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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Oh and for the record, I thought the cartoon was funny too. As to Hof's other sentiments I am not so sure though. Reasonable, mature and rational posts, even when they take opposing views from what we believe are always welcome. Hof seems to believe that a discenting opinion will be quashed without question. That is not true. What happened though is that some very loud individuals with their own agendas began to comment on issues that they simply have no info on. You can't critize a game based only on what you THINK it will be like. Thats like banning a book you have never read because you THINK its offensive. Where we drew the line in the past was when people started to complain and chastise us before they even had a chance to see what we are working on. That does neither party any benefit. As always, we only ask for a bit of patience, common courtesty, and yes, a tad bit of faith that the game that will become CMSF will be what we say it will be, fun and exciting and realistic. I think our track record up to know has earned that modicum of faith. Madmatt
  2. Wow, if that doesn't illustrate the core differences in motivations between why we make games and why he does, nothing will... Madmatt p.s. Anyway, my checks are direct deposited so I do all my laughing right here at my desk!
  3. posted November 18, 2005 12:25 PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We know you guys have been waiting patiently for news on the patch and the time has come to let the cat out of the bag, or at least give you a glimpse of the kitty. For the last several weeks we have been conducting extensive external and internal testing on the upcoming patch and it looks like it is just about ready for release. The major feature of this first patch is that it fixes the persistent game "freeze" issue that some people have reported. During our stress testing, none of the testers ever encountered a single lockup or freeze and this was from people that had lockups issues in the past. Obviously that will be good news for many of you. The developers have also tweaked the command voice quing playback which means that if you give a command repeated times, for instance TURN LEFT, you will only hear it yelled out a single time even though the AI will carry it out as many times as you issued. Other notable fixes being worked on include the Joystick Y-Axis, Dual Mode tweaks and some other odds and ends. This patch should be released VERY SOON and along with the patch we are going to release a new Demo based on this updated version and it will feature a new demo scenario with more much more action and combat! We still have a lot more in store with this game so stay tuned! Madmatt
  4. I thought it might be nice to consolidate some of the sticky posts into one new thread. So here it is. Host your new Scenarios and Mods with us! For those mod and scenario designers out there we are offering to host your files so others can download and play them! Details in thread below http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=46;t=000376 Demo "Dog Fight" mission Hotfix. Small update to the original demo mission to add more action and better enemy AI functions. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=46;t=000243 Unoffical "annoying" infantry sound fix.... My own fix for those annoying "There they are!" type infantry yells. (note: with the new v1.3 patch, you can turn off all external soldier voices via the "cfg.bat" configuration program) http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=46;t=000180 How to manually reload the gun when autoloader is damaged or malfunctions!!! http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=46;t=000179 Issue with Dual Mode and switching crew positions and the workaround!!! (note: with v1.3 patch Dual Mode's functionality has been vastly improved but its still not quite perfect. The Azimuth Compass in the commander view does not update properly while Dual Mode is active) http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=46;t=000178 Keyboard Reference Cards now available to download: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=46;t=000181 Madmatt [ December 06, 2005, 03:08 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  5. We know you guys have been waiting patiently for news on the patch and the time has come to let the cat out of the bag, or at least give you a glimpse of the kitty. For the last several weeks we have been conducting extensive external and internal testing on the upcoming patch and it looks like it is just about ready for release. The major feature of this first patch is that it fixes the persistent game "freeze" issue that some people have reported. During our stress testing, none of the testers ever encountered a single lockup or freeze and this was from people that had lockups issues in the past. Obviously that will be good news for many of you. The developers have also tweaked the command voice quing playback which means that if you give a command repeated times, for instance TURN LEFT, you will only hear it yelled out a single time even though the AI will carry it out as many times as you issued. Other notable fixes being worked on include the Joystick Y-Axis, Dual Mode tweaks and some other odds and ends. This patch should be released VERY SOON and along with the patch we are going to release a new Demo based on this updated version and it will feature a new demo scenario with more much more action and combat! We still have a lot more in store with this game so stay tuned! Madmatt
  6. So far so good. I got several guys working on the new patch and while they all used to get freezes before NO ONE has gotten one yet with the patch version! (knock on wood!) I also have news on some other fixes that are in. These are two of the biggies in my book: * Dual Mode bug (reported as fixed). * Joystick axis (switched back the way it should have been from the start). They also fixed a few typo's, did some work with the command que's (I think that means the speed of which commands are carried out when you make lots of quick orders) and some other more minor details. Tarball or you other guys, if you want to help test this, pop me an email and I can send you the beta patch. My email is matt@battlefront.com Madmatt
  7. This is becoming a heated political debate with NOITHING to do with CMBB and you know what we do with those type topics don't you? Bye bye.. Madmatt
  8. Well I have some preliminary good news for you. The developer has recently informed us that they allegedly not only identified the freeze bug but apparently have fixed it as well. I say allegedly since I have not yet been able to check this for myself (waiting to get an advance version of the patch from them). But I did want you guys to know that, as promised, it looks like progress is being made. If any of you (with the full version) want to help me to test this patch (in beta form) then drop me an email and I will select a handfull of you to help confirm that the pesky freezes are indeed gone for good. Expect to hear more very soon. The patch is expected to feature other improvements and fixes than just the freezes but obviously, thats the key component right now. If the freezes are shown to be fixed, an updated demo with new missions (more exciting ) will also be created and released. Madmatt
  9. The patch is also now available from our direct Download page located here: http://www.battlefront.com/downloads.html Madmatt
  10. Today, we have added a whole new section to the DropTeam website. This new Game Engine section goes into the technical details about the DropTeam game engine itself as well how it models ballistics and weapon penetration capabilities and their effects on the various systems and vehicles. We have also added seven new technical cut-away schematics describing the different internal components of the Apollo Light Tank, Hurricane Hover Tank, Mercury Command Track, Paladin AFV, Shrike Light Armored Vehicle, Thor Main Battle Tank and the Viper Dropship. View the Vehicle Schematics here... Enjoy! Madmatt p.s. Example of one of the new Vehicle Internal Component Schematics [ November 07, 2005, 08:08 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  11. Look at the authors I listed and you will get a good idea of what type of sci-fi we would likely go with. We like believeble near-future tech by and large. I would love to also do a highly detailed spaceship combat sim. Madmatt
  12. The idea may be considered "juvenile" for some of you to believe or accept, but a Sci-Fi themed future CM game is something we are very much interested in doing. We are all very big fans of Military Sci-Fi like books from David Drake, Keith Laumer, Jerry Pournelle, Harry Harrison, John Steakley, Eric Nylund, Fred Saberhagen, Robert A. Heinlein, David Sherman, Dan Cragg, S.M. Stirling, Joe Halderman, Larry Niven and others too numerous and diverse to list... Madmatt
  13. Actually there has been some significant movement lately that we wanted to inform you of. CrazyHouse has just added several new programers to the T-72 team and there sole purpose is to work on the patch, especially the freezing issue. I have also been doing a lot of testing behind the scenes and on various hardware profiles to try and better isolate or eleminate potential configuration issues. Of course, of all of this still takes time but I don't want anyone to feel that progress on a patch has ceased because if anything, it is accelerating forward. Madmatt
  14. I don't know exactly but it would have "Stripper" as a player class for sure. Madmatt
  15. Wow, I can't believe I work with someone that actually uses terms like "pie in the sky"... :eek: Madmatt
  16. I bet the bastiches didn't even buy the game online either! Pirate Terrorists! Oh the shame... Madmatt
  17. With all this butt kissing and syncophantic rhetoric I forgot if I was supposed to ban someone or not... What really amazes me is how soon people forget the forums origin of the "Warm glass of shut the hell up" phrase. Even I can't recall its exact context but I believe it was back in the long gone days of a Lewis and Fionn epic meltdown thT i first uttered that. It was a replacement for my usual "Bite Me" comment to the forum dregs. It sorta became my catchphrase although to be honest in recent years I only wheel it out on special occasions. Now, its true origin was in Happy Gilmore, where Ben Stiller had a cameo as a Retirement Home aide. An old woman ask him if she can have a warm glass of milk and he replies with "You can have a warm glass of shut the hell up!". Well, I thought it was always funny. And one clarification Peng. I didn't say that if people didn't like what "WE" (royal we) had to say, I said if they didn't like what "I" (singular ****stiff that I am) had to say. Small point, but important. Okay, prolonged exposure to da 'pool has left me with this strange flakey rash and a uncontrolable urge to scrape my body with a wire brush so I am outa here. Madmatt
  18. Not likely. Just like in earlier games, the sound effects are *planed* to be modable but its not likely we will include a toggle to switch out of a giveb nations native speech. We didnt't with the French, Germans, Australians, Hungarians, Romanians, Russians, English, Finnish or any of the other nationalities that had their own native language voices in previous games. Why should we do it for the Syrians? Madmatt
  19. Imaginary Time, Brane-Worlds, Saddle Shaped Universe, Supergravity and the loss of information across a waveform. Bah, yesterdays news! Its all about M-Theory these days. And I don't mean that hackneyed update to the original String Theory but my own, self titled M as in Madmatt Theory. For those of you that have no idea what we are talking about.. Pick up a physics book why don't ya? Been lots of progress in the last 20 years. I reccomend Brian Greene as an author to look into. His work is pretty approachable. Madmatt
  20. Not yet you haven't, but its a damned good thing I am in a great mood tonight! Not sure what got into you mate but perhaps you should rethink that post of yours. Madmatt
  21. Wow, did Peng just snap?!? Kinda took my post a little personal there don'tcha think there Pengy? Now, who can tell me what a ****stiff is exactly? Sounds interesting... I think I want one. Okay, I am going to extend a nice looong degree of tolerance to a forum elder and assume he just took the tone of my post totally in the wrong way (didn't catch the humor eh?) but if thats really how you feel and thats how you intend to act on our forums and with that type of language, well, you do know where the door is sir. You, of all people should know the rules and how we enforce them around here Peng. As we have always said, buying a copy of one of our games buys you a copy of one of our games. PERIOD. It does not entitle a person special rights to come here and make an ass of themselves or act immature, disrespectful or abusive, especially in a thread which was meant to be more humerous than anything else. Madmatt [ October 13, 2005, 08:52 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  22. And your wrong again! CMAK also got a the PC Gamer Turn Based Strategy Game of the Year award for 2003, just like CMBO and CMBB did in years previous. In fact, it got that award even though it was an end of year relase. As to a 3 out of 5 stars, umm NOOOO, have a look at this page for a refresher on the types of scores CMAK really got: http://www.battlefront.com/products/cmak/cmak_review.html Madmatt
  23. To answer your question... Umm, I don't know yet. Aquiring accurate language info and voice actors for the OPFOR in CMSF is going to be a challenge to be sure. Any one that has any relevant info or natively speaks the needed languages (we got English covered thanks!) should contact me directly if they want to help out. Madmatt
  24. Will the CMBB side of this interface be documented so that other developers can make use of it, or is this information the exclusive property of Hunting Tank Software? Steve </font>
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