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Everything posted by Knaust

  1. uhmmmm...in mirrored scenarios my Russian tanks can't hit any German target...Russian tanks of opponent are a lot better...the same for my German tanks...I'm going to think that is a matter of luck ....but obviously this not the answer
  2. Tis is manifest...but why not in CMBO? :confused:
  3. Now can someone explain to me why I was able to win 2 out of 3 games in CMBO, and now in CMBB I draw only one battle out of 6? :mad:
  4. thx Biltong...damn...too many rules!....that0s why it's so exciting!...it makes me remember old Cross of Iron
  5. Apache...thx for the quick reply...as I am implementing the rules in a Visual Basic program, what is the formula to determine the aggregate whole company experience?...sum of experiences/number of units, weighted mean experience?....maybe I missed something in the rules...
  6. Apache...thx for the quick reply...as I am implementing the rules in a Visual Basic program, what is the formula to determine the aggregate whole company experience?...sum of experiences/number of units, weighted mean experience?....maybe I missed something in the rules...
  7. hey... maybe I've missed something.... I have determined the after battle experience of my Co HQ as Regular my 1st PLt 1st Squad experience is Green when I pick units in the Real Battle Generator how can I change the experience of 1stPLT 1st Squad to Green, if the experience of the whole company is Regular?
  8. Guys I'm currently trying to implement Biltong's rules in Visual Basic...now I am on Parameter 3...if I succeed in finishing the work before CM3 I'll let you know. Anyway is there some guy, more skillful than me, teying all this? It would spare a lot of Rolling Stones...err...rolling dice, I mean!
  9. sure Holien...always ready to be badly beaten by you ...tell me your prefs
  10. thx guys for pointing to me the difference between it's and its...just to improve my knowledge of English language
  11. Now I want to know! Which is the correct spelling of the possessive adjective? its or it's? Moreoveer is it not correct that it's is the abbreviation of it is? thanks for your quotes for an illiterate non-English speaker!
  12. thanks Kingfish..this overflow tourney is mi first tourney and I was afraid I would miss it...although my great regret is not playing Holien
  13. What a mess!...we have to submit all this question to the United Nations Council! well...what about the overflow tourney?
  14. oh well...let this whole thing continue! I'm an overflow player eager to play this tourney...I think that all this was a little breach... I VOTE...CONTINUE!
  15. oh well...let us continue...instead of EFOW we will have FFOW
  16. Apparently it seems that in CMBB there is no more the CMBO FirstHitFirstKill situation. In CMBB far more penetrations are needed to knock out a tank. Different game engine?...or other?
  17. Mike I'm in and I will take the Krauts...fancy how the Russkies will win
  18. IMHO I think that this luck-skill controversial is essentially related to QB games. Although I have played a lot of them in CMBO, I found them very boring. A good historical scenario is far more interesting than a QB game, and in the historical scenario luck is part of skill . :cool: To compare the skill of players it would be great to have a list of scenario tested with the Nabla system...but this is only a dream.
  19. hey...I'm downloading mod from http://mirror.internode.on.net/games/firstpersonshooters/cmbb/mods is this the correct version of RealColor mod?
  20. I'm currently downloading Gunslinger's mods with a V.92 modem and GetRight, so that at the end of this month I will have these mods 1) Are these mods worth of it? 2) After installing these mods, if someone is not glad of them, how can he revert to the old bmp's?...reinstalling all the bmp's and losing CMMOs mods? :eek:
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