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Everything posted by Lee

  1. Can a pre-order be made by check? And if so, what address is it sent to, and who is it made payable to? I saw nothing about that on the site. Thanks for any info.
  2. Submachine guns are ideal inside 50 yards (where lots of combat takes place), but certainly still effective out to 100 yards or so. I'd give the edge to the Thompson in power per shot (that big .45 ACP round packs a punch, which is also great in the Colt 1911 pistol ), and an edge to the MP40 in controllability/accuracy and capacity. Both are deadly effective.
  3. It would be cool if it burst into flames.
  4. I certainly hope the AA guns and AA vehicles will be added in with the various Normandy modules. After all, that's why we have lots of modules with CM2, so we can get all the cool vehicles and guns modeled in the game.
  5. Well, even an average sniper in one of our armies is a very skilled expert marksman, so they should be having lots of hits, even on the first round, out to some pretty good distances. So you would expect that to be the case in CM, with only the longer shots requiring perhaps several rounds for adjustment. Veteran and Elite snipers would, of course, be even better. Often able to make 1 shot hits out to medium ranges, and quite capable of making long range hits. Here's a cool video someone put together showing Marine snipers, not sure how many are Force Recon, but some probably are. Quite a variety of cool weapons, both DM and sniper.
  6. Excellent idea, I totally agree, would greatly add to the immersion of CM battlefields. Will such objects and structures be included in CM: Normandy (radio towers, etc.)?
  7. Hopefully BTS will figure out some way around this bug (as nVidia doesn't seem in any hurry to fix it), I don't recall seeing it in any other game I have. And this would definitely not be good to see in the upcoming CM: Normandy.
  8. I agree that there should at least be a nice screen shot released for the 6th of June, something very Normandy-ish.
  9. Interesting AAR. The only thing is that the enemies opposing you look a little artificially competent. Operating more like western military units than they really would. Seems they would be a little more haphazard, less organized and less effective than that, especially when ambushed liked that. We're fighting against the same sort over there now, and they aren't exactly known for their tactical skill...
  10. Cool video, but what's with the stupid Russian voice added in? Anyone know where a version can be seen without the added voice?
  11. Webwing: Looking forward to seeing the full TO&E for the European forces module. Happy Passover (or, as it's more commonly called, easter) to everyone.
  12. Any updates on what European armored vehicles will be included in the Nato module?
  13. I agree that mis-identification of unit types should be in CMII: Normandy, this is an important part of tactical combat.
  14. Yeah, I don't mean firing at the exact same time as walking, but being able to walk with the MG3, then stop and quickly fire from the shoulder and/or waist without having to set the machine gun up first. This would be very useful in an assault situation when you are trying to get the MG team into a new position and the enemy turns up near by and such.
  15. Another video of the great MG3 in action, with Norwegian forces this time. It'll be cool to see these in action in the upcoming module. Will German troops in the module be able to fire them on the move (which, as can be seen in the video, is possible), from both the shoulder position and at waist level by holding the bipod with the left hand, at targets at close range (maybe 100 yards or less)?
  16. Great stuff, Steve, a thanks to you and Charles for always maintaining such high quality standards! Having full fog-of-war on defensive positions/works is really big, as they can be extremely difficult/semi-impossible to spot in the right terrain, or with the right terrain in between the attacker and the defensive position (like high grass). This will allow for realistically nasty surprises from prepared positions on advancing enemy forces. Nice looking vehicles, kwazydog! CMII:WW2 is definitely going to be yet another instant BTS wargame classic! A perfect time for release would be about 3-4 weeks before June 6th.
  17. I wish everyone a merry and Blessed Christmas this year!
  18. Interesting story about that shot. It should be noted that when Hathcock made his shot it was with a .50 cal Browning HMG fitted with a scope, not a precision bolt action sniper rifle like the Canadian soldier had. Still, a great shot. The interviewer in that video is an idiot, though. Asking how how he "feels", if it worries him, etc.; what, about shooting terrorist scum that are the sworn enemies of our civilization and would murder the sniper's family if they had the chance? It's a pleasure to rid the world of trash like that and a great contribution on the battlefield for a sniper to pick them off whenever an opportunity arises, so our guys don't have to walk up and empty a magazine into them from close range. Thanks to Canada for helping us fight these arab terrorists in Afghanistan. I hear their artillery teams are quite good, as well, and have provided great support for U.S. soldiers in forward positions.
  19. dkchapuis: I know what you mean, but I think many of those problems will go away when it's U.S. and U.K. forces versus the Germans in WWII, instead of these incompetent arabs. You'll have to be plenty careful about where you position your troops and the various tactical nuances when fighting with real armies like that. Also, I recommend playing by e-mail, if you want time to think in depth about your tactics in a battle.
  20. I certainly hope that will be included in the Finnish TO&E when we get to a CM2: WWII module that covers Finland versus Russia. Since we're going to be having all these WWII modules released, allowing BTS to go into great detail, we should expect to see these sorts of cool vehicles.
  21. I have no problem with having SS units and such be in separate modules, in fact, I'm fully expecting to need at least 3 modules just for Normandy. Then we'll need the After Normandy game and another 3 or 4 modules for that. I don't mind paying Mercedes Benz prices as long as we get Mercedes Benz luxury (all the cool units, vehicles and weapons, and the accompanying special TO&E's, 3D models, textures, animations, sounds, etc. that go along with some of the German units). I think the overall cost is reasonable considering the depth and quality that we'll get. Bring on the modules!
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