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Everything posted by Bill101

  1. Hi Amadeus It only has this effect against land and air units bombed on the ground. I'm not sure that it would be appropriate to have the same effect against naval units, because if they aren't directly hit (including splashes) then they survive air attacks unscathed. But with land and air units there will generally be some damage and effect on their operations, even if it is only temporary.
  2. Hi Amadeus I think the best thing will be to load up the campaign in Hotseat first, to check out where the locations might be using the S hotkey, then start a new game properly using this information. I see what you mean though about not being able to pause during the Deployment Phase, i.e. to defer the unit deployment so that you can select resources or look at other features of the map. Bill
  3. Hi Juju86 If you right click on the air unit and select Operate, you can then redeploy the air unit to other friendly territory. Note that this does cost some MPPs so the option won't be available if you've not got enough MPPs.
  4. Hi Mike The Medium Bomber is really a softening up weapon, as the 30% demoralization it inflicts on a target unit makes it a very powerful weapon against units you want to then attack directly. Carriers main role against land targets is in the Pacific where it is generally a hit and run weapon, which will probably take damage, sometimes a considerable amount, during its attacks. So it is on average engaged for a shorter period of time, whereas the Medium Bomber can, again on average, continue operations for a longer period of time. Carrier repairs are also more expensive, and if lost it cannot be bought back at reduced cost and time, unlike the Medium Bomber. I hope this helps explain where the differences in stats come from. Bill
  5. We did have it take longer in early versions, possibly in beta, but because it takes quite some time to sail all the way, we felt that having the rest of the passage take a reduced period of time would make up for the long journey time. The real impact of losing the Suez Canal is to British National Morale, as they will lose 250 points for each of Port Said, Ismailia and Suez when they fall, followed by 2,500 apiece when Alexandria and Cairo fall. Plus with Egypt surrendered, the UK will lose a further 50 points per turn, representing the loss of income due to the Canal being in enemy hands. So overall this equates to 5,750 points plus 50 for every turn thereafter that Egypt remains in the Central Powers' hands. Germany will also gain 1,000 points and the Ottomans 2,500 when Egypt surrenders. Coupled with unrestricted naval warfare, this could well be a very good way to knock the UK out of the war!
  6. Hi Glad you're enjoying the game, and I don't think trenches are the problem, but wonder if some of your units are attacking across a river? Only the river crossing penalty would explain it as it reduces your attacking potential quite noticeably. Bill
  7. Regarding the supply question, what is the strength of your HQs in the above?
  8. Are the AA batteries firing at the bombers? Only they take priority and the fighters will intercept if the AA aren't present, or have already used up their shots.
  9. Japanese Medium and Strategic bombers do have a slightly longer range, and Japan has level 1 in Long Range at the beginning, and will almost certainly have level 2 by the time of Pearl Harbor. So yes, the Allies will need to invest in Long Range or they will be at a noticeable disadvantage in the carrier battles in the Pacific.
  10. You're quite right, so I've corrected my post above. I will have to check on this and report back! Glad to be of assistance!
  11. Hi Ashes Fall I had to do some investigating and run a quick test to fully answer this, but I now have a definitive answer that should clarify your questions. Firstly, here is a more in depth description of the research system, followed by answers to your questions: The Research System A) Progression tracking that will go from 0-100% and once you reach 100% you have achieved your breakthrough. The increment per turn will be a random number based on the % chance you have each turn relative to the number of chits invested. For example, if you have 1 chit at 5% each then you have a 2.5 -> 7.5% increment towards 100% per turn. If you have 2 chits for a total of 10% then you have a 5 -> 15% increment towards 100% per turn. Once your research has progressed to the 30% threshold, there is a chance per turn of achieving a research breakthrough and attaining the next level. For example: once you have reached 30% progression, 1 chit @ 5% gives you a 5% chance every turn that you might get a hit and achieve a research breakthrough, i.e. attain the next level. This way, you may not have to wait until research has progressed all the way to 100%, but you do have to wait a few turns at least for it to reach 30%. * * * Research will advance a level for whichever is achieved first, either A) reaches 100% or there is an early breakthrough once A is above 30%. To view the current research progression a tool tip in the RESEARCH dialog will show your advancement % when hovering with the mouse above an invested research item. Each new level of Intelligence research increases your own research bonus by 1% and decreases your opponent's bonus by 1%. If the enemy's intelligence level is higher than yours, then it will just negate your own intelligence. The German gain per turn could be between 2-4%, while the Soviets could gain 4-8% per turn. The threshold is 30%, and the chance of a breakthrough is based on the number of chits invested multiplied by the % chance of progressing per turn. For example, once the 30% threshold has been crossed, 1 chit invested in the German example would have a 2-6% chance of a research breakthrough per turn. Intelligence levels only compete with each other, so if the enemy have higher intelligence than you, the only net effect will be to negate the benefit you'll get from your own intelligence level. It won't prevent or slow the base research % chance per turn. I hope this all makes sense? If so then I'll add it to the Information for New Players' Thread. Bill
  12. Hi Colin That does sound odd, and I can only recommend submitting a ticket as that may be picked up quickly so that you can get your game downloaded. Bill
  13. Russia won't necessarily fall, it depends very much on its casualties and loss of territory. In one current game I'm playing, it's the summer of 1916 and France is struggling while the Tsar is still sitting rather comfortably on his throne. So it may end up that Russia outlives France.
  14. Hi In 1939 Storm over Europe, the % progress per chit per turn is as follows: To attain: Level 1 = 5% Level 2 = 4% Level 3 = 3% Level 4 = 2% Level 5 = 1% In 1914 Call to Arms the % progress per chit is higher by 1 at all levels. Each level of Intelligence research attained, may provide a 1% boost to your research, and the following section from the WWI Manual provides some guidance on the effect of comparative progress between yourself and the enemy, and the potential for Intelligence research itself to impact this: I hope this helps? Bill
  15. It could be that the Ottomans are guarding all the trigger points, thus preventing a rising. If you're playing multiplayer then you could always check with your opponent? There is a 15% chance per turn of a rising in each trigger location, providing an enemy unit isn't present there. I'm currently suffering from the Arab Revolt in one of my multiplayer games, so it does appear to be working (unfortunately for my poor Ottomans!).
  16. Hi Details of the new research system, that WWI has used since version 1.02 (and which is also used for Breakthrough) can be found here: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=266&Itemid=475 You will need to scroll down a bit, or just search the page for the phrase: New Research system A new patch for WWI Breakthrough, including some changes to 1939 Storm over Europe is planned, so I will be following these threads and AARs for both ideas and entertainment. Glad to see you've got a new one starting up!
  17. Sapare has it right, entering into a big naval battle with one or two to scout the enemy fleet will save a lot of casualties and enable you to plan your engagement better. The damage they do is minimal, but their worth is in saving you from suffering damage due to not knowing where the enemy is.
  18. Hi With the victory conditions, the game will end straight away if either of the following conditions are met: The Axis hold: Berlin, Rome, Warsaw, Paris, London, Moscow, Stalingrad, Cairo The Allies hold: Berlin, Rome, Warsaw, Paris, London, Moscow, Washington D.C. The way things are, if London and Manchester are captured then the heat is on for the Axis to deal with Stalin. Effectively, it helps to protect the UK during the period between the fall of France and the entrance of the USSR into the war, as the Axis player will struggle to launch a powerful Barbarossa if they carry out a Sea Lion. But, gaining Spain and Turkey should make for a more interesting sequel to the fall of London. If the US can act swiftly and in some strength then the fuhrer will rue the down he sent his Panzers into England's green and pleasant land!
  19. I don't know if you're aware, but the amount of MPPs sent by convoy from the USA to the UK can be altered. If you go to the War Map, click on Convoy and select the route by clicking on the US flag. The % of US income sent to the UK can be increased or decreased - though only up to a point.
  20. It actually depends on Yugoslavia's political leanings before the coup. If Yugoslavia was more than 25% pro-Axis at the time, then it is true that some diplomacy will be needed to get them to enter the war. However, even if that is the case, by supporting the coup, Yugoslavia is no longer a potential Axis ally, and they will be far more inclined to attack her.
  21. Sapare is correct, so the unit has to decide where the biggest threat is coming from when it is surrounded, and entrench (or re-entrench) accordingly.
  22. Hi Ancient Demon I've just checked the scripts for 1.04 and both do now look correct, though you are right that they appear to have been missed off the patch notes.
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