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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. Thanks Jeff I will be hiding my vehicles now to quiet them down. I never knew that sound contact was such a Cool feature and never really figured that the "sound contact" was a big deal anyway because you could not be sure where the darn unit was anyway. But it IS worth considering if you are setting up an ambush or just sitting and waiting. Thanks again -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-04-2000).]
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KwazyDog: Tom, Matt and I have only really experimented with it thus far but I can tell you it is exception fun, I honestly think it takes CM to a new level! It makes you feel even more part of the action, and the timer option really puts the presure on. I dont think people will be dissapointed !<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> YES ! Thanks Dan That sounds very encouraging Have FUN! you know we all can't wait I can see line ups forming outside the divorce, lawyers offices now! (And only just got married last month Still in the "honeymoon phase" or so I'm told) thats great news -tom w
  3. Just an additional note here. The Tobruk mannual from Avalon Hill (Copyright 1974) indicates dud rates of most weapons. For instance the dud rate for the German 81 mm mortar is a remarkable 15%. In Cm is seems EVERY HE round that is fired explodes and every mortar round that drops explodes and every arty round that hits the ground goes BOOM! Maybe there is some good info somewhere for dud rates of various weapons. Avalon Hill found them for Tobruk in 1975. Are Dud rates modeled in CM at all? just curious. -tom w
  4. Hi Kump I have not checked my e-mail lately. Have you sent me anything I should be posting on the ftp server? Just a little busy with other non CM things lately (I hate it when Real Life™ gets in the way of my addiction ) let me know ok -tom w
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: Yes, you can save the game anytime during a network session. Either player can do this, just like a PBEM, and the game is password protected for either side (again just like a pbem, so you can't see the other guys stuff). You can also start a Network game, save it, then continue it later as a PBEM and vicea versa. Madmatt [This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 11-04-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Any news from the play testers about how well and how much fun it is to Play TCP/IP live head to head? Some one please tell us its more fun than a barrel of monkeys, and it works well and it is the NEXT best thing since sliced bread. any new updates? thanks -tom w
  6. Perfect! I'm still laughing over this on "It would be nice to give your opponent an idea as to how long your piss is going to take or how long the wife is going to berate you?" nice -tom w
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: Croda, In the past, network games where one person held the "Brake" so to speak has proven to be a BAD thing. Not everyone would use it the right way and it's much better to make it a both parties need to agree to "pause" then just one. That way no one can abuse it. Madmatt<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes I agree Sounds good Some form of pause feature should be available in a way that hopefully won't be absused. Have FUN play testing this weekend MadMatt and please keep us up to date !! -tom w
  8. Ok If you did not think I was lazy fool and an idiot before you will now So I'm Playing Combat Mission at work on My laptop in the middle of a QUIET peaceful no -work Friday After noon, actaully I plenty to do I'm just procrastinating, (I guess Steve and Charles will NEVER hire me at BTS now ) and what happens... Can you believe this? FIRE DRILL! The loud alarm goes off and the whole damn place has to be evacuated right in the middle of a turn, so I saved the game and took my laptop outside but is a sunny day here now and far too bright to play. Well back to my game now.... Just playing the AI and beating it and enjoying myself. -tom w
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: Yes, you can VERY safely assume this. We would be friggin idiots if we didn't make it work this way There will not be a variable timer. However, we are going to add a few more timer options in 5 minute chunks. Probably up to 30 minutes. Once you select the timer option it is set for the rest of the game. Sorry, but this is not going to change. People will get a feel for how long they should set the timer for after playing for a while. At the moment there is no sound when the other player finishes his turn. However, very noticable text appears at the top of the screen, and stays there, telling the player that the other person is done. I will suggest to Charles that he put in a sound though, as this is a good idea. Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well that was an entertaining Post Thanks Steve This line really cracked me up: "Yes, you can VERY safely assume this. We would be friggin idiots if we didn't make it work this way " Fair enough! Thanks for the very prompt reply. -tom w
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maj. Bosco: That's the story of "That F****** Jumbo" as my friend now calls it. [This message has been edited by Maj. Bosco (edited 11-03-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Great Story Its really funny to see how many times you get a weak spot hit and how many times you are really hurt by a weak spot hit. These weak spot hits are supposed to happen in only 1 or 2% of the shots that actually hit, I know that 1 or 2 % must be hard coded in the algorythym but they sure seem to have a magical habit of popping up at the most desisive point in the battle. I really do believe you can win or loose a close scenario by getting LUCKY with a weak spot hit, or getting hurt by a improbable weak spot hit that KO's your most valuable AFV. Luck plays a Huge factor here. I'm not sure if this really right or really wrong, I'm not complaining mearly commenting that that weak spot hit and resulting K-Kill do play a role in the out come of close battles. But it sure keeps it unpredictable! And I think that make is more fun! -tom w
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis: I'm obviously not Steve. But I'm 99% sure that a hiding vehicle is one whose engine is turned off. This reduces the engine noise to nothing and makes sound contacts less probable. Listen for it next time. If I'm wrong (that nasty little 1% I allowed myself ), then the engine is idling at low RPMs. I'm 100% sure that there is a definite increase in sound though between a hidden vehicle and one that's just sitting there without orders. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> WOW All I can say is I'm Blown away, AGAIN! I thought I knew most of the Tricks of the Trade and most of the Tactics and intricacies of the this delightful game, BUT I had no IDEA that hidden tanks silenced themselves. That's just SO much game detail I still can't believe I did not pick up on that until now. Thanks ever so much, I'll take your 99% as being RIGHT ON! -tom w
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by L.Tankersley: Probably a bit of both. It's not really a wargame, but with the right bunch of people it is fun as all get-out. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> AND it has EYE Candy out the Wazzooo And its FUN Factor is VERY high Here is a Screen shot from a WWII Myth II Mod from: http://www.clanplaid.net/misc/recon/preview.html -tom w
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Frenchy: I hope the phone companies can handle the heavy traffic when this bad boy comes out! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It can't really be ANY worse than the MILLIONS online that play, Quake or Doom or Myth or Age of Empires or Warcraft or Diablo (there's a BIG one) or Unreal Tournement or Marathon Infinity. Really we are small pototoes compared to those games in the MAJOR leagues! Fret not for the Phone companies they'll just charge more and make more profit. -tom w
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by coralsaw: Tom, I mean waypoints inside one order. The more I set per order, the more flexibility it gives and the better spotting abilities IMO. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm not sure about that? I have not found that in my experience but I have not really looked for it or at it either. I will watch for it next time I play. Thanks -tom w
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lee: Steve, will tcp/ip feature an audible message to let you know your opponent's turn is done? Let's say you get your orders done very fast, but the other player has a lot more going on and needs the full time limit to issue orders. You may want to go get a sandwhich while you wait. If there was a sound alert that let you know the other player had finished his turn (he just hit the "GO" button), you could safely leave the computer and turn the sound up a bit, knowing you'll hear the instant he's done and can get back to your PC fast. I think this is a really important feature when your playing a "live" strategy game. It's not like playing a FPS where you have to constantly be there to play. There will be plenty of times when you can step away from CM for a few spare minutes and during those times it will be necessary to have an audio warning you can hear from far away from the PC (obviously, you would adjust the volume on your speakers to suit the situation), so you know when all orders have been completed for that turn and you can hurry back to the computer.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Great Question and Even Better Suggestion. I hope one of you beta testors checks this out over the weekend. What we want to know is what happens when one player finishes his turn and hits go? If both players finish the turn early do they BOTH have to wait the full time duration? (say the remainder of the 10 mins?) If one player hits go before the other player what happens when the second player hits go before the time limit? What if one player is not finished plotting the new move and the timer expires? Can't wait to see that one! ha ha ha.... The addition of some form of (preferably user configurable) audio tone or warning to let you know the turn "crunch" is underway prior to your first "free" one minute of the movie being played would be VERY welcome. Thanks You know we all just Can't wait for head to head live TCP/IP combat (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol correct?) -tom w
  16. It would be my interpretation of the 5 Sherms to 1 Tiger ratio suggestion that that's what Allied Tankers and Allied Armoured Brass guys figured would be required to WIN the engagement if they knew a Tiger was present. So if this is true when it comes to play balance, 5 Sherms to 1 Tiger is not a fair match, it is in fact what the Allies figured it would take to WIN against a Tiger. Since they had lots of them and as has been posted here, they could go get a new one next week, then 5 to 1 was great odds if you kept winning consistantly, beacuse the allies had plenty of Sherms, and more arriving EVERY week at this point. I do not think any one here can find a quote or a historical suggestion or document that says 5 Sherms are equal to 1 Tiger. Hardly, Thats the Number the Allie's figured would insure victory if they knew there was a Tiger around the next corner. comments? -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-03-2000).]
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by coralsaw: I have also found out from experience that more waypoints result in better situational responses from the unit and also better spotting. It seems that a waypoint is modelled an instant stop of some sort. Has anybody noticed that? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> do you mean a way points between orders? If you set a REALLY long path as one order with lots of way points inbetween, those way points do not slow down the unit, but as soon as you give new orders (in a new turn), that particular way point becomes a stop and wait and see place, I have found that while attempting to out flank German tanks with Sherms or Stuarts, that 10-15 sec pause while racing for the perfect out flanking shot will get that tank killed almost every time, because it stops just long enough to listen to the new orders and let the slow turret rotation of the German tanks catch up to it, then BANG no more tank. In planning quick dashing flanking manouvers, it is best IMHO to set at least 3 or 4 minutes worth of path or plotted way point moves if you want to keep your unit on the move, and if it likely to be fired at, you most definately WANT to keep that unit on the move (preferably fast move! ). -tom w
  18. I can use virutally unlimited harddisk web storage space on My web and ftp server and have slow but unlimited bandwidth. So I'm happy to post and or host these large files. If they are Zipped up and sent to me ready to post. FTP hosting of large files is No problem. Stay in Touch ok ? -tom w
  19. This new Post is SO important I feel the urge to BUMP it to the TOP again! YES!!!!! This Is BIG! Can't wait! -tom w
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst: Ouch, ouch, ouch... If you hide a vehicle and "turn the engine off", we now need data for how long it takes to start the engine for a vehicle, how long to warm it up, and all sorts of nasty issues and complications... I think I'd rather not go there... perhaps vehicles "hiding" just go to engine idle...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> My rule book is at home DAMN! What does it say about hiding vehicles I have never heard or read that hiding a vehicle silences its engine? Is that True? This si very interesting, I would really like some imput from Steve on this one? I have never used the hide command on a vehicle, because I thought is had NO value, if it makes spotting better and turns off the engine then SURE Hey! I'll use it all the time when I can. Never thought about that engine turn off thing. Where does the truth lie here? any one have the game manual handy? -tom w
  21. Beautiful Just Stunning!! Really..... With Work like this coming out on such a constant and continual volunteer basis (no disrespect for Kwazy Dog ) BTS should just release CM2 with ALL grey flat defualt (from the 3D software) textures and let all the modder ARTISTS like Mangua and Tiger and everyone else, do the new COOL textures as, not mods, BUT originals after the release. Now this would mean a heck of ALOT of various "original" textures out there but then we would all have a choice, we would get CM2 sooner because no time would have to be spent on textures, just the 3D models themselves. Hey we/they are all going to Mod the BTS original textures in CM2 anyway so why not just release Grey models and let the mods flow freely there after? -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-03-2000).]
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wilhammer: Reminder: Bridges do NOT block LOS.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Good POINT Thanks for the reminder Same goes for Pill Boxes, bunkers and Roadblocks, and any live or dead vehicle that is NOT burning and smoking. -tom w
  23. Great! Wow! Just Fanatastic..... I'm wondering if I'm the only one here who would like to see turns longer than 10 minutes? I know I'm being picky but.... "There is an instant messaging system that works well and there is a variable timer with turn time limitations of none, 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 5 min, or 10 min per turn. First playback does not count against the counter, but after it has finished playing once you are on the clock. Meaning that if you have 2 minute turns, watching the movie THREE times will chew up your entire time limit. Hope that makes sense " Yes that does make complete sense.....and if I may, I would like to request longer turns of 15 and 20 minutes as well. and a pause is a good idea, for those emergency sitautions or a save or some way to stop but not forfeit or surrender? Anyone else? For those BIG battles when we like to savouroir every turn? But Again THANKS for the update and that sounds like GREAT news! Like Everyone else here I can't wait for my first TCP/IP game with Manheim Tanker ! -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-03-2000).]
  24. Its not a big deal really, but maybe someone can update the time on the BBS server, or are you folks not in the EST time zone where we go back an hour last weekend to come off Daylight Saving Time? Just a question? Thanks -tom w
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by deanco: Well...humph! I can see that good old American ranting and raving is not gonna go far on this forum! Guess I'm gonna have to pull out the ultimate weapon... Scientific Method! I set up a test bed to measure the Z-texture globlet non-buffering ratio between different games. Here are my results : CM: KT, 2000M vs. conscript sharpshooter : 19% Z-tex globlets went unbuffered. CM: Sherman Easy 8, 2000M vs. TRP : 22% Z-tex globlets went unbuffered. (note that the Germans DO have a long range Z-tex globlet advantage, despite the 26,242 posts to the contrary.) DeanCo--<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now thats FUNNY! ROTFLMAO!!! -tom w
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