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Everything posted by Bill101

  1. Excellent, and as there are quite a lot of videos, with more to come, the easiest solution is to subscribe to your channel and watch the war unfold!
  2. Thanks very much for the AAR, I thoroughly enjoyed following it, and like the look of the 1939 one already!
  3. Hi Altaris Great idea, and I can edit your first post to add the extra links if you like? Just let me know, and if you'd like me to, email me at bill.runacre@furysoftware.com with the details as and when they are ready, and I'll add them in.
  4. Hi Rocko1, no, it's not necessary to have Gold, just the base Global Conflict game will do.
  5. The problem with 1 and 5 is that the Allies will not get supply while in the USSR, due to Stalin's uncooperative nature. I actually tried to do the same sort of thing a number of times in SC1 (when Allied units did receive supply in the USSR) but it never worked out. Early offensives into western or southern Europe are the only real way to draw German forces away from the east.
  6. Ah yes, I'd omitted to mention the benefit of infrastructure in increasing HQ's minimum supply. That came with WWI Breakthrough, and will be included in the new expansions too.
  7. Hi Is it not on the back of the box the disc came in?
  8. Hi David Thanks for your post and we are certainly considering the issue you've raised. Bill
  9. Hi With raiding, you don't need to target the convoy as such, just have the bomber within range of the convoy. At the end of your opponent's turn, the convoy route will provide less MPP income to the USSR than it would have done otherwise. If you've done this for a few turns, then the results (which are generally quite moderate) should be reflected in the Charts in the Reports screen?
  10. Hi Sapare has already pretty much covered everything regarding National Morale in his reply, apologies for not being around myself to answer sooner. As to whether or not you should try to knock out Italy or just occupy the north, there are two main factors to consider: a) The situation elsewhere. Can you afford to continue the offensive in Italy given the strong demands for forces elsewhere? How resilient the Italians appear to be. In real life, British, French and even some US forces went to Italy to help defend it. Your opponent delayed sending any reinforcements there until it was a little too late to stop your advance. Consequently if you can screen his forces in north west Italy, and advance in strength on Rome, then it might be worthwhile. The blow to France of losing Italy would be a good incentive, and the naval balance of power in the Med would suddenly shift much more in your favour too. But looking at the other fronts, I'm glad I'm not the one who has to actually make the decision!!
  11. Hi Stormbringer3 It doesn't improve supply, but it does make operating and transporting units cheaper. It is more useful for some nations than others, i.e. the USA will benefit more from it than a country like France that isn't sending troops all over the place.
  12. Hi Within the game's folders there should be one called ERROR. This should contain a text file, which will show more information on the problem, and also an ERROR.sav file from the crash. I would say that if this problem reoccurs, then it would be best to email them to support@furysoftware.com, including information on the game being played (i.e. Breakthrough 1.02) and whether it is PBEM, versus the AI etc. I've spelt the information in that last paragraph out a bit as the same information really applies to anyone who has a repeatable crash. Thanks Bill
  13. Just to confirm: HQs cannot reinforce above strength 10, and I strongly recommend reinforcing your artillery to the maximum, funds permitting of course.
  14. Correct, a unit needs to have a de-entrenchment of 1 to de-entrench. So the effect is as follows: Level 0 = no de-entrenchment Level 1 = 1 de-entrenchment Level 2 = 1 de-entrenchment If we were to allow artillery to go up to level 3, then it would have a de-entrenchment value of 2.
  15. Strategiclayabout has explained it perfectly! Essentially, destroying enemy units in low supply is akin to winning the sort of victories that propaganda can be made of. Thus boosting morale on the home front.
  16. I've done it a few times but it's hard to decide whether or not it is worth doing, because the distances are so great that any units you send there will be unavailable for combat elsewhere for a long time. The argument for invading is that by conquering it Ottoman income will rise, but that has to be weighed up against the time and effort expended. Supply is low so to send a force that will succeed, it will require a HQ and probably some artillery. If you can afford to spare these from the the other Ottoman fronts then yes, but otherwise I wouldn't recommend it.
  17. I wonder, will some of the B.E.F. in France be sent to help their Italian allies?
  18. There are some other factors that can impact it too: If units have operated, forced march, or swapped. If their HQs are at less than full strength. If they are being affected by any STRENGTH scripts. For instance, Austro-Hungarian units serving in Russia will suffer minor penalties to their unit morale. I don't know if any of these could be a factor here?
  19. Hi Altaris A quick answer on your second question for now: level 1 and higher artillery will always de-entrench by 1 per shell fired, as will attacks by infantry Corps. Detachments, Cavalry, and artillery without upgrades will never de-entrench, so if these are to attack, it is best to use those units that will de-entrench first.
  20. Strategiclayabout has answered pretty much everything, and I'll just add that Railguns are useful either to target enemy resources, thus reducing their supply and/or income, and secondly, to reduce the effectiveness of targeted units. They do not de-entrench the target, and will only cause infrequent casualties, but adding their fire to that of regular Heavy Artillery will increase the chances of your attacks succeeding.
  21. Both useful and interesting for me, and an annual summary like that is very handy to show how the war is going, and to see where your ideas are coming from.
  22. AA units will defend adjacent tiles too, so this does increase their usefulness. But it can be hard to decide whether more Fighters or AA is better, as of course only the former have any offensive capability.
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