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Everything posted by Fenris

  1. Summary of idea's post above by Steve look pretty good. Haven't read the entire thread so excuse me if it's been mentioned..... I reckon the rarity thing would be an enhancement to CM1's game play also and would like to see it added if possible. Reg's Fen Edit - the blind purchasing of your formations is also a very good idea. [This message has been edited by Fenris (edited 09-29-2000).]
  2. Yes these textures would be schweet. IIRC Maddmatt mentioned his next set of mods has an improved horizon - I think. Reg's Fen
  3. I know CCJ was doing some but these appear unattainable now. Can anyone else advise me of where/if there are any improved sky and horizon textures a la the ones that CCJ did for the demos? Much appreciated. Fen
  4. Greetings, take me to your leader! Fenris Quasi-Grog
  5. Ya that's probably a very big part of the equation. I'll have a look at the siloette values when I get home. Still do you guys think the better (or worse) optics should be accounted for at long ranges? Fen
  6. The thrust of my post was mainly with regard being able to hit targets at extreme range, not the actual killing potential. From what I know of CM the German's currently have no advantage at long range as far as putting rounds on target, although as I said it's believed they had the better sighting systems. Anyway, I will have a go with 75mm armed Sherman's when I get home as I mainly wanted to test out at what range hits could be achieved. I'll keep an eye out for your scenrio too...What's it going to be called? Reg's Fen
  7. Hi all, Did a little experiment last night. Setup a flat, featureless map 3000m x 800m. Put an early Tiger, a late Tiger, a King Tiger and a Jagdtiger at one end and numerous Sherman 76's at the other (16 to be exact). The Shermans advanced and at around 2400 meters the tigers commenced firing, the Shermans stopped and fired back. A couple of observations made.... The Shermans hit the Tigers many many times. They never penetrated but the multitude of hits took out their guns and also immobilised all but the Jagdtiger. All but the Jagd were abandoned by there crew by the 10th minute. 6 Sherman's had been killed by this stage. The 88's seemed to hit once every 6 shots, all penetrated knocking out the M4 (did have one bounce off in later testing with less Shermans at 2350 meters). This has been over before and I understand from what I read on the board these extreme ranges aren't as relevant on the western front (but they did happen, read the allied tankers comments in the document FD-Ski dug up). My main concern is that all the tanks are operating at the same level at these long ranges (as modelled in CM) when it's a commonly held premise that the german optics outstripped any allied equipment for quality throughout the conflict. That being said changing CM now isn't warranted as has been discussed previously. The reason I'm posting is in the hope that it's given some consideration for CM2 Ost Front, where the quality of german optics did play an important role in the long range killing power of the large german guns and gave them a destinct advantage over Soviet equipment (from what I know, please feel free to point me in the direction of info that states otherwise). Anyway, I will be playing around with all the tanks as I actually found it a good learning experience. Being shown how good your tanks can perform as modelled in CM has given me a better idea of what I can expect in future CM battles. Man that got long! Ha, back to work...hehe. Happy hunting all. Reg's Fen
  8. Ya, must admit I'm more partial to Aussie Rules having played for many years as a kid/teenager. Although I did play rugby too for a while. My claim to fame is that I used to play ruck and James Hird used to be centre or more often my ruck rover That and we used to go to school and hang out together alot, did you know that he used to cop a lot on account of his large ears as a kid?? Hehe, haven't spoken to him for ages - maybe I could get on 'This is your life' with that story!!. Anyway, back to WW2 . Fen
  9. Weren't there like only 18 Sturmtigers built? Look pretty nasty.... You guys seen the Warsaw uprising footage? Vhooooompa! Very nasty indeed. Reg's Fen
  10. Sorry but am getting desperate... Any fellow Aussies out there who have Panzer Elite and are willing to sell it please let me know! Email me at: kaos_war_monk@hotmail.com Thanks a bunch, Fen
  11. This is quoted from our local papers.... Spot the laconic Aussie "Tony Travers was preparing to cook his dinner at Datto's panel beaters in Berrima when the missile fell just 10 metres away from him, crushing the LandCruiser ute. "It was like a huge thunderclap," Mr Travers told ABC radio. "I rang the police and the RAAF and that, and then made my sausage sanger. "Then I went outside and had a look around and they eventually rang back and said they had lost a missile. "I've gone and had a closer inspection and found half of it." He said the LandCruiser, belonging to landlord Basil Roe, was "absolutely, totally decimated". "It was being restored but it's a bit past that stage now," he added. "I've never seen nothing like it in my life mate," Mr Roe told Sky News describing the remains of his car. "I've seen cars in accidents and that but that's a pretty good front-ender. "The whole engine and everything is just blown to pieces." A sanger is a sandwich and a ute is a truck.. Reg's Fen
  12. Ya they're pretty useful/scary. Playing last night, routed defending German infantry in a small engagement when suddenly my M10's commander got taken out....I watched the replay 5 times trying to see what happened, one second he was there, the next the M10's shocked with one man down. Didn't end up finding him until the enemy surrended and I was able to browse the map. Reg's Fen
  13. Did a small snowy woods skirmish myself a week ago.... 2 platoons of German infantry, a 75mm AT gun, a few 'schreks and LMG's defending against an allied probe. Was attacked by Canadian infantry (2 reg and 1 engineer plt), a Cromwell, a couple of halftracks, a Bren carrier and an armoured car... AT gun got 3 light vehicles before Cromwell took him out.... Cromwell then taken out by a panzerschreck at about 100 meters (hit twice actually). Infantry attacking thru trees ran into my infantry and a nasty fight ensued with lots of grenades flying around. The Canadian recon car approached and was hit by the 'schreck team too. I was then forced to bring 2 unengaged squads in from the flank as my front was collapsing with 2 squads and an LMG badly mauled. These timely re-inforcements held the Canadians causing the battered allied infantry to retreat back into the woods. Minor Axis victory and alot of fun. I really thought I was sunk with the allied armour cresting a rise in a break in the trees and approaching my infantry. Then the AT team pops up outta their hole and whoosh Reg's Fen
  14. Happened to me too. Have sent an email with details to feedback@battlefront.com Reg's Fen [This message has been edited by Fenris (edited 07-20-2000).]
  15. It's baby poo brown, about 8" by 6". Reg's Fen
  16. Tried Matt's graphics pack but didn't really like it, the tree/woods ground texts somehow looked more pixellated.... I really like the sounds pack however and recommend it, it has additional background noises of incoming fire and stuff like that. Am yet to try the winter camo schemes, think I'll wait until an entire pack is available. Thanks to all those who are out there doing mods, wish CoolColJ hadn't been so badly treated - his stuff was great. Reg's Fen
  17. Another review of CM over at http://www.combatsim.com And don't the kids love it Reg's Fen
  18. Haha...Fd ya old war dog! Is part of the experience, the agonising wait for CM to turn up! You'll love it tho, perhaps we can sit round the BBQ and argue about the modelling of how ferocious Polish airbourne units are!! Or how the King Tiger's canon is way under modelled!! Just kidding. Check to see if your credit card has been charged, usually takes a few days after that if you're in the US. Be thankful you're not in Oz...It took 3 weeks to get here. Reg's Fen
  19. Got it! Delivered to my office on Friday 7th, was in my pigeon hole this morning the 10th of July. Am in Sydney CBD, was posted from the US on 21st June. Now I just have to wait all day to get home to play. I feel for you guys yet to have yours, hang in there. Reg's Fen
  20. Blackwood of Melbourne reported getting his this arvo.... Has to be tomorrow, I'm out of the office Friday - I bet Murphy's law comes in and it arrives when I'm away.... Anyway hoping for joy tomorrow. Reg's Fen
  21. Mate! You didn't tell us where you live! Many anxious aussies would like to know..... EDIT - His profile states he's in Melbourne - you lucky bugger! (about getting CM, not living in Melbourne...hehe ) Reg's Fen [This message has been edited by Fenris (edited 07-05-2000).]
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