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Joe Shaw

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Posts posted by Joe Shaw

  1. Well clearly you'd want more than three guys to represent a company smile.gif But I could easily live with a unit/stand that had, say, 6 figures in two lines of three. That would give you a regiment of 60 figures and they would LOOK about right I think. Back in my old miniature days we had Napoleonic battalions with about that many figures and they looked great. SMG/SMA has even fewer than that IIRC. It's mostly a matter of personal preference I think. I prefer smaller level fights over larger. Breakaway's Waterloo game, from what I can see ... and I could be wrong, uses units that are BRIGADES! If true, that really disappoints me since my view of Napoleonics has always been at the regimental level. But I really think the chances of getting something like that FROM BTS is slim and none. They might, perhaps, license parts of the engine or a copycat might come up with something. I even checked out the uniform BMPs just to see what could be done ... which promptly reminded me that I have zero talent with graphics.


  2. I guess we can give Dalem some credit for admitting he lost BUT:I will use the following sig for a month. ...
    Geeze Peter, couldn't you at least find an opponent to beat who was bright enough to figure out how to post a sig? Now granted you are losing OUR match, albeit with massive grousing about the speed of my advance (HELLO ... it's DARK out there, how would you know where I am), but surely your efforts to get SOMEONE to post your choice of sig would be more credible were it someone who was more intelligent than a sponge!



    I heartily admit you are a swine, Joe. But you are OUR swine. (Goanna)

  3. A Civil War company is made up of

    approximately 1000 men, and so on. The maps would have to be gigantic, and the units could conceivably be unwieldy.

    Actually an ACW company (at full strength) was also about 100 men. A regiment (again at full strength) was about 1000 men.

    Personally I would LOVE an ACW or Napoleonic game in which you could fight individual companies as units. So to compare that to CM, each "squad" could be a company and 10 "units" could then represent a regiment.

    As to the map, such a scale could easily accomodate actions such as Little Round Top, the Cornfield at Antietam, the Hornets Nest at Shiloh and so on.

    But again, the scale of the unit is simply a matter of deciding how many figures will be used in each unit to represent the strength of the unit. In CM, for example, three figures are used to represent a full squad and doesn't, IMO, cause much of a problem.

    As to whether or not CM could or will be modified ... I leave that to BTS but it would be great.


  4. So Ted says:If it could become

    a problem, I am sure a solution could be found easily.

    Whoa pal, you might want to consider the following:

    1) We (I'm speaking for the CMMC Allied Press Corps) had the name first.

    2) I personally know two lawyers in the CessPool (I know, it's kind of a double whammy, Lawyers AND the CessPool).

    3) We have retained the firm of "Guido, Guido and Guido" to do our ... uh ... negotiations.

    4) It has been conclusively proven, apropos of nothing at all, that it's practically impossible to play CM with broken hands.

    So ... BACK OFF BUDDY!

    Oh, nice site BTW smile.gif And the next edition of the REAL Forward Observer is at the printer and should be available at a computer terminal near you momentarily.



    I heartily admit you are a swine, Joe. But you are OUR swine. (Goanna)

  5. DOCTOR Senility to Mensch: Confess, child, you are unhappy. But you are never alone, Mensch. We are always with you.
    Oh VERY good Senility, THAT'LL make him feel better. Allow me to translate: Not only are you personally worthless and berift of hope, but your only friends are even more worthless and completely hopeless.



    I heartily admit you are a swine, Joe. But you are OUR swine. (Goanna)

  6. You think you can come in here and throw out some cheesey one liner like that kitty wench. and fer gawds freaking sake its a blasted compliment!?. depart a lot now or we make castinets out of your dangly bits and feed your liver to mace. your arms we turn into scratching posts and your eyes we put on the ends of our fingers and play peek-a-boo around corners with them.
    Well said Peng ... ZZZZAAPPPPP!!!!ARRRAAGGGGHHHH ... Sorry lads, my Anti Peng device kicked in there ... just a little reminder I've rigged up to keep me from saying nice things about ... uh ... you know who, Heh, you thought I was dumb enough to say something nice about Peng again ...ZZZZAAPPPPP!!!!ARRRAAGGGGHHHH

    Whew, must remember to crank down the voltage a tad.

    In other game related news:

    jd is FINALLY putting up a bit of a defense but is learning the perils of concentrating infantry in woods when there's arty about. I should be charging him by the hour for the lesson, frankly. Don't know why he hasn't surrendered.

    Eathan, after a brief moment of success in our recreation of the retreat from Moscow (at least it seems that way, lots of snow and it's lasting FOREVER) got cocky (sit DOWN Bauhaus) and prompty lost the last remaining vehicle that I can see. Doubtless he has others quivering in their holes (now REALLY Bauhaus THAT must stop) but I've yet to see them. My Panzers, OTOH (yes Bauhaus that hand), are rolling forward triumphantly and crushing all before them. Don't know why he hasn't surrendered.

    Peter N Zer and I are still tip toeing around in the dark and the woods. It's still early but Don't know why he hasn't surrendered.

    Goanna insisted on the right to avenge his loss in OpLiz so we're starting another. Don't know why he hasn't surrendered.

    Mace has turned to the dark side I'm afraid and has begun using gamey tactics in a desperate and ... probably successful ... attempt to defeat me. First he killed all my armor and now he's sending his armor after my boys who have expended all their AT already! And with the obvious and well known close assault bug my lads have no chance ... still they'll soldier on to the last. Don't know why I haven't surrendered.



    I heartily admit you are a swine, Joe. But you are OUR swine. (Goanna)

  7. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't BTS (and a few others) say that the grenade is simply a graphical device to show that a close assault is underway? If so I think we may be putting too much emphasis on the "grenade" issue.

    FWIW, I did a ten "game" test using the small 20X20 map and the close assaults worked very well against a 251/1 with non AT US Infantry.



    I heartily admit you are a swine, Joe. But you are OUR swine. (Goanna)

  8. Olle, the trees look flat because they are smile.gif While the vehicles and terrain are modelled in 3D, the trees at least aren't. I've done some work on creating the old fashioned type of stereo photos from various CM shots, and sometimes they look really good but the trees can ruin the whole effect because they aren't modelled as are the vehicles. I found that I pretty much had to have an empty background or at least one without trees, in order to get the effect I wanted.



    I heartily admit you are a swine, Joe. But you are OUR swine. (Goanna)

  9. Coleslaw, the swine™ that he is couldn’t even bother to send me back the final map file, so as to hide the embarrassing facts of how much damage I did to his elite Hamstertrüppen armed only with beads of armpit sweat that I flicked at him with the highest accuracy.
    Damage? To what ... the paint on my tanks? I was willing to be kind as the scenario was clearly unfavorable to you, but your {ahem} attempts to force my position (sit down Bauhaus) were so pathetic that most of my troops were injured due to laughing so long. Let's examine the FACTS shall we, instead of relying upon your VERSION of what happened. I take no pride in this, mind you, it was much like swatting flies that got caught in the refrigerator, but the TRUTH must be told.

    FACT: Of 47 total FRENCH vehicles I was able to count 31 knocked out, 10 still alive and cowering and the remainder not even willing to cower enough for me to see them.

    FACT: The FRENCH had 194 casualties (55 KIA) and 184 captured.

    FACT: The German's had two pillboxes K.O.ed and a grand total of 65 casualties, most of them due to my unfortunate oversight in creating the setup zones. THAT'S IT! Oh and the guns on my two JTs were damaged. You see, I'm being scrupulously honest, unlike some people I could mention {couMacegh}.

    The game was rigged, no question about it, but Joanna simply can't be allowed to put a good face on it. I was more than happy to give him the benefit of the doubt and not rub it in, but now the gauntlet has been cast and I gladly take up the challenge. I AWAIT YOUR SETUP JOANNA ... this time ... no mercy.


    btw, thanks for the sig, I'm quite taken with it.


    I heartily admit you are a swine, Joe. But you are OUR swine. (Goanna)

  10. Okay, other than a MINOR problem with the board posting when it didn't LOOK like it was taking my posts ...

    In stark contrast to the other LOSERS who participated in Operation Lizard to welcome Goanna back to the fold (sit DOWN Mace), MY rigged scenario performed exactly as designed and resulted in the double humiliation of forcing Will to play the French (perhaps the ultimate humiliation) and his loss by a score of 84 to 12.

    I cannot take credit for this win, however, as the result was a foregone conclusion and even my screwup with the setup zones couldn't change that. So, as a Man Of HONOR ... unlike some that I COULD mention {couMacegh}, I will not claim this as a victory on Lorak's board.

    However, the jerk DID bend the barrels on both of my JT's.



    I heartily admit you are a swine, Joe. But you are OUR swine. (Goanna)

  11. Accompaning the latest turn from Mace: Ubertracks? Oh I'm sorry, I never realised what I was facing! I think it best that I send my surrender immediately! Here it is!!!!
    And there you have it Lorak ... proof positive that the abomination known as Mace has (and in writing I might add ... in fact I think I will ... add it that is) stated that he will surrender to me! Right has triumphed over evil and Good over ... uh ... evil again, I guess. Granted he didn't ACTUALLY send the surrender with the turn, slipped his mind no doubt, and the surrender will surely be coming when he's advised of his error. But just to save time and be proactive, go ahead and mark down a WIN for ME (JOE SHAW ... in case you forgot) and a LOSS for the OZZIE SHEEPSHAGGER KNOWN AS MACE. No need to wait till the last minute. Of course, should his evil nature compromise his honor and he should NOT surrender, well then ... we can all call him a LIAR can't we!



    I heartily admit you are a swine, Joe. But you are OUR swine. (Goanna)

  12. jd, Lawyer, Gentlemen ... well, okay forget about that, but must we bicker and quibble about who killed who? All this is unbecoming of the dignity of the legal profession ... okay forget about that, but it is cause for concern among the denizens of the 'pool. After all, if you two can't get along it bodes ill for the future of justice in this country ... okay forget about that. Frankly I am worried that your quarrel may escalate to actual physical violence, perhaps even to the point where both of you would kill each ... oh ... okay forget about that and ... carry on.



    I heartily admit you are a swine, Joe. But you are OUR swine. (Goanna)

  13. I just wanted to share my new sig, courtesy of Goanna, and that after I'd subjected him to my Scenario of Terror as part of OpLiz. Can't you just feel the love in the pool? Okay everyone, group hug ... {Sit DOWN Bauhaus}.

    Okay back to normal mode. MarkIv, (note the small "v" ... I don't know what it means but it LOOKS demeaning) our own Virtual Idiot, has forgotten that the word "Defend" comes from the root words of "def", which is the Texan pronounciation of "deaf" and of course "end" which is obvious. Therefore the word "Defend" refers to the end that can't hear ... which is where MarkIv pulled his thesis from.



    I heartily admit you are a swine, Joe. But you are OUR swine. (Goanna)

    [This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 02-08-2001).]

  14. Damn, good deal bubba, at least we got away from those stupid Canadians who kept sttttrrreeettccchhhiiinnnnnggggggg the thread so I had to ... honest to Gawd ... scroll to read the damn thing! Yeah, can you believe it? I couldn't see an obvious culprit ... mostly 'cause I didn't care enough and my name wasn't mentioned so ... like it mattered? But I suspect Senility ... of course I ALWAYS suspect Senility ... when I don't KNOW that it was Bauhaus of course.

    Mace aren't you ready to give up yet? It's going to be REALLY embarrassing when I win without armor, this way you can claim the press of business ... oh wait, you work for the government, or at least as much of a government as you have. Well claim the press of ... pressing your khakis or something.

    Eathan you can say goodbye to your TD ... it may get one of mine but it's toast.

    jd It's sure quiet out there ... too quiet.

    Goanna You've taken your rigged scenario like a man (which amazes us all) and I salute you ... and the dozen burning hulks marking your path of death.


  15. RickShaw is causing me concern. His 4 panthers took out 2 shermans, losing 1 in the process. Some surprises await, but I fear this map is too big to effectively defend.
    Well here's a thought for you, perhaps if you had set up A DEFENSE AT ALL ... So far I've seen the aforementioned two Shermans ... excuse me ... FORMER Shermans ... and some poor jerk who was running for his life. And I have a few surprises left too. About time to consider an out of court settlement, Counselor? My client (Me) will be willing to settle for your surrender in lieu of destroying you entirely!



  16. The Artisanal Cheese Wheel formerly known as Joe Shaw: Having used gamey Time-Reversing Tactics™ to change the outcome of the Turn That Was Lost in the Upgrade Process, he has managed to knock out most of my armor. I have none left now, honest. Really. I'm defenseless. Just an HQ and a bakery detail left in the town. It's a cakewalk. Come on, you know you want to. (Will someone please strap Bauhaus to a chair or something?)
    Lies, all lies, libel in fact since he wrote it (see, I have been paying attention since we have jd and Lawyer hanging around ... and you thought the stench was just Bauhaus again). Has he ONCE stated HOW the outcome of the turn changed? Has he ONCE acknowledged that HE was the one who did the conversion? Has he ONCE identified this mystery Panther that was supposed to have been destroyed but is now miraculously returned to life? HE HAS NOT! And yet he continues to heap scorn upon me for my alleged GAMEY tactics! The only thing gamey about the scenario we're playing (which, BTW, HE picked) is the rotten smell of the deplorable tactics he's using ... I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt you see by NOT suggesting that he's making it up as he goes along, which is probably true BUT I WON'T BE SUGGESTING THAT.

    As to the remnants of his forces now retreating to shiver in the basements of the houses of the town ... I repeat ... I HAVE TIME. Listen ... quiet now ... what's that sound? Could it be ... tank treads crunching through the snow? The whine of the turret, the clang of a round being forced home? Voices issuing commands ... and NOT English commands? Find a corner in your basement ... huddle close, be very quiet ... and pray.


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