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Everything posted by PeterNZer

  1. Well, i'd like it as an option. The voice cues are great for alerting to status changes in yer units 'ach mein bein!' tells me a german unit has been shot, but I have no idea what that would be in Russsian, and i'm sure with CM2 the calls would get more varried and complex. Just an idea PeterNZ
  2. The victors write the history my son PeterNZ
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I don't have a life<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> you heard it here first! PeterNZ
  4. ok Image gallery a good idea, we'll see. Um, we're going this saturday, you can find out about it http://www.tankmuseum.co.uk We're going to hop in a car i believe. PeterNZ
  5. Ok, this thread isn't to say 'whaaa cm suXsors b-cos it doesn't model XYZ'. Instead, I'd like to invite everyone to post one little idea on something that would add to gameplay or something for CM2. And lets try to avoid flaming people.. hehe, mostly lets have an ideas dump, and the BTS guys can have a peek and might get surprised with something interesting! Since i'm special I will post two ideas for my post, ha! I would love to see a hunt command for infantry, (I know this has been discussed, can't remember outcome). I keep loosing squads because they walk into gunfire and keep walking, would love them to hit the deck and fire back a bit more I'd like to be able to switch between english and the native language, (well, German and Russian for CM2 eh?). I just about fell over when i heard "Stick that in your pipe fritz!" for the first time. Would hate to miss similar stuff in CM2 PeterNZ
  6. O, we ended up going somewhere else since it was way too hot in the Brewmaster. Um, keep an ear out for our future antics. Peter
  7. I wouldn't argue with Dr Al, he's done Philosophy to MA level! I wonder if he thinks all philosophers have an S in their names? PeterNZ
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Pawboon: bla bla bla bonjour croissant baguette bla bla <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If i recall correctly, i've lost ONE afv and one infantry support gun which successfully took out stuff before it went. My count is I have a platoon of your pinned and hurting bad, (for one of mine slightly scratched), I have killed three of your vehicles for one loss of my owen and I have a foothold in town where your defences are looking messy. the loss of hte AFV was unfortunate, especially after it took SO LONG to even get one hit on your Lynx (and only took the gun out!). A bit less bad luck and both those would have died. Still, I can live with what it gave me in terms of hurting you! You know what's worse?! I currently have to write about stinky France for my job today! Sheesh, the horror. PeterNZ ------------------ <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hamsters Wrote: PeterNZ: He hasn’t proven to be particularly valiant but I think he’d make a good doorman<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 10-17-2000).]
  9. well, say I decide I'm playing.. i dunno, NZ forces, I could switch out all the stuff for the latest NZ stuff. Or I can more easily mix and match the various skins, mods, and so on, without having to test out what each one was like in game. PeterNZ
  10. Nah, you're not my type Stuka. And no delusions here, I KNOW i'm great, just have to recheck my pbem files with Jd Morse, KiwiJoe, Herr Oberst, and Pawboon to see that *rubbing his hands up and down his chest* oo i'm so goooood PeterNZ
  11. Sounds like a bloody good idea, and just what the doctor ordered. PeterNZ
  12. Apparently, I have been instructed not to gloat, but why? In the JD Morse game another halftrack of his is toast and a couple of squads trying to hop off got pretty beat up, and i STILL control ALL the VLs! I think he may be starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel. Herr Oberst's troops seem to be perfecting Jesse Owen's speedy run by belting full tit for his edge of the map. Boys! You can't run any further, you'll fall off! I should try and catch up with them and inform them of the dangers of the map edge. He's been cheeky enough to rain down some largish artillery, forced one of my commanders back into his stuffy tank, o the cheek! Chupacbra.. well, I surrendered. But he doesn't know what he's getting himself into! Inadvertantly training me in the intracacies of night warfare will undoubtedly spell his future doom. Pawboom et al All goes according to my designs PeterNZ ------------------ <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hamsters Wrote: PeterNZ: He hasn’t proven to be particularly valiant but I think he’d make a good doorman<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  13. What, 4 pints and a hangover?! bloody swedes PeterNZ
  14. Yeah me too. he has a 'free*something*'.co.nz account and it wasn't working either. Disapointing.. I did something really really nasty to him this turn and wanted a chance to share. Let us know a new email addy dude. PeterNZ ------------------ <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hamsters Wrote: PeterNZ: He hasn’t proven to be particularly valiant but I think he’d make a good doorman<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  15. har-di-har Chupiemonkey and lackey! I have to earn my mega-bucks by being awake, so after my two or three pints I couldn't really go any more without risking feeling pretty nasty today, (especially because we didn't eat). Also, chupie declined to bring his laptop! So there was no CM, we just talked **** and raved.. it was rather amusing PeterNZ
  16. For germy, chupie, Dr A, Coral. Ok, so Germyboy, can you describe where and when you want us on Saturday morning? Ta muchly! o, I've mailed the tank museum about maybe some research stuff with looking inside the tnaks hehe.. but who knows PeterNZ
  17. Hehe! Well done PeterNZ ------------------ <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hamsters Wrote: PeterNZ: He hasn’t proven to be particularly valiant but I think he’d make a good doorman<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  18. He's lying I fired his ass PeterNZ *undercover BTS worker mwuahah*
  19. Kiwijoe, your mail is bouncing. send me a mail to ptyson AT datamonitor DOT com and I will send you the turn from work. Peter
  20. Sorry, who was leaving? O well, plenty more where that came from. Seriously tho. CM is like a piece of academic or scientific work. Once it's 'out there', sure, you can tear it appart, but you better have some damn good evidence to back up assertions. That's where the optics thread came to the stalemate where BTS agreed the optics were better, but stated that quantifying how much better german optics were was beyond them, and noone else provided much more than annecdotes to show the for optics case. Earlier, I've seen good debates which ended up with BTS admiting they had made an error and changed stuff. Back in November (?) last year there was the smoke trails on 'zooks. Lots of folks said 'not historical, remove' and BTS oblidged, (although I liked them, hehe, they looked cool ). A case of clear evidence pointing to a 'fault' (I can't really call it that.. the BTS guys thought it looked cooler that way too hehe), and it was rectified. Thing is, at this point in the game, faults are fewer and fewer, changes are harder and harder to implement. So feel free to post you don't like something, but if you post, be prepared for those who GENUINELY know more to tell you you're wrong. Happens to me all the time! PeterNZ ------------------ <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hamsters Wrote: PeterNZ: He hasn’t proven to be particularly valiant but I think he’d make a good doorman<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  21. Poor Steve. This thread is so dull. It's just a boring peng thread wannabe without all the fun and games, infact, no games just whinning about games. if someone uses gamey recon on ya, get up and flame their stinky ass like any decent human being, sheesh. PeterNZ
  22. Yup, they were in C&C, and between the two platoons had 3 fausts and only 47m to hit the vehnicle. One platoon had height and so i figure even better chance to hit. I think if you can order a platoon to charge a machinegun or flamethrower hehe.. you should be able to tell them to risk exposing themselves. As for backblast, I believe it is significantly less than, say, a zook or PS. I've seen some footage of a PF fired and there is really no noticeable blast flame.. the unit is pretty small all round and i think with warning "achtung Panzerfaust!" any squad would be sorted for warning and I don't think buildings would burst into fire.. hmm. Hell, there's an easy-8 approaching, you have a PF, one platoon regular 44's, the other FJ.. hell, they should be blasting! Could be a potential bug, like the night-los issues Chupie and I found. PeterNZ
  23. It seems this group of posters are getting old and weak! Evidence: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Herr Oberst As for these sorry troops I command, well... you've got me there.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> While indeed I am bending his men over a barrel and right-royally giving them a jolly good spanking, (and some are liking it i suspsect), you could at least show a bit of backbone in public! Furthermore, it has been reported, (see London Drinkies thread), that GermanGIRL won't be coming tonight cos he's got a touch of the sniffles. AWWW POOR BABY! Get hard man! What is the world coming to?! PeterNZ ------------------ <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hamsters Wrote: PeterNZ: He hasn’t proven to be particularly valiant but I think he’d make a good doorman<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
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