friend, (Shouldn't Germanpensioner or Germanoldfart be better names?), some of us have work to do, (yes, real work, not that playing with the environment mumbo-jumbo) and that work entails having to stay here till bloody late and being tired and going to bed early. Hence the games you mentioned are generated, just they are sitting on my PC at home. Yes, before work I did even try to send them to you but my abortion of an ISP wasn't working right. This evening I shall send said files to you and things shall proceed as planned. PeterNZ
  15. And bloody sorry you should be! Couldn't take 5 minutes out of your busy moose-fondling comitments to open a file and send it back? Goodness me! Leave the damn beast alone! Not only does it have to put up with being herded, shot and generally stuffed around by the Swedish locals, they have to put up with a sicko pervert like Geier walking up and checking the weight of their dangly bits. On top of that, the Swedes are just dull, dull dull! Look at this link for evidence http://www.nrc.ca/cisti/journals/cjz/z98-110.html I mean, if the French fondled moose, at least they would be proud and exclaim to the world. The Swedes prefer to keep their putrid tastes hidden in science. As for this battle, i'm not scared of your troops and their evil master. I'm more worried that at every copse of trees you're going to have your boys search around for any wandering herbivours and have them brought to your command post, again, leave them alone and get on with the battle! Just admit it! You're from a sick, crazed country where moose are more important than PBEM CM turns and be done with it, no more excuses! PeterNZ [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 10-13-2000).]
  16. The Panzer IV rocks! I love this little tank. Heaps of ammo, good speed, good armor. Sure, it's not invulnerable, but for the points it's a great buy. About equivelant with the Sherman and better at longer ranges.. what more could you ask for? PeterNZ
  17. Ahh, yes, flaming and booming and tanking doom will be your fate my little Herr Oberst. I think I shall try and see just how much I can make you little girls scream and run. I reckon they are up for a bit more dashing from building to building squealing, don't you? As for the rest? Well Elvis is slowly and surely taking the Sherbrook Fusiliers, pulling off their limbs and jumping up and down on them. Where the hell are my reinforcements! The only light in the tunnel was watching some 4 piats fire at one tank last turn 'sprroo spproo ooinngg sproiing'.. and one hit and knocked out a nasty german can.. well done lads, now I fear you'll die to the 4 or 5 tanks backing that first one up Chupie He's evil. I think he's Germangirls little evil sister trailing at the Hun's peticoats learning from his smacks and feeding off discarded titbits. A platoon of hamsters, sneaking down a hill, got killed by two of his tanks.. which spotted my hamsters first! My hamsters didn't even see the damn tanks till they took casulaties and then ran for it.. I think they must be planning to use the panzerfausts to light the BBQ or something.. because they certainly didn't use it to fire at his bloody tanks! Geier: Sent a file, no reply. Damn swedes. PeterNZ
  18. Send me a setup, i'll play ya like i said. Post all the details of the game so I know what's going on and can approve the matchup PeterNZ
  19. Any of his opponents care to comment? PeterNZ
  20. This idea gets worse and worse! There's no way you can define German aircraft as 'precision' in comparison to the Allied aircraft. The Germans had ONE divebomber IIRC, the famed Stuka, (and it was only good for divebombing, flew like a piece of sh*t in all other respects), the rest of its aircraft were roughly speaking similar to the Allied craft, (ie. light fighters like the bf109 equivelant to the allies Spit and F4, heavy fighters like the FW190 equivelant to P51 and Mustang). If you wanted to start 'modeling' this further, you'd have to make the Axis craft increasingly poorly flown, since the Germans didn't tend to rotate their good pilots back to training camps, thus they would fly for ages, then die, and all their experience was lost, (US learnt to keep the good oens alive so they could pass on their experience). As for various accuracy rates, it's kinda irrelevant, they are already modeled since fighter-bombers are highly unpredictable in game. Hey, I have an idea, why don't we just make FB's cost points, and people can buy them if they want! And if they don't, they don't have to, clever huh? PeterNZ
  21. ya haven't played me yet send me a file, it's in my info And you haven't played Straker? PeterNZ
  22. Ropey: Nice maps, I haven't had the time to play them, but they look good PeterNZ
  23. Well, seems Herr Oberst had a spot of bad luck this turn, his unfortunate bazooka team, rattled from the shelling, missed my IV from abour 50m. Fortunately, my two flamethrower teams were on hand to end his worries. After a couple of squirts, he ran TOWARDS my guys and was promptly eliminated. As the little house he was in erupted into flames a distraut rifle squad decided the other side of anywhere was a better place, belted for to a neighboring building and is now being torn appart by my teams. Well done lads. Chupie gets confused. A rain of shells pummel his infantry positions, and even though it's night things are falling quite nicely it seems. A rifle scout squad is eliminated and his tanks seem to have got a bit panicy and have decided to drive off somwhere. O well! we shall see them eventually I guess. Hopefully in the smoke and flames they deserve! PeterNZ
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