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Imperial Grunt

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Everything posted by Imperial Grunt

  1. CM: Taiwan! Chinese forces vs US and Aussies!
  2. Guilty as charged! Many of the maps in the Spartan Resolve campaign and my other scenarios have forested areas. I do try to thin things out and not make the foliage overly dense for game play purposes however.
  3. Semper Fi brother. Here is some Wednesday morning motivation! https://youtu.be/38jle06vjuU
  4. Here are the main non-SR mods that I highly recommend, in no particular order: Mord's Vehicle Radio Chatter. I really like the radio chatter. I think every US veteran has that SINGGARS beeb burned into their subconscious somewhere. The radio chatter adds a lot of immersion in my opinion. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=3498 Send a PM to AKD and he will send you a Dropbox link for his outstanding sound mod. I personally use AKD's sound mod with the voices and some other extra sounds from WaClaw's also excellent sound mod, which can be found here: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118413-hqs-22-black-sea-shock-force-afghanistan-final/ I personally like AKD's general combat sounds better as they sound more authentic to me, however WaClaw has some outstanding soldier voice mods and background ambient combat noises that I really like (although I did delete some of the voice mods as a few sounded too 'Hollywood' to me). I recommend experimenting with both and picking and choosing what you like. Its a free country so have at it! Send a PM to Vein and he will send you a Dropbox link for his outstanding effects mod. All I can say about this particular mod is that you should never play Black Sea without this mod! EVER! All of Kieme's mods are great too, check those out here on the forum and grab what you like. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/117795-kiemes-modding-corner/
  5. Looks like that Lt. West guy and his troops earned their paychecks. Well done sburke!
  6. Just move the folder into your mods folder. Don't put the contents of the SR mods into your game's mod folder.
  7. All I can say is that there is a huge difference between thermals and only IR night vision devices. If you have the SR mods, one loading screen shows a view of the new NGV that US forces have in the game, it has both IR and thermal capabilities.
  8. Erwin, This scenario (and a few others) were meant to a bit unconventional and the scenario's title, "We Own the Night", is indicative of the advantages the US forces have at night. With the prevelence of advanced thermal/IR optics (and a lot of night training to use such tools to advantage) the normal paradigm doesn't apply. It's a different ball game. That opens opportunities that normally wouldn't be prudent.
  9. Nope, Spartan Resolve busted my campaign design cherry. I've got plans though. Classified info for now.
  10. There are 3 AI plans but they are selected randomly by the game, so it's possible to get the same one over again. But it's doable, keep at it. You can watch Chris play the mission on YouTube, obviously there are spoilers. https://youtu.be/BhYFOPmuw3M
  11. Thanks a lot! I am a CM addict as much as anyone else, so I probably will.
  12. OK, the latest version of the campaign is here: http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/cm-black-sea-add-ons/task-force-spartan-resolve/ (The Repository has the original version, I am awaiting feedback on the save game issue from v1 not working in v2. When that gets resolved, I will probably make a few tweeks and push out a v3). The SR mods are here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/x4zuglvhqx7t3i3/AAAW8E-VX8zdGIRzMO9Lv4jla?dl=0
  13. That sounds like a real furball! I'm sure War Angel was grateful for the rescue! Glad you liked the scenario, it was an attempt at something different.
  14. Not as of yet, I will ask again. I will advise as soon as I hear something.
  15. Thanks for the test antaress73. It seems the RPO is modeled fairly well after all.
  16. Hmm. I may have made the scoring a little too tough. In testing though a major victory was achieved.
  17. I've got a request for information out on this issue so as soon as I hear something I will advise.
  18. I'll try to get that resolved. The Scenario Depot also has the upgraded campaign file.
  19. Glad you like the campaign! Thanks for the AAR, it's fun hearing how people fare in the battles.
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