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Everything posted by hellfish

  1. These maps are fantastic. I am a QB player by nature and these are just what I needed. Outstanding work, Old Dog.
  2. Could you please make anything you do CMMOS compliant? PLEASE?
  3. I liked it a lot as the Soviets. I had my KV-1 getting kills out to 1000m (not often, but enough to scare the piss out of the rest of the germans). It was a good, big scenario that was manageable to play (not overwhelming) and fun.
  4. I just finished a battle playing AGAINST the Italians - called "Sapristi". A VERY hard-fought infantry battle. Somehow I managed a major victory (loosing a lot of my Soviet force in the process, but apparently I took more Italians and I did manage to contain their advances with rocks and sticks after the ammo ran out). I would recommend the battle - it was a lot of fun and very manageable, size-wise.
  5. I loved this scenario too - I got a major victory as the Romanians and learned very valuable lessons on how to handle infantry, suppressive fire and tanks (like how to position those R-4s to be invisible) that have helped immeasureably in CMBB battles since.
  6. I've noticed this most often in the 2-man turreted vehicles like the early T-34. The commander will be unbuttoned, but will have to button up to fire the gun (as he and the gunner also have to manually load the gun) and once they are done engaging a target the commander will unbutton once again.
  7. Hi guys! I was just tooling around with making a new operation (August 44, Soviet Naval Inf vs. Hungarians near Sevastopol) and as I was editing the map elevations (4000m tall by 880m wide) by pressing "SHIFT" and painting large swaths at level three, all of a sudden the whole screen blinked and then none of the elevation numbers were visible on the editor map. Yes, show elevation was turned on. And yes, the proper heights were displayed on the "Preview Map" function. But the numbered tiles were all gone... When I tried to repaint the map, the elevations that I had just painted showed up, but not the original elevations. I'm on a K7 905mhz, 384mb RAM, 64mb ATI Radeon 7500 with latest drivers and have had no other problems.
  8. Wow. I think you did about as well as you could do with those Italians - if I was commanding them, I would have hit "Ctrl-A" and restarted the game with Germans. Good job!
  9. Arlington Heights got it. I would have reported earlier, but I'm a bit busy with an operation as the Soviets right now.
  10. I'm glad, really. If we got into the "German Exercises in Futility and Wasted Resources" line of AFV's, the game would have never been ready. </font>
  11. I'm reasonably sure that both of those pics are of Romanian R-35s. I'm not a grog, though, so don't be suprised if I'm wrong. It's just that they have the stylized crosses that appear on other Romanian vehicles. Yes, I realize that there is a German battleflag. Who knows?
  12. Oh. Crap. So it is there. Silly me... I just screwed over my own debit card.. nuts.
  13. ...and I was charged for it already. Does this mean that the game is shipping? I thought that you were only actually charged once the game was shipped. Am I wrong? Was anyone else charged already? I preordered on the 8th.
  14. I'm working on it. But you have to remember the American mentality (from the perspective of the corporate bookseller) - we (Americans)like the best. That is why books about Delta Force and SEALs far outnumber all other military-themed books available. Same with WWII - Books on the SS, USMC and Rangers far outnumber books on the average German or Russian soldier, and even outnumber the books on strategy, tactics and background of the war. The average American reader (NOT anyone on this board, I imagine) would probably find it difficult to find Finland or Hungary on a map, let alone be interested in their part in the war. In fact, look at Steven Ambrose's The Good Fight. It's a children's book about how WWII was won by the allies but you have to dig really, really deep to find any mention of the Soviet Union in it. Why? Because Americans forget that the Eastern Front ever even happened. Therefore, there is no need to write about it and no point in a chain bookseller carrying it. Books that are carried by chain bookstores (on the shelf) are aimed at the casual reader - who might walk by a faced-out book, see the pretty picture and decide that they want to buy it. This doesn't happen often with military books, and a military-oriented bestseller is a freak of nature (Hampton Sides' Ghost Soldiers is an example). Thusly, there is no natural, measureable demand for books on anything other than the best units, even if they are the SS and, as such, Barnes and Noble and Borders or any other chain bookstore specializes in Oprah books instead of anything of any Grog value. [ September 10, 2002, 03:19 PM: Message edited by: fytinghellfish ]
  15. Thank you guys for submitting your models! I can't wait to see 'em! Maybe we should start a "Hey look what I made and it's in the game!" thread when the game is released to showcase your guys' talent! Thanks again!!!!! [ September 09, 2002, 11:00 PM: Message edited by: fytinghellfish ]
  16. I'm pretty sure you can just click on the vehicle and the little figure on the left hand side (a soldier with a flag behind him) will indicate 'officer' or 'enlisted.' Of course, you have to know what an officer's uniform in either army looks like... And I don't think this works in extreme FOW.
  17. Thats right! And its not WWII unless you can play as the Holland army in 1940!</font>
  18. Hi guys I've poked around with the search function and haven't yet found anything to answer this, so forgive me if I'm wasting your time. I was wondering.. if you were playing an operation with two platoons of tanks (say T-34/76s and T-70s) and you had lost half of your tanks, including one of the platoon leaders, will the game assign your surviving platoon leader the command of all the remaining tanks for the next battle? Or will a company commander be able to assume command like an infantry company commander can take command of a leaderless infantry platoon? In other words, can two or more different types of tanks be under the influence of one leader? Just curious.
  19. Does the terrain seem different to anyone? Especially those shots of the Panther, Stugs and KVs. The terrain seems so much more vast and natural. It really feels like you're looking at pictures of Russia. My compliments to the chefs. A well served up bone with extra gristle and fat. (I spelled gristle wrong, didn't I?)
  20. Thanks for the heads up! I must have missed this bone-throw. Sounds cool.
  21. Am I the only one that just noticed that this Captain Stransky had an Email address that is shared by the forum name of the only person to stick up for him in that whole thread, GAZ NZ? Sneaky, cheeky little bugger. Did anybody catch onto this before? Am I being two years too slow?
  22. Wow... I thought I was the only person in the world that ever listened to the Cramps.
  23. ::sigh:: This post-college stuff (what is it you call it, "work" or somefink?) is for the birds. I'm at my place of employment 830-5. Once again, have fun without me.
  24. Not to encourage anything, but the CMBO party was in March and the release was in late May (wasn't it? I was out of the country and never got my copy until October 2000).
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