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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. Does anyone here know of any reference or information about the allegded importance or significance of the appearance of Soccer pitchs in the arial recon photos in the vinicinity of the staging area's for the launch sites of the missiles in Cuba? Does anyone have a web site reference for this one? Just Curious, thanks. I know there are some VERY knowledgable Grogs here who may know or have heard of this one. Thanks -tom w
  2. Sorry folks we are not ready to post yet... One small corrupt files is not ready to be posted yet. We are working on it. -tom w
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Boris Balaban: Sorry I have not read every posting but is BTS any closer to getting TCP/IP up and running? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Simple.... Steve Says: "Yup, things have been totally recoded to work more like PBEM. We are testing it internally for at least the next week. Around Friday or so I will give you guys a new update on when we expect to release it. Thanks, Steve" and that was the last I have heard. -tom w
  4. no demo? NO THANKS! Spend money on a game that does not offer a free limited demo? What planet are those marketing gurus from? Not the same planet as BTS thats for darn sure. Again... No Thanks! -tom w
  5. Have faith..... PanzerTruppen and I are working through some final details. They are coming and if we can work out one small problem I hope to post them by the end of the day. I prefer the ftp server here not be besieged with file requests during business hours, anyway so it will likely be around 5:00 pm EST today, once we work out one small problem. Stand by -tom w
  6. yes I agree The M8 is Fast (too fast? oh, I hope not, it needs its speed or it would be less survivable) and it is leathal and hard to hit with slow moving heavy German turrets overall: Good bang for the buck -tom w
  7. the ability to cut and paste areas within a map or from map to map in another scenario in the map editor would be a HUGE addition. thanks -tom w
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lord General MB: Soldiers, I would love to see someone put out a complete mod... You know, one that includes FULL terrain vehicle and infantry mods. I'm thinking about making one.... (eg: I download ALL the mods then compile them into a folder that can be installed all at once). But it would be based on my judgement of what go in and what stays. Anyone else all ready done this and wanta send it up? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hi Gunslinger did that and it was HUGE.He started the "subdued tonal" trend. There are so many mods and different textures or vehicles and buildings, (for instance there are now two Expectionally Stunning church mods) that it is some what challenging to do as you have suggested. It would nice to put them all in one place, but in all honesty MadMatt has done a very good job of hosting all those cool new mods. I'm not sure exactly what you are asking for? -tom w
  9. this is the latest word from Steve: "quote: Originally posted by Big Time Software: Fuerte: No, the whole point of the original system was to have no comparisons between systems. Each would do its thing all on its own. That is where the speed came from.So if one machine turns up 1.00001 and the other comes up with 1.00002 there is no way for the first machine to know that it must have 0.00001 added in order to be the same as the other. The problem is very basic here. Generally, computations do not need to be predictable and exact to so many places left of the decimal. But the real problem here is that we can not ensure that each machine comes up with the same exact numerical values. Something like the SETI program is, if I am guessing correctly, a sort of distributed prorcessing system. One machine creates some values and sends them to the host. The host is NOT independently processing the same information on its own, and therefore takes the guest's data "as is" and uses that. This is sorta the way PBEM works. And it is now how TCP/IP works for CM. Yup, things have been totally recoded to work more like PBEM. We are testing it internally for at least the next week. Around Friday or so I will give you guys a new update on when we expect to release it. Thanks, Steve" [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-12-2000).]
  10. beautiful work! I wonder if BTS will consider a Re-release of the game on CD WITH the TCP/IP patch and all the BEST of the NEW mods like Gunslinger's stuff and Magua's buidlings and Tiger's AFV's to send them off to all the video game mag reviewers so they will have nothing left to complain about. ( just do a special one off CD burn, twenty or thirty times for Press Release purposes) Graphics? Now almost stunning state of the art. Sounds? Great! newly modded and wonderful. Multiplayer ? YES! FREE patch 6 monthes after release! Bugs? 99.9% fixed in the first 5 patches after release, before the nest TCP/IP patch. AI? Yes its smart and cunning and kicks butt! Any Questions?! -tom w
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: Fuerte: No, the whole point of the original system was to have no comparisons between systems. Each would do its thing all on its own. That is where the speed came from. So if one machine turns up 1.00001 and the other comes up with 1.00002 there is no way for the first machine to know that it must have 0.00001 added in order to be the same as the other. The problem is very basic here. Generally, computations do not need to be predictable and exact to so many places left of the decimal. But the real problem here is that we can not ensure that each machine comes up with the same exact numerical values. Something like the SETI program is, if I am guessing correctly, a sort of distributed prorcessing system. One machine creates some values and sends them to the host. The host is NOT independently processing the same information on its own, and therefore takes the guest's data "as is" and uses that. This is sorta the way PBEM works. And it is now how TCP/IP works for CM. Yup, things have been totally recoded to work more like PBEM. We are testing it internally for at least the next week. Around Friday or so I will give you guys a new update on when we expect to release it. Thanks, Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Great Thanks for the update. Have FUN testing -tom w
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by AggroMann: Well i had only partial fog of war on for one, so i know that the bazooka team was the one to kill the Lynx, and for two, playing out the scenario revealed that no enemy AT guns in the game could have seen the Lynx before it would have come around the hill. I'm 100% sure that the Lynx was a victim of the Bazooka round, the round just flew right through it and hit the ground behind it making a small crater, in the process knocking it out. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> well ok.... but, that doesn't sound right to some of us here, I would suggest that ANOTHER zook (or somthing else ) fired at the SAME time and missed and Its round landed behind the target and left the crater you saw. No one here has every seen a round go through a unit like an AFV and register damgage AND exit and leave a crater, the penetration model as we understand it does not model this kind of reality. In the game the way penetration ballistics are modeled it is my opinion that an 88mm round will not enter and exit a light allied AFV and then go on to impact another AFV or the ground. Sure there is penetration with no result but there is NOT penetration with damage and round continues to go on to leave a crater or impact another target. Anyone else? comments? -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-12-2000).] [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-12-2000).]
  13. VEry hard to guess that range Nice screen shot What game was that? some modern Gulf War tank sim? (Probably only runs on a PC which is why I don't know about it) -tom w
  14. just a friendly bump would not want to let this one drop off the sreen..... any news? Thanks -tom w
  15. I don't think you need all the Flags to win. I look for the Big 300 point flags and make them a priority. AND As Maximus says, kill ALL the opposing units and the flags are all yours anyway. Focusing just on the flags can get your guys killed too quick. Try also finding out where your enemy is weak and attack his units there. Then Exploit that weakness and continue the attack, if you are doing well killing the other guys units the flags when eventually fall to your control. Anybody who plays a scenario in CM with the intention of starting out to take all the flags will likely end up getting their advancing forces all killed off far too quickly for my liking. -tom w
  16. WOW I just read the whole thread..... I think this one is TOO much... Why don't we all just play a little more CM (Don't worry Head to Head TCP/IP wil be here soon and then our favourite comabtants can go at it in (sort of) real time ) and enjoy the coming weekend and Chill out. How about something peaceful like hug a tree, or a hand shake, and lets agree to disagree and move on. Maybe if you are lucky its sunny where you are, because its NOT where I am. -tom w
  17. What is ALL this drivel? Is the other Peng thread Full, or did it just spring a LEAK!? So do we really need two whole threads of this on going nonsense? -tom w
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aikidorat: aka Tom, i hid that info in the lengthy post above. I tend to get too verbose trying to explain the simple, the mundane, the easy to verbalize stuff, whereas it could be presented in a more concise manner. But where's the fun in that? short version: sound manager is in final testing and, with luck, will be ready for public use this weekend. Oh, it's built into MCM3 v1.5. You convert using the same method as for textures, the program decides if it's a sound or graphic and takes care of the rest. as mentioned before, you'll need to convert the sounds to mac system sounds before converting (my poor coding skills couldnt figure it out in a fast manor, and I didnt want you all to wait any longer). we're putting together a readme to show you how to do it, but it's straight forward. Once converted, appears that they work pretty darn good. dave <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks Where is your site and where is it posted? I really do apprciate all the Mac Mod Manager work you put into your software thanks again -tom w
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maj. Bosco: For allied players this is the most OBNOXIOUS issue with tank AI. I almost wish there was a way to dump AP rounds so that my TD's would have to fire their tungsten. For the allies this is even worse than having tanks focus too much on crew. Please address this issue. Bump.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> After last night and watching my weak skinned Hellcats take a beating I could not agree more. I like the word OBNOXIOUS, its the ratio thing that determines when they use the stuff that is OBNOXIOUS. BUT it is still a GREAT game and I know the priority and the focus now is on the TCP/IP so I guess we will have to wait. And Yes a way to "dump" AP rounds to get the ratio down to a level where they might actaully fire tungsten is one "work around" way to deal with it I guess. -tom w
  20. I can't believe its STILL too close to call. Very interesting race. Even after this recount in Florida, I'm sure the losser will request a recount in EVERY close state and I think there are some other close states besides Florida. So it may still taek some more time, Like all day! -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-08-2000).] [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-08-2000).]
  21. Ask me just ask me how many times I screamed Use the Damn tungsten!! tonight? I have really been enjoying playing this game lately, but just tonight I was playing and watched my allied Hellcats get smoked after bouncing three AP rounds off a King Tiger they thought was a Panther, so I watched as the Panther (KT) missed a few times, I thought great after every missed round, OK use the tungsten THIS time, but no, there was about 24 AP rounds available to the Hellcat and only 1 Tungsten round and damn this ratio thing because the tank would not LOAD that Damn K-Kill tungsten round! It was ONLY against the AI but this not firing Tungsten issue REALLY needs to be looked at, as it really is a Life and Death situation for every Allied TD that has tungsten that does not fire it against frontal armour of the Heavy German tanks. I know BTS said they would look at it, but it drove me crazy tonight watching it NOT be used. sorry..... Its late and I'm just ranting (Again ) -tom w
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Claytonious: Hey, BTS, you have so many truly loyal fans here and a lot of us have serious technical expertise. Why don't you take advantage of this tidal wave of loyalty for the game by making it possible for us to make improvements to the game? For example, I am a software developer and I would be happy to do things like write a system to streamline PBEM games by automatically mailing turns between two players, write a nice lobby interface once the TCP/IP patch is complete, etc. In fact, I am extremely confident that I could have written the TCP/IP patch for you if CM had been Open Source (I have written synchronized distributed applications in the past, one of which was a game, and am currently developing a massively distributed business application.) I'm sure someone would tackle the idea of an adaptive mesh for the terrain so that it could be rendered with far more polygons at a higher frame rate, etc. etc. I can quite understand if you don't want to go completely Open Source, but maybe you could at least have a throrough non-disclosure/non-profit/non-ownership agreement and share the source code with those of us who show a genuine interest in adding something to the game for free? Please don't misunderstand me - I think BTS has done a GREAT job on this game and you must be excellent developers to have pulled it off! I am only saying that we can give you an extra hand in smoothing out some of the details you haven't had time to address.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Great point! I'm not a programmer but its seems that the mods for the Graphics that have been done by others like Gunslinger, Tiger, Mangua and the like have REALLY added to the great look and feel this game because the textures are modifiable. But everything else is hardcoded no one else can really help out with any other issues like PBEM file swapping or TCP/IP or more simply the 3D models for rubble and iron girder bridges. Just a thought, you would be surprised how much all of us really do want to help out. Thanks again for the GREAT Game! -tom w
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by gunnersman: For all of you out there who make the mods, scenarios, operations, add-ons and whatever, that make this game more enjoyable, for all of you who have the time, talent and patience to do all of these things (because I sure as hell dont), I just want to say, I LOVE YOU MAN!!!!! Hi Are you really serving on a Naval Ship at Sea now? If you are how can you focus on your Real Life ™ job when all the rest of think about is the next time we can play CM or the nest time we can post or read new posts on this forum? Just curious thanks -tom w
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr. Clark: Heh Heh... Carmack's such a dork. He's a big dreamcast supporter. (see QIII on Dreamcast) Unreal Tournament had to flatten the character models for translation to the Dreamcast version. For translation to PS2, they actually up'ed the polycount in the character animation. Here are some more words on the PS2's supposed limitations: "In other words, the bus is so zippy at streaming graphics data into the Graphics Synthesizer's VRAM that it's almost like the GS is jacked directly into the main memory. And some developers agree. "We certainly thrash textures in and out of VRAM more often than we would like," LucasArts' Corry says, "but keep in mind there are some pretty big 'pipes' connecting the major components of the PS2 together. That data bandwidth translates into fast texture loads into VRAM, so we're not really complaining." Volition's Hague adds, "That huge pipe is key. We're uploading an obscene amount of textures per frame in Summoner. We're not holding back. You're going to see a huge variety of texturing within a single Summoner level." - EGM website The Sony quote is kinda silly too, with PC's breaking new barriers every day, no technology is going to stay ahead for long. I'm rather impressed with the way the PS2 stacks up to the 1.4 ghz chips! Especially since I'm not sure some of those numbers are accurate. The PS2's specs came out higher in the release version than they were in the pre-release listings. http://www.scea.com/news/press_example.asp?ps2=ps2&ReleaseID=9 There is a very Bizarre WWII game in dev for the PS2... I'll try to find a link to it tommorrow. Right now, I'm off to work... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hi Mr Clark, I hope you will post that WWII title for PS2, looking forward to it. Is there a web linnk or any thing else? Thanks -tom w
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