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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by PeterNZer

  1. All great ideas! Keep them coming, this is interesting PeterNZ
  2. Tell the to area fire the building. And trust me, it's better to have it this way than to have them so obssesed with targets they miss the panther coming over the hill. This happened FREQUENTLY in earlier versions and drove some of us to distraction PeterNZ
  3. Yes, interesting idea One thing I'd like to see is the ability to split of squads and use them in a true recon roll, not just 'you boys, get forward'. I'm not sure if it's appropriate in CM's period of a battle.. but it seems recon was frequently done by small, well equiped squads led by a competent NCO or CO. To me it makes no sense to penalize such a squad by making it 'out of command' of an HQ when it was designed to operate freely. Also, it shouldn't be -that- bad in combat, just small. Perhaps make the single recon squad a purchaseable unit.. Thoughts? PeterNZ
  4. I like the info during purchase idea.. very usefull for folks like me who are non-grogs Also, how about being able to buy 'character' units like, some famous guy or unit with appropriate skills, hehe.. amusing. PeterNZ
  5. The smoke rounds are a bit odd, but this current setup is much tidier instead of tanks with their guns swinging wildly around as they pop off at every infantry target that comes into view. Also it leaves them ready to deal with AT infantry as well as vehicles. Possibly why they like to save those HE rounds. A bazooka guy is a pretty tricky to piece with an AP round PeterNZ
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>A teutonic knight wrote I shall assume you are looking for a sponsor? Hmm, maybe. See how your training goes. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well I think it's going bloody well on both counts. But since the main force of either side has really yet to get down to the hard parts, we shall have to wait and see eh? PeterNZ
  7. *smiles sweetly at Germanboy, bats his eyelids and makes hopeful 'clip clop' sounds with his cocounts* PeterNZ
  8. good ideas. Trenchworks would be good.. so you can move back from a defensive position more safely. At hte moment, if you have a platoon forward at an ambush point, once they are discovered and have killed some folks, they are bassically toast since you can't recover them other than getting them to leave their foxholes.. would be nice if trenchworks led into, say, the forest, from where they could belt it back to the MLR. PeterNZ
  9. They don't like North American's tho.. and definately don't call yourself 'american' (since, strictly speaking, they are 'american' too, you're from the USA ) However, if you can try some Spanish, they like that a lot PeterNZ
  10. As I am indeed, a well prepared individual, I come complete with TWO coconut shells, allowing me to practice the coveted 'banging them together to make a clip clip sound' Yours sincerely, PeterNZ
  11. As I slowly disembowel JD Morse and Herr Oberst with my sharpened fish fork of untimely destruction +3 it occurs to me that I have yet to find a sponsor. As it is clear to me that my tactical genius is developing at an exponential rate, and soon I will conquer my office, the city and then the world, it would behove one of you well to be able to say "That's my boy!" too what pass for your friends as you watch the news between replacing colostomy bags. I await some resolution on this issue Yours sincerely, PeterNZ
  12. Thing is, while you might do that, a soldier wouldn't. Quite often soldiers had to do stuff that was risky, and if they disobeyed orders all the time.. well there wouldn't be much war (hey, there's an idea ). I think just no rear-area rushing with jeeps is more than reasonable. Proper recon, with groups of 5 or 10 men is hard to model in CM. Out of C&C the squads are useless.. which isn't exactly what happened in real life. Often an officer or NCO would lead a small group off to look for the bad guys and they wouldn't disolve as split squads do now.. hmm not sure a good solution. PeterNZ
  13. All sounds good to me the less rules the better. Lets just agree to play with honor The no at/no rush/no crew thing sounds good. I'd even be happy to play against people with KT's and so on.. hmm yeah.. so if you want to ditch fionn's 76 rule, that's fine by me PeterNZ
  14. Since your Germans seem to be in the town, they wouldn't be any good anyway, the girls probably only know how to whip boys in leather while the hun crawl around licking the girls feet saying 'yess misstresss' PeterNZ
  15. PoorFrenchie, if by action, you mean your girls screaming and running from the burning building, I definately look forward to seeing more 'action'. PeterNZ
  16. Ooo you sneaky bugger! That's me yer talking about. Hmm I doubt i coulda forced a draw.. the only surviving platoon was already pretty shagged from a random passing tank of yours that nailed one squad. and those evil tanks of yours! grrr PeterNZ
  17. Pawboon! Typical frenchie, all talk no action. I'm about to spank your little grey heynie as I will spank Y2K if it so dares as to send me a setup, and you won't bloody send me an email! I demand satisfaction! Do I have to kill you a second time in another game for the slackness shown in this first game?! PeterNZ
  18. Sounds like a good rough outline. I don't like getting too rulesy. Only thing i'd really object to is a player jeep-rushing me or using a lot of heavies 'against' the mission orders, (ie. sitting back and waiting waiting in a meet/engage) But then i'd just call them a gamey dodgy bastard in a thread PeterNZ
  19. D is for.. aaah screw it, send me a setup junior and I can teach your ass that yes, it can be spanked so hard it goes through red, through blue, past even big black bruises and into colours outside the visible spectrum. I'll hurt you so bad you won't just be able to not sit down but they'll have to open you up just to let the **** out! And even then your intestines will physically retreat from your lower body out of sheer fear that I might beat you again, and they'll try and camp above your kidney and slowly strangle your spine so as to prevent further battles. Despite your entire body crying out "nooo", I am sure you will send me a file with a setup so laughable I'll have to watch an hour of Friends just to get my mind back in the natural state of rage that fuels its genius. Now begone with you, and not a word till that file is in my box. PeterNZ Bah! [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 10-18-2000).]
  20. It was a thread i started out of curiosity. They answered fully, gawd bless 'em PeterNZ
  21. Actually, check out those Austrian uniforms from the Napoleonic war! Jet black appart from smatterings of Silver trim, sharp! PeterNZ
  22. Yeah, nice idea Meeksy, but it's not going to happen. Been discussed before. PeterNZ -|-(o.o)-> Chupacabra
  23. I subscribe to Janes newsbrief (www.janes.com) which is a great source of political, intelligence and defence related news. These two items I thought might be of interest to folks here. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Colombia's agony THE armed conflict in Colombia will spread, thanks in no small part to a $1.3-billion American aid package, mainly military in nature, that is going to throw into the fray 60 new helicopter and three special forces battalions, trained and equipped by the United States for anti-narcotics operations. Who will win? Who will tell the president? WHOEVER wins next month's US presidential election - Al Gore or George Bush junior - is in for a shock. After the triumphant winner sits down behind his new polished desk in the Oval Office, he will immediately receive a top secret briefing on the geopolitical 'challenges' facing his new administration and the growing inability of the US armed forces to meet them. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Poor old Colombia! Another three special forces battalions. Why bother, a couple of decades and neither side has won. I guess just throw more money at the 'problem'. PeterNZ
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