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Everything posted by Knaust

  1. same situation for me with Egbert and Gnuif...
  2. damn...a second tank did the same thing :eek: ....I won't use Russian tanks anymore
  3. B&T High Noon scenario....I gave to my Rusian BT7 a move-reverse order...the tank saw a MkIII(?)...it forgot the reverse order and charged head-on only to be knocked out CMBB v102....maybe vodka-drunken Russian tankers contemplated in the game engine? :eek:
  4. Hi Becket thx for the game....the masterful game was yours anyway
  5. Pay attention....I don't mean immediately ahead of my firing tank! Anyway it's terrible....this a MAJOR BUG that impairs games awfully. Just now my Marder couldn't hit a T34 at 600mts, coz the shell hit the ground midway :confused: The game is completely ruined by this bug! :mad:
  6. In CMBBv102 I see something I think it's a bug.In situations of grazing line of fire my tanks, especially the German ones, have a terrifying ability to hit the ground immediately ahead of the target and also in the middle on the line of fire. So I lose a lot of ammo..and a lot of tanks :mad:
  7. the most interesting thing....English edition available directly to European customers from BFC....great
  8. me too :eek: ....I think I have bad luck with Germans...or something is wrong ....you have my sympathy
  9. Does anyone know something about America's Army Operations game?
  10. eccomi...di dove sei? here I am...where are you from?
  11. what about stopping all this chitchat? ...it is only a suggestion of mine, of course.
  12. oh well...I'm very used to lose, at least in CMBB (very different from CMBO)...so I am very interested in this BoB club ...how can I join this club?...I think I have all the needed caracteristics
  13. sure ELO system is the key....anyway I like playing!
  14. Zaraath if you wish I can send you ClicknPick, if your OS is WinXP Win98 and only at 1024x768 resolution...at least in case of an Emergency Reorganization the computer makes it all of its own. Moreover the computer keeps track of experience of BattleGrpoup units and attached units from battle to battle.
  15. ClicknPick is covering only South 41 rules 2.1....too many updates!...just trying to implement Kiev Battles...
  16. hi Biltong Appendix B - Historical Battles If your next battle takes place on or after Dawn 15 September 1941 (Day 1; Week 3; Sept.): "Your Battle Group will take part in the Battle of Kiev. The battle takes place over 5 days. You will need to download the Map Pack 7 - Battle of Kiev and read the doc therein. You will find it here:" Does this mean that if my previous battle was on 10 Sept and my next battle date is say 19 Sept, I have to play all 5 Kiev battles? and if my next battle date is one month later, i.e. 19 Oct, I can still play all Kiev battles? it seems a bit strange...
  17. ooppss...sorry Lane last sentence must be read your dog can eat it...not you dog
  18. Lane, try ClicknPick v.103 I just sent to you....the computer makes all calculations....moreover it keeps track of every necessary parameter (like experience, Attached units) from battle to battle...no more paper needed...you dog can just eat it :cool:
  19. Lane, your isp is rejecting my e-mail with last version of BCR ClicknPick...let me know. Tell me how I can send it, so you can resolve your problems...or so I hope!
  20. To the Biltong community I'm glad to present the BCR ClicknPick utility. I tested this utility on my old Win98 computer and on my new WinXP Home computer and it worked fine on both of them. However this utility can be viewed only at 1024x768 screen resolution. This utility can be applied to Biltong's Rules v2.1 41 SOUTH June to December. If anyone is interested I can send him the exe file (the program was written in Visual Basic). You double-click the exe file and you are in the main page. For the first time you can create a folder where to save your campaigns (you can manage multiple campaigns). Then you select new or saved campaign (for the first battle you select obviously new) and the folder where you wish to save your campaign. Then you are in the Parameters Sheet window. You click on the time of battle and on your Player Experience and then you have all necessary parameters, after clicking the continue button. If you have enough Favor points, you will be asked if you want to modify your die roll (a little difference from the rules, you are asked to use your Favor points before the die roll, so it is at your own risk to get a favourable result, i.e. to modify positively your Force Mix). If there are Depleted units the utility will remember you of them. Moreover the utility keeps track of the experience of all Battle Group and Attached units. With the ClicknPick window you have all the parameters to play your battle (shift from CMBB screen using the Window key). After using all parameters, click on the Done button and the Go to Main Page button and all the data will be saved. Thus after a bunch of clicks you can play your battle. When you have ended your battle, you load your saved campaign and you are in the Favor Sheet window: you enter all the data and you have your new Favor. If you position the mouse on the category you have a tooltiptext like the notes in the Biltong Favor Sheet. Click the Done and Go to the Battlegroup Sheet and you are in this sheet. Again there are tooltiptexts explaining notes. You fill in all necessary data and you have the experience of every unit. If there is an Emergency Reorganization the program will do this for you transferring units from the unit with most casualties to the unit with less casualties (with even casualties HQ units will go first for replacements and go last in giving units). The computer will calculate Allied Counterattack, Axis Immediate Attack and Attached units. The computer keeps tracks of all necessary data, like Days to be spent in City Fight, number of battles with Decimated losses,experience of battlegroup units, Depleted units, Attached units(Name, Purchase Points,Experience). As I said above, anyone interested can get the exe file. Enjoy!
  21. I need three clarifications. 1) Attached Units: - I get for the first time 60 pts. I buy a 43pt unit…what do I insert in Parameter 36 (Calculate Force Size)…60 or 43? - After 2 battles I get 40 pts more? What do I insert in Parameter 36?...100 or 83? - There is an Emergency Reorganization and I lose my 43pt unit?...Do I subtract 43 pts from the Attached Unit Value gained until now? 2) Infantry Company Experience - after an Emergency Reorganization are depleted units to be counted for determining the Infantry Company Experience?....I think they aren’t as they do not participate to the battle. 3) Player Experience - Is Player Experience set for the overall campaign or can it be set from battle to battle?
  22. Edgars, I'm developing a fully automated Biltong rules utility (there is also a fully automated emergency reorganization phase) under Visual Basic. Unfortunately, as Biltong already knows , I am able to develop it only for Win XP, 1024x768 resolution screen, monitor over 15". The program keeps track of all parameters from battle to battle of a campaign, such as experience of all units, depleted units, attached units, favor, days to be spent in city fight. This utility works fine on my computer. If you want to use it at your own risk and the risk of your computer, I can send it when it is completed. (remember only for Win XP, monitor>=17")
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