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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. The synch problem you encountered is the exact same thing we ran into and why we decided to remove the Internet play option. One side would play fine while the other would never properly synch up. Using that 3rd party program to allow over the net connections would not fix the underlying reasons why the two players couldn't synch up. Madmatt
  2. The synch problem you encountered is the exact same thing we ran into and why we decided to remove the Internet play option. One side would play fine while the other would never properly synch up. Using that 3rd party program to allow over the net connections would not fix the underlying reasons why the two players couldn't synch up. Madmatt
  3. There are times when you will notice that for some reason, the autoloader seems to get stuck trying to load a new shell into the main gun. You may hear what sounds like the autoloader mechanism continually running but it never loads the new ammo. This can sometimes occur when the autoloader malfunctions because you manually slewed or elevated the gun at the same time the autoloader is trying to load the gun or if you activated the stabalization system while the autoloader was loading. These malfunctions can occur randomly or because the unit is damaged. When the autoloader is functioning properly or undamaged, such manual turret traverse and elevation inputs will not interfere with the loading process. You can indentify a autoloader malfunction the following way. After pressing the reload key you will notice that the Load Indicator light is no longer lit. This is because the gun's elevation is too low or too high and the autoloader can not access the breech properly. In order to allow the autoloader to complete the loading process, either lower or raise the gun until the Load indicator light illuminates. The other time this can occur is if the autoloader itself is damaged or destroyed. In this case, in order to manually load the gun you will again need to elevate the gun barrel so that the breech is clear and the new ammo can be inserted into the gun. Once the gun is at the proper elevation to faciliate loading, the Load Light will come on and your crew will automatically load the gun, although it will take a little longer to finish. Hope that helps! Madmatt
  4. Hey guys, I figured I would pass on something I discovered and how to work around it. it involves the Dual Mode setting. If you activate Dual Mode from the commanders station, it works as it should and the Dual Mode indicator light illuminates. In Dual mode, the commander can traverse and elevate the main gun at will. However there are problems when you switch to a different crew station with Dual Mode active. If you are in dual mode at the commanders station and then switch to the gunners station, the gunner will not have control over the turret. That is how it should work since control is still slaved to the commander, however the problem is that the Dual Mode light indicator will turn off. When you got back to the commanders station, again the Dual Mode indicator is still not lit but in addition it is also not activated, meaning the commander also doesn't have full control of the turret. This is indeed a bug, but the fix is very simple. All you have to do is press the "D" key key to disable the Dual Mode setting. At that point the gunner will regain control of the turret. If you want to again allow the commander control, press the D key a second time. Or put simply, do not switch crew positions with Dual Mode activated. If you have Dual Mode enabled and want to drop into the gunners view, first turn it off by pressing the "D" key and you will be fine. I have forwarded this issue to the developers. Madmatt
  5. One small visual tweak that I use to increase overall framerate is simply set the grass draw distance to 0 meters. Sure, the grass is cool looking but its a major framerate hog and I dont even miss it with it turned off. Give it a shot and see how that works for you. Another one is to reduce the cloud layer denstity to 8 levels or lower. Madmatt
  6. The Editors can not be launched from within the game itself. Go into the game folder. You will several batch files. missed is the Mission Editor bilded is the Building Editor cfg launnches the full configuration program core is the AI docrtine and scripts utility Madmatt
  7. The very reason the demo is taking a few days longer than we anticipated is because we DID want to make it different than that older Russian version. Madmatt
  8. And just to clarify, we use several domains with our email. Most personal stuff comes from the "battlefront.com" domain but the order system is actually on the "combatmission2.com" domain. Our order fulfillment company and warehouse sometimes use their own email domains as well. Long story on that one, one of these days I will get around to streamlining it all but its been that way for years and this is the first time anyone even ever noticed. But no worries, we own them both and if you ever have any concern, just click on any of the NUMEROUS Verisign logos that I have on every order page and you will see that everything is legit. Madmatt
  9. Battlefront.com and IDDK/Crazy House proudly announce that T-72 Balkans on Fire! has begun shipping today. The game is available for only $35 plus Shipping & Handling. It comes with a fully printed 70 page game manual and 2 Game CD's. A playable demo will be made available next week. Place your Order today directly from the T-72 Balkans on Fire! Website Madmatt
  10. That, or we are just get tired of the countless "Hey, when did mine ship??" emails that always follow such an announcement. We have done this a few times before you know. Madmatt
  11. Yes, the game has BEGUN to ship out today and some of you may have recieved an automated notice from the warehouse! If you don't get a shipping notice do not worry as they don't go out for any International Orders and Pre-Orders won't be all done shipping until most likely Monday. In fact, shipping notifications should be considered the exception, not the rule, because we are still tightning up that whole automated system. Madmatt
  12. Thanks for all the awesome submissions guys. I got far more than I expected. We are all set now so no need to send me anything else! Thanks again! Madmatt
  13. Yeah, that was my fault, I need to rename the new files so they pop up in the begining of the gallery instead of buried in the middle. I will do that shortly. Madmatt
  14. Battlefront's Summer Screenshot Bonanza Event The summer season is in full swing and to celebrate we have put together a little party of sorts. it's the Summer Screenshot Bonanza featuring over 100 new pics from a variety of our new and currently in development games. We have new screenshots from Strategic Command 2 (currently scheduled for a Q4 2005 release), DropTeam (currently in development), Down in Flames (beta demo coming very soon!) and T-72 Balkans on Fire (shipping in about 1 week). [...Strategic Command 2 Screenshots...] [...DropTeam Screenshots...] [...Down in Flames Screenshots...} [...T-72 Balkans on Fire Screenshots...] Madmatt
  15. Battlefront's Summer Screenshot Bonanza Event The summer season is in full swing and to celebrate we have put together a little party of sorts. it's the Summer Screenshot Bonanza featuring over 100 new pics from a variety of our new and currently in development games. We have new screenshots from Strategic Command 2 (currently scheduled for a Q4 2005 release), DropTeam (currently in development), Down in Flames (beta demo coming very soon!) and T-72 Balkans on Fire (shipping in about 1 week). [...Strategic Command 2 Screenshots...] [...DropTeam Screenshots...] [...Down in Flames Screenshots...} [...T-72 Balkans on Fire Screenshots...] Madmatt
  16. Battlefront's Summer Screenshot Bonanza Event The summer season is in full swing and to celebrate we have put together a little party of sorts. it's the Summer Screenshot Bonanza featuring over 100 new pics from a variety of our new and currently in development games. We have new screenshots from Strategic Command 2 (currently scheduled for a Q4 2005 release), DropTeam (currently in development), Down in Flames (beta demo coming very soon!) and T-72 Balkans on Fire (shipping in about 1 week). [...Strategic Command 2 Screenshots...] [...DropTeam Screenshots...] [...Down in Flames Screenshots...} [...T-72 Balkans on Fire Screenshots...] In addition to the new screenshots (some showing off the new shadow effects and smoke) we have also updated the Units Page with details on three early generation vehicles that you be able to control! Madmatt [ June 30, 2005, 03:12 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  17. Battlefront's Summer Screenshot Bonanza Event The summer season is in full swing and to celebrate we have put together a little party of sorts. it's the Summer Screenshot Bonanza featuring over 100 new pics from a variety of our new and currently in development games. We have new screenshots from Strategic Command 2 (currently scheduled for a Q4 2005 release), DropTeam (currently in development), Down in Flames (beta demo coming very soon!) and T-72 Balkans on Fire (shipping in about 1 week). [...Strategic Command 2 Screenshots...] [...DropTeam Screenshots...] [...Down in Flames Screenshots...} [...T-72 Balkans on Fire Screenshots...] Madmatt
  18. Thank you and I look forward to seeing what is sent in. I have already received a good load but will keep this going until the end of the week and see what we end up with. Madmatt
  19. Hey guys, Looks like we may be working with CDV-USA (the good CDV, not the other one) to release a psuedo Special Edition limited retail release version of CMAK. Unlike the other Special Editions that we have done, this one won't have any mods (not enough space left over on the disk to be honest) but what we can add is some new scenarios and operations. So, thats why I am here. To see if some of you old guard would like to submit some battles for possible inclusion. Now, to sweeten the deal, if your battles get included we will give you...NOTHING...okay fine, I am sure I could possibly include your names in the credits or somefink. No, in truth this will be pretty much like every other time I ever asked the community for anything, it's done both out of your sincere love of me and your willingness to just be all around good guys. Now, these scenarios and ops don't need to be new, they can have already been posted elsewhere but I would prefer that they have already been tested and played by the CMAK community at large and it would also be nice if they didn't umm suck. As many as you want to send is fine just make sure you only send something that YOU created. Send them to matt@battlefront.com please. Thanks guys and I while I am not saying that sending me some material will get you a spot on the CMX2 beta team (it won't) it might just get you a well deserved 'atta boy' from the powers that be. Oh, and this also goes out to my slacker assed beta team guys that appear to have missed this request in the beta forum when I posted it last week. WAKE UP GUYS, i want your stuff too! By the way, I dont need any special documentaion for the file you send but if you want to include some (brief overview of what the battle/op is) that would be good. If you are sending more than one, just go ahead and zip them up too please. Madmatt [ June 27, 2005, 11:13 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  20. What you posted was the last nail in your coffin. You know what Wartgamer/Lewis/Whoever the hell you are. Here is what I think... I think you are an insufferable little prick and I think that I am tired of it. I warned you before to play nice but you apparently don't want to listen. So here is what is going to happen. Your banned...again, until for whatever reason that seems to make sense in that demented brain of yours you come slitering back with a new name and handle and aol/hotmail/yahoo email address. And thats fine, I'll ban ya again...and again...and again. See, I CAN call you names like a "insufferable little prick" because A). You are one and . It's my forum and I can do whatever the hell I want with it... Nice eh? Yeah...It is.. So tata for now. Madmatt [ June 26, 2005, 12:37 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  21. Actually, from what I could tell (and I am the one that made the movie) the shell actually hits a little low and to the left of the reticule and most of the fireball you see is the explosion of the shell itself. Notice how it cratered the ground and the left side of SU-100 actually falls into the resulting hole. The SU-100 itself I believe catches fire due to damage from the force of the shell explosion itself. One nice thing you can do in the game is after a mission you can review all damage that each unit sustains and it will show what unit fired the shots, how much and type of penetration and will even show the path of fragments and large shrapnel through the armor plates. Madmatt [ June 17, 2005, 02:27 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  22. Okay kids, get back to your mutual corners. Wartgamer, Lewis, or whoever the hell you are (and I can find that out easy enough I am just too busy at the moment) just leave Dorosh alone. Dorosh, Wartgamer does make a good point, you gotta play by the same rules and calling someone a "moron" aint exactly turning the other cheek if you know what I mean. Your exorbinate (sp?) post count and controversial nature (to put it mildy) does not give you any extra slack to flaunt the forum rules. Someone lashes out at you, you let US take care of it, as we have proven we will do. Here is an idea, why don't you guys just settle this with a nice little public CM game? That's kinda the reason we are all here you know... To play CMBB with like minded individuals and then flame them mercilessly in a public place for how much they suck at manouver warfare. Hell, I outa host the first annual CM Ban Tournament otherwise known as the "Warm Glass of Shut the Hell Up-athon". Winner gets to be a forum admin for a day, losers get banned. Any takers? Madmatt
  23. Topics about hacks, cheats or cracks are not permitted and continued posts like this are grounds for a banning. Madmatt
  24. I am sorry that you friend goes "grazy" when a company decides to protect its own intellectual property. Anyway, your comments have been noted. Madmatt
  25. Topics about hacking or cracking ANYTHING are not permitted. Dariuz, all your posts seem to be either be off-topic, off-color, or about pirating and copy protection. If I see another posts from you in the same theme I will happily ban you. Consider yourself warned. Madmatt
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