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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff Duquette: This was an interesting test: One Tiger I, Elite SS crew. vs. Ten Stuarts, British Green Crews. Setup test range of 2000 meters. Placed Tiger on a 3 meter high embankment (elevation 10). Remainder of map was flat (elevation 7). Placed 100 meter land marks so range was easy to determine. First go around was Tiger at 2000 meters. The Tiger was unable to spot any Stuarts, yet was receiving accurate fire from the Stuarts. Tiger was eventually destroyed by a hit in a weak spot...or some such thing. Second Go around I placed the Tiger at 1500 meters. The Tiger was able to pick one Stuart off after 4 rounds...the Stuart had moved to a range of 1200 meters before being spotted and destroyed. After the one KO’d Stuart the Tiger was unable to identify any more Stuarts from a range of 1500 meters. However the Stuarts were able to engage the Tiger with accurate fire at 1500 meters. I than preceded to move the Tiger to 1000 meters range, but the Tiger was still unable to identify Stuart targets. The Stuarts continued to issue accurate fire at the Tiger from 1000 meters.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thats a great test What conclusions would you draw from that test? Should the Elite Tiger not pick off ALL of those Stuarts at 2000 meters which should be outside of the effective range of their 37 mm pea shooters which should be NO threat to the Tiger frontally? No? -tom w
  2. Hey its still my favourite thread I'm still here, unfortunately I have nothing new and revelant to add but I'm still looking for new material.Actually I have been playing much more lately and posting here a little less. -tom w
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: The way the site reads, they'll be offering a full editor so that you'll have 100% freedom with map creation. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thats the way I read it as well. And yes it would be very interesting to learn what kind of armour penetration model and what kind of real life 3D physics model that are using. But no doubt about it, the game looks COOL! Stunning graphics and high quality character animation on those soldiers running around. Now All I want to know is when can I run it on my MAC? (short answer NEVER, because they don't care about our smallish 10% of the the market) oh well I'm VERY happy with CM and play it all the time. -tom w
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Schrullenhaft: It looks interesting and an MPEG from the game showed some very nice graphics (love that gun smoke and recoil from the firing T-72). I suspect that the playing enviroment is probably fixed (one battleground or at least not a user configurable one) and the number of units to be manipulated/commanded is going to be fairly small (a platoon of individual grunts and less than a dozen AFVs/vehicles/helos). Otherwise it looks graphically beautiful. I wonder how good the underlying engine is in duplicating realistic gunnery, etc.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> " I suspect that the playing enviroment is probably fixed (one battleground or at least not a user configurable one" not true, so says their promo on the web site check this out: "Operation Flash Point is a tactical combat action war game. It offers the player an unprecedented freedom of action integrating command of large squads and use of any available vehicles with total immersion. Player can experience the best cold war military equipment - infantry, mobile, armor and aircraft - in large and detailed 3D environment. The game contains a single nonlinear campaign, built in full featured mission editor and multiplayer combat." WOW is all I can say AND Too damn bad there is NO Mac Version -tom w
  5. They are posted you know where.... I will see how things go but today I think I can leave the server up all day as long as it is not beseiged and totally swamped with file requestes. I will be up all weekend for sure. help your self. -tom w
  6. thisn from the american fan site: http://www.specforce.net/coldwar/articles.html http://www.specforce.net/coldwar/default.shtml
  7. here's a preview from: http://www.3dgaming.net/stuff/quickie/33100.shtml Flash Point: Status Quo 1985 There has been a tasty surplus of tactical-combat shooters these days. Developers are all getting their act together and hooking us up with heaping helpings of people food. The newest platter of goodness on the table is an upcoming title named Flash Point. Flash Point is a shooter that takes place in the dark days of the cold war. You play an ex-helicopter pilot named Ian Gastovski. For many years Ian served in the Soviet Army, but things went sour and eventually he was exiled. I presume this is because he liked to fly wearing only a pink tutu and an Indian chief's headdress. Flash Point is going to be a squad game and the player will be able to command as many as eleven soldiers. The soldiers will be given different specialties and tools to complete their tasks. For instance, if you choose a sniper, you will be granted better camouflage gear then you would have if you were a point man. Need to clear a dangerous field? Grab your Mine Soldier and clean up. Thinking of storming a building? Better take along some soldiers and support them with a heavy machine-gunner. The missions are going to be in vast environments with lots of eye candy. The levels are full of photo realistic details and a heightened ability to use the surroundings for concealing your forces. If you have ever tried to hide behind a thick wall of trees in another game, only to find that the enemy could somehow see through it, then you will be happy to know that your troops will be much safer in this game if they squat behind a tree. The levels will also be non-linear with you being the primary deciding factor on how you will finish them. But what about vehicles, is that what you are thinking? Well, this game has a bunch. If you want to grab a jeep, it's yours. Need some armor around you? There is an M1Abrams in the backyard with your name on it. Maybe you are the sea-faring type, hop on a boat and take out the bad guys' pirate-style. If none of that suits you, climb into a helicopter and do your work from there, or just zip line out of the helicopter for a laugh. Another good thing about this game is that it is coming at us with a brand new engine called Real Virtuality. This is a good thing. I am tired of seeing every new game come out with the old stand-by. Hey, look, a new game… using the Quake engine… oh, new… huh? Anyway, let's hope this is the tactical shooter that has the balls and the gameplay to turn the light on and off and make all of us little puppies wag our tails in pure doggie joy. -Thomas Soles Quickie Archive
  8. they say this about themselves: "Operation Flash Point is a tactical combat action war game. It offers the player an unprecedented freedom of action integrating command of large squads and use of any available vehicles with total immersion. Player can experience the best cold war military equipment - infantry, mobile, armor and aircraft - in large and detailed 3D environment. The game contains a single nonlinear campaign, built in full featured mission editor and multiplayer combat. It is the year 1985. After Leonid Brezhnevs death in 1982, the Soviet Union went through two short-lived Premiers until Mikhail Gorbachev came along in 1985. As the new General Secretary of the Communist Party of Soviet Union, he represented a new wave in Soviet policy, and started a "glasnost" as he promoted "perestroika". Immediately after the designation of Gorbachev as the leader of the country, a strong opposition was raised. Many people from the leading structures of the country refused the new government and massive chaos ensued. Army and security forces were paralyzed and chaos reigned in the Soviet Union. After a few days, the central government managed to establish order in most of the country but the situation in many places remained absolutely unclear. Many pockets of resistance against the new government had already been formed and the central government lost real power in many regions of the sprawling country. General Ivan Vasilii Guba, a leader of the Third Army located on an island called Kolgujev, refused to serve the new central generality in Moscow. He firmly believes in the old communist ideas and wants to keep the old order in the country. He presently controls a well-equipped modern army. This situation is very dangerous due to the strategically important location of Kolgujev - it is located in an area composed of three islands Kolgujev, St. Pierre, and Malden: Kolgujev is a part of the Soviet Union, St. Pierre has an independent republic on it, and Malden serves as a military base for NATO. And even worse: Guba controls some nuclear weapons. The new Soviet government is unable to do anything about this flash point at the moment. US president Ronald Reagan met the new Soviet leader and the result is that international NATO force would help to keep the peace in the area. It is time for Ian to become a part of the history."
  9. This ROCKS! Seriously http://www.flashpoint1985.com/video/clasified.mpeg IT is a BIG 24 meg download but it is FULL if first person shooter combat EYE CANDY its like CM sort of, but it is VERY pretty and it shows individual tanks, helicopters and Men running around with good explosions and REALLY nice terrain buidlings and scenery this one has very cool 3D combat battle graphics. It only plays on a PC so I can't play it on my Mac but I would like to. This one could (maybe) make you look differnently at CM. It is in 3D and it the perspective in the 24 meg mpeg video download was like camera view one from one infantry soldier and it was VERY well done. if you like GREAT graphics and good animated combat battle footage, with tanks helicoters explosions and infantry, give this one a look! -tom w
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*: I was actually suprised to find my self "offended" by it. I didnt get outraged or anything, but it didnt make me laugh. It just left a bad taste in my mouth, becuase the first few seconds were portraying the carnage/chaos of the situation, and the implied bloodshed, and by the end of it, it was all a big joke. I guess the double standard for me was that it was a film medium, and it instantly hooked me as something really serious. When I sit down to play CM, I know its a game, and yeah I enjoy simulating ww2 bloodshed and combat, and I laugh at Max Molinaro stuff.... This shouldn't be a debate though, we're all intelligent people here, and I don't look down my nose at anyone who was able to find it humorous... Dark humor is just one of those things....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I agree completely " I didnt get outraged or anything, but it didn't make me laugh. It just left a bad taste in my mouth," thanks for the post.... I'm glad I saw it but is was questionable I think -tom w
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kump: Tom, They are nice skies. But as you know, they are in .bsk format, and I don't have Bryce. But it sounds like your volunteering...heh, heh, heh. Actually, I want to play too, but I think I can get these simple one tone skies done pretty quick and they do increase my own pleasure in playing while I wait for hard working volunteers like you to bring us Byrce skies I'll do the simple ones, and like I said, folks can pick and choose. I'm going to have to buy another hard drive just to hold all my CM options. This game is great! [This message has been edited by kump (edited 10-26-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I have Bryce and Photoshop and know and teach in both but I would RATHER play CM. Bryce and Photoshop can save their images in almost ANY format and saving out .bmps is a piece of cake..... But I would rather fool around playing the game or debate the merits of long range German Zeiss gunnery optics in CM he he he ... I might have some EXTRA time to fool around with Bryce Skies over Christmas but by that time TCP/IP battles will take up my time and there might be a Sony Playstation 2 in the house, so I will have to get motivated to fiddle with Bryce Skies or it won't likely happen. -tom w
  12. its worth it don't worry WE ALL had to wait Some folks here pre-ordered and waited MONTHS for to even ship. your game is on the way and you will LOVE it when you get it. Take care of all your homework, chores, or real life repsonsibilities, (whatever they are) because when that game arrives and you load it into your computer, you can kiss the rest of your Real Life™ good-bye! -tom w
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Krono: 3] Several campaigns through early/mid/late war. Simply skipping around the entire front with individual battles isnt going to make for a satisfying expierience. Small operations werent great either. Id like full 20-map campaigns where your troops can gain expierience, not tactical operations spanning a single map viewed at different times. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That one is not likely going to happen.... I think it has been discussed. -tom w
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kump: One of the things that annoys me a little with the present graphics of CM is the skyscapes, those dark overcast clouds and night clouds. If the interest is there, I'll beg someone to host them. You'll be able to pick and choose.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> maybe I can help Check out this web site: the BEST skies in the World come from Bryce 3D and Bryce 4. I own it and can play with it and I'm happy to host them.... try this site: http://hilltopdesign.com/b4materials/b4skies/index.html it is SLOW to load as it is bandwidth intensive (pretty pics of skies) -tom w P.S. Perhaps I should not volunteer because I would rather play CM than play around with Bryce 4 and make skies.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kump: YES, you did get the right file, but don't tell no one, I GOOFED! I discovered I sent the thing without the updates, DOH!!! I fixed it quick, but of course some got the goofed version 2 without knowing. Tom posted again. That's what it meant, some fixes were done. My extreme appology. You'll need to get the tree base again or grab the update zip only if Tom stored that one as well. Either one will do. Sorry for goof on my part. Old age and all.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think the FTP site has ALL the things you sent me and I replaced the ones you didn't like with the V2 version updates this morning its all there : gmk_miscterrain_v1.zip gmk_treebase_update.zip gmk_treebase_v1.zip gmk_treebase_v2.zip gmk_trees_v1.zip ok? -tom w
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RudeLover: I think there are times that it would be nice with turreted vehicles to use the 'rotate' command and have a dialog box come up saying 'rotate turret only Y/N.' There's precedent for commands that have some question attached in some cases--this box could be like the upper/lower building box or the area fire 'use main gun?' box. Of course, only BTS can say if this is really a possible feature. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sounds like a good suggestion to me. (nice to note the other precedents for such an implementation of this Turret rotate command) -tom w
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: Well that's pretty stinkin' well done. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes it is It would be nice to see burnt out wrecks like that in CM2 Now that would be TOO much! check it out! -tom w P.S. if you know how post a link to this thread so all can see it it is a very cool burnt out Pzkfw IV G.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ithai: So is tcp/ip play coming out in the next 30 days? Just wondering. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If I was a betting man I would bet on the Beta Test release for public play in the next 30 days.... just guessing though... BTS? anyone ? any official news? just waiting and wondering... -tom w
  19. his Latest mods from last night were posted this morning the server will be up after 5:00 pm EST today. -tom w
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Terence: If you have more than one tank, you can use overwatch or bounding overwatch tactics to cover areas where the main gun is not pointing. This is good armor tactics and should be done anyway, (if possible) regardless of the AI's behavior. And at the risk of being berated, I feel compelled to say that while not being able to point the turret _may_ be a flaw, I can't see how it could be considered a major one. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I agree It is hardly a flaw at all if you can tell your TC to use only the Co-ax Mg and point the turret in this or that specific direction, to watch for the next leathal threat. no big deal really. -tom w
  21. I think it is in questionable taste. oh well -tom w
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Olle Petersson: I do this too, but the costs aren't nearly as high as you suggest; - I choose area fire without the main gun. The coaxial MG will be used, so the main gun will point in the right direction anyway. No HE used... - Even if you prefer using HE for the area fire, this is no problem when armour is targeted. It seems like the program decides which ammo to use while squeezing the trigger, so even if an HE is loaded in the chamber it will transform to AP while moving down the gun barrel... (I've seen this happen with my famous Priests. Shooting a couple of HE at a building, and just as they've reloaded a KT pops up straight ahead. It's immediately targeted, fired at within a second or two, and knocked out by the hollow charge. No reloading inbetween.) Cheers Olle<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Good point about using the MG in the co-ax, I had Not thought of that, EVEN more frugal. And yes I guess the round does magically become AP or HE in the barrel without reload so it seems the game is somewhat forgiveing in this area, not entirely realistic, but it sure makes up for the fact that you can't actually point the turret in the specific direction you want, BUT you can point the co-ax MG in the direction you want it! I like it! Thanks! -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 10-26-2000).]
  23. Happy Birthday Matt Maybe you should get the day OFF to play CM ALL Day without interuption! -tom w
  24. This is not really a new Idea but it may be the first time it has come up in this thread. I know this means using up EVEN more Video memory, but in addition to having houses and buildings modeled with much better rubble, how about have AFVs modeled with black holes and "pock" marks to indicate a hit, yes I know it means another SET of graphic textures but at the rate the Mods are being produced for free now, I'm sure just the Hint of a swap-able graphic textures to indicate a hit as a pock mark or a metal fatigue deformity (yes I know needs a NEW 3D model like the turret slanted now, AS well) would inspire folks like Tiger to come up with some AFV's that look like they have been hit. I'm not just suggesting they explode and brew up on fire but for a hit that penetrates without catastrophic result, maybe a black hole could appear on surface that took the hint as well as dent? (for internal armour flaking as well) I mention this because most of us used to like to build plastic model tank kits and the REALLY fun Part (aside from painting camo patterns) was making holes in them and trying to melt the plastic just enough to show metal fatigue and dents and pock marks from non-leathal hits. Just a thought, -tom w
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