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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. Since I'm so addicted to CM (Mostly because I'm a Mac fan and the game was available on a mac from its inception ) I'm afraid I'm not really all that familiar with other soley PC based WWII era video games. Is BlackAdder refering to Panzer Elite? Sorry to ask but I would really like to know exactly what game he thinks is more realistic and accurate than CM? Thanks -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-21-2000).]
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: I don't know the specifics, but if a tank has even ONE Tungsten round it will be more likely to use it than with previous versions. From what I recall, Charles adjusted the "knowledge" level of the TacAI's simulated tank commander rules of engagement. Right now the tank commander looks at something like a Tiger and thinks "Gee, I only have one Tungsten round. I need to save that. If we can just hit the driver's vision slot we can knock that bastard out, so keep the Tungsten in reserve". Now it is more likely to say, "HOLY CRAP!! That is a Tiger!! CRAP!! AP is just bouncing off it. Fire Tungsten at the bastard, I don't care if we only have one!!". In other words, the tank commander won't waste a special round (i.e. firing to estimate distance), but once it feels like it has a good chance to hit the round will be loaded and fired. Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Perfect! I don't think we could really ask for anything more. Can't wait to try it out. Thanks Really really big thanks on that one! -tom w
  3. Great News Thanks KwazyDog Most of us here aren't saying give those Allied tanks more Tungsten, in fact some here might say even 1 or 2 rounds for every TD in a given battle or scenario may be too much as the availability of the stuff was scarce I understand. (but I like it just fine the way it is now availability wise) BUT.... "For the LOVE of GOD " Let them fire the damn rounds they do have, EVEN at a mistaken target, EVEN if they think that Pzkpw Mark IV is a "Tiger" if they bounce just one round off any armoured surface just please, please let the next round into the breach be tungsten "for the Love of God"! Thanks of the the update Dan -tom w
  4. I have a Wife and Dog The wife just puts up with CM but the Dog is more loyal and sleeps at my feet while I play. I would not try too hard to get the new girl friend involved, just tell you love her but you are facsinated by WW II military history and don't stress the "video game thing" too much. good luck -tom w
  5. I sympathize completely..... but I must ask what was the experience level of the Tiger crew? Weather conditions? Who was moving? Hull down? Light conditions? That said, the game designers and Charles specifically, will tell you ALL is WELL with the game and the code that since your Tiger was being fired upon, they were not "calm cool gunners" but were in fact quite unnerved, lost their cool and then they were Really really UNLUCKY. I have been told something like this in the past. But for a Tiger Crew to Miss 5 shots in a row at 250 m Well I do agree there may be something wrong. Perhaps the forth and fifth shot at the range should be modeled with an %80 and %90 chance to hit, depending on crew experince, BUT EVEN then, on the fourth shot you have a 1 in 5 chance to miss and then on the 5th shot you have a 1 in ten chance to miss and then MAYBE you just were unlucky. I'm quite certian Charles will tell you it was just not their day and that Tiger was just simply unlucky. I Still say that the 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th chance to hit percentages should be bumped up for tanks with Good sights firing rounds by well trained gunners like in the German Tiger. But that is a WHOLE other thread. Tiger crew misses 5 times at 250 m? That's gotta HURT! -tom w
  6. I have seen stunning mods.... Stunning Vehicles... Beautiful buildings... Great Trees... new wonderful Grass and wheat new uniforms new weapons and EVEN more new great vehicles BUT RAIL tiles?? where are the Rail tiles? I have installed Gunslinger's Rail tiles and find them TOO light and too grey they stick out in an ugly sort of way (I say this because I don't think he posts here anymore and so I don't think I would be offending him, the rest of his set is still very toned down and very beautiful) Is there another toned down or dark rail tile set out there? I think the rail tiles that came with the CD originally may be the best but I have not reinstalled them as I am on a mac and am not sure how to selectively reinstalled original .bmps from the cd as they are not mods. ANYWAY.... are there any other darker, wood like, with wood texture railway ties on dark railway rails as a mod set out there? thanks comments? suggestions? -tom w
  7. I guess it was perhaps about time for a new thread on this anyway Just curious like everyone else? So can we play with the new beta TCP/IP patch this weekend or not? -tom w
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kingfish: Wrong answer guys, The "*" and "**" indicate a prize located inside the building, for which your troops will gain a morale bonus if found. The "*" symbol indicates a lower value prize, such as cigarettes, chocolate bars, or a porno mag. The "**" is of a higher value and could be a case of beer or a couple of prostitutes hiding in an upstairs closet. The trick is to actively search for them, so regardless of enemy fire (who most likely wants to keep the prize for themselves)you must keep looking, moving your men throughout the inside. If there is an upstairs, send two squads up there as well. Remember, the greater the number of squads you can cram inside the building, the greater the chance you will find it. Good luck. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ROTFLMAO Thats the funniest thing I have read on here in a long time. Thanks for the laugh! Great way to start the morning at work. -tom w
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff Heidman: Could CM use multi-processor support? It takes quite a bit more than just using a multi-processor capable OS or programming language. You have to actually code the capability in, and that is not trivial. Having done some multi-processor programming, I would be surprised if BTS decided it was worth the effort. Is there enough processing that could happen sequentially to make any difference? The only amount of time that CM takes is in AI for single player games and turn generation. I could see plenty of room for multi-tasking in the AI (maybe), but turn generation is probably pretty sequential. Not to mention the fact that only a very small fraction of people have dual processor systems to begin with. Jeff Heidman<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> As Dave said,any carbonized app and any coco app that will run on Mac OS X will have multi-processor support because it is build into the Mac OS X operating system. If BTS wants CM2 to run and Mac OSX it will need to be Carbonized and then it should gain the inherent benefit of multi processor support. -tom w
  10. from: http://www.wwiionline.com/tanks.html Some of the vehicles which will be modeled for WWII Online's first theatre of operations include: PzKpfw III PzKpfw 38(T) Renault R-35 Opel Blitz Char Bis B1 SdKfz 8 SdKfz 251 During the period of 1940 to 1945, armored fighting vehicles transformed from simple and lightweight infantry support vehicles to main battle assault tanks, and everything in between. The overall tonnage of an average medium tank during these years soared, along with the armor thickness and main gun size, while the basic performance rose in relation. The tank literally came of age in World War II, and defined a new weapon type where there was none before. World War II Online™ puts players in command of the famous tanks and armored vehicles of the period. All modeled accurately and crew-able by multiple players, these are the armored fist of your side's armies. Fully modeled physics assure your ride will be as real as it gets in tank simulation. Engines overheat, tracks fail, systems degrade with damage, and vehicles mire in the snow or mud. That's if you're lucky! Drive, command main-guns yourself, or let a friend do the shooting. Your vehicle's systems are accurately modeled from tech data and performance reports of the actual World War II vehicles. Weapons, sights, engines, and overall specs are all intricately modeled to give every vehicle the advantages, and pitfalls it had in real battle. From the "soft spot" on the Char 1B, the amazing speed of the T34, the incredible 75mm on the Panther, to the pathetic crawl but awesome power and survivability of the King Tiger… it's all there. In the persistent battle environment of WWII Online™, the tanker will be an integral part of your side's success. You'll be tasked with supporting troops, softening targets, or going on advanced recon patrols deep into enemy territory. Surprise and good planning can make the difference between victory and defeat here: strike where you're not expected and in force, and you could tip the balance of the entire front line! Wherever your side is headed, they'll need tanks to spearhead the effort. Games like "Panzer Commander" and "Panzer Elite" have set the stage for the level of realism expected in the tank sim world. Playnet and Cornered Rat Software have done their homework, and taken it one step further… the virtual battlefield. For years tank sims have left players alone in battle. Now you'll be part of a real brigade, or a small fast detachment of 4… blazing your way to the front line. A combat experience that puts the player in control of a fighting vehicle in a world where every tank or vehicle you see is manned by real people. Your skills will be tested, and your side will be counting on you. This is no place for a simple tank "enthusiast"… it's a world inhabited by tank "nuts". As players gain experience and rank through combat successes, tankers can post missions and operation orders for squads, brigades, and even your entire side's army. The more you learn in battle the more you'll be able to bring to the planning table when your experience and rank permits. It's not just about slamming armor at every corner, it's about sneaking through the forests and passes to catch the enemy with his pants down! Imagine planning a tank offensive with 50 other tankers that is to take place a week from now. Coordinate with the infantry commanders and arrange your artillery support. As the days go by, plans get tighter and targets assigned until the day arrives. If communications have remained secure, you'll have a straight shot, if they have been compromised, you may be clanking your way straight into a trap! Either way, you're headed into tank combat that's more compelling than ever before simply because you're fighting against real people in a persistent combat environment. What you do in a tank today could have lasting effects for your side. You could be the lone Sherman that spots a column of Panthers headed towards your base… do you stand your ground, or out-run them calling for support? It's gonna be a long and terrifying day. Back to the Main Page © 2000 Playnet, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Playnet Inc., World War II Online, WWII Online, "It's not just a flight sim, it's a war.", Cornered Rat Software, teulkit, G2 Network, and Global Games Network are trademarks of Playnet Incorporated. Other marks used herein are those of their respective owners.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Der Unbekannte Jäger: May I kindly ask sir what exactly is a "Babelfish? Votre mère était un hamster et votre père éperlan des anciennes baies! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You had to have watched listened to or Read the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy to know this one. It was out in Book form and then 7 one hour tv episodes and it was available on 3 Lp's 30 minutes each side (for 6 episodes) ANYWAY..... the Bablefish was a mystical creature that you slipped into your ear and it would translate ANY language to the one language you understood. So in intergalatic travel it was essential and would save your bacon so you could talk to anyone any where about anything, and now it is just a bablefish.com web site... oh well -tom w
  12. I saw the Public Beta of Mac OSX run on a dual processor 500 mHz G4 yesterday at Apple Canada, it was a free public demonstration. The Mac will now have three kinds of apps in the future when Os X comes out in the first quarter of 2001.... the Classic App (as CM is now, runs on OS 9) the Carbonized App (classic App cleaned up for OS X) The Coco App (Written new from the Ground up to take the most advantage of Mac OS X code) The new Mac OS X will have BUILT in multi- processor support so if you want CM to SCREAM on a fast Dual Processor Mac It should at the very least be Carbonized for Mac OS X, then I think it can take advantage of mulit tasking and protected memory and dual processors. The Open GL question is a big one. I think CM will need open GL support to move beyond Mac OS 9. I would strongly suggest that BTS apply to Apple for Preferential Developer Status (Since they Actually are ONE), and get the latest Developer tools and software and a discount on buying hardware from Apple. just a few rambling thouhgts -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-16-2000).]
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: A long time ago floating point math was slower than integer, but that has not been the case for a long time now. Especially if you have a PowerPC G3 or G4. The G4 has (forgive my layman's understanding ) two pipelines for processing floating point, each of which is probably better than the single one on a Pentium class chip. And to "prove" it, check this out... Combat Mission makes the "host" be the machine that scores the highest on a series of floating point tests Charles cooked up. This makes sense to everybody, I am sure. But what might come as a shock to people is that CM determined that my G4 400MHz system was FASTER than the P3 800MHz system playing against me. So although the P3 has twice the clock speed, my system was determined to be faster (as far as CM is concerned). If CM used integer instead of floating point, both would be slower. However, my G4 would probably be 3 times as slow as it is right now. That is a nice little argument for using floating point math to me Steve [This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 11-15-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well I just have to say somthing here. Clock speed is not the be all and end all of CPU and computer preformance. The Risc Processor and the Velocity Chip and the Back side cache and the high perforance data bus in the Mac G4's ROCK! Seriously, a 500 mHz Mac G4 is a screaming fast machine even though the clock speed only says 500 mHz the damn thing will rip Through Photoshop tasks and filters and math intensive task like crunching CM tank battle intensive turns, faster than MOST PC machines. Really. Mac Tech Geek, -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-16-2000).]
  14. A big sorry to all for the past 36 hour Real Life ™ has really gotten in the way of my Combat Mission addiction. I appologize. As some of you have found the 336.bmp has been posted. I'm still in touch with Kump and Panzertruppen and will maintain the FTP site and post anything that is big in the way of mods that anyone wants to share. Panzertruppen's Chruch looks GREAT by the way. the ftp site is up and running and it has LOTS of FAST bandwidth after hours so again I encourage all of you to try to limit your downloads to the period after 5:00 pm EST and before 9:00 AM EST I will post more mods if I get them. I ahve received e-mail from some of you but have not had time yet to respond personally sorry. I will make sure EVERYTHING is up and posted and the FTP is solid for the weekend before I leave tomorrow. hope that helps Stressed with work and home (double whammy) I'll be fine by tomorrow -tom w
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Conall: "For what it's worth my opinion on the subject is that CM models first round accuracy pretty well at all ranges. Where I have some doubts is that the model seems a little ungenerous with regards to subsequent shots. From what I've read it seems to me that an average gunner could get the correct range in 3-4 rounds (1-2 at distances less than 500m). Given that most W/O studies that I've read suggest that erroneous range estimation was the principal cause of inaccuracy I would expect a reasonably good hit probability by the 3-4th round yet in CM this doesn't appear to be the case. Although it is a separate issue I think that the long range spotting model does seem in need of correction" [This message has been edited by Conall (edited 11-15-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I too have been reading and following this thread. I know I have not been contributing nay new sources of information or any new historically accurate WW II references, but I still agree with Conall that the first shot hit and miss percentages over 1200 meters seems ok but the Vet Crack and Elite Gunners should have a great second third and Fouth shot change to hit percentage for the 88 mm. Again only an opinion. I read this thread EVERY day and thrilled to see al the work all the rest of you are doing with research. Thanks Its good to see Steve is still reading this thread, I had thought he had dimissed all of us and the topic in general . -tom w
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hawk: Almost all the time, but the speed varies a lot (sometimes 1 to 1, other times it seems like 10 to 1). I guess this is to simulate the uncertancy when calling in arty. Hawk <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I agree THere is fog of war and the expereince level of the FO is a factor in how long it takes. I like the Fog of War factor a green FO means it takes longer to call the arty in, but how much longer is not exactly detailed in the game. some times the minutes are 1 : 1 and sometimes up to 1 : 10 I really like the uncertainty and the way Fog of War is modeled its done quite well I think. -tom w
  17. 336.bmp to follow I have it and I'll post it you will need the steeple and I will post it by 5:00 pm EST but as you know I would prefer if you would all make your download requests before 9:00 am EST and after 5:00 pm EST Thanks -tom w
  18. try this netscape prefers this syntax: use this EXACT string in netscape: ftp://cm:cmbo@ this will do it for Netscape users -tom w
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by russellmz: using latest IE 5.5 download successfully...two minutes ago... great look cant wait to compare with magua's...maybe i will have to use a .bat file after all(something i swore was too much trouble) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks Russellmz Its there, just use I.E. 5.5 and you will have no problems or an ftp program I'll look at the other problems in the morning. The mods are truly spectacular! Thanks Don -tom w
  20. OK..... I'm a little confused I have tested it on a Mac and looked at the server. The Server is up and good. there were 3 people downloading the files just a few minutes ago The download works in IE 5 on a Mac but not in Netscape communiator 4.76 What broswer are you using? Try I.E.? is anyone actually downloading it now? I think it is working, but not in netscape. sorry -tom w
  21. yup there's a problem its a server problem, at my end I'm working on it hold on sorry -tom w
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by pritzl: The new version of OpenGL (1.2.1) has been released...sort of. The great news is that it comes with a new Rave driver that fixes the black text problems with the ATI rage 128 and Radeon cards. However, I don't believe the driver is available from Apple yet, but you can still get it if you're desperate enough and don't want to wait. The new version of OpenGL is included with the "Cro-Mag Rally Demo" that was released yesterday. It's a 40MB download though. On the plus side, you get a perfect version of Combat Mission and a demo of new game that looks entertaining enough. pritzl<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Where is the download? I'm curious now thanks -tom w
  23. OK Its HERE! They are Ready, Yes those beautiful Church and building mods are here: use this in your web browser: ftp://cm:cmbo@ Use that string EXACTLY its is in the pz_mods Directory on ftp server user name: cm password: cmbo I am a Mac user and I had one little problem with a corrupted file in the full zipped download. The file in question is 330.bmp it may work just fine for you as you find it in the complete zipped download if you have any problems you can go back and download non-zipped and known to be "Not Corrupt" final file 330.bmp Hope that you enjoy them Panzertruppen is happy to share them and would love to hear how much you like them We are in touch and he is happy to let me host them and have me make the announcement here. -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-14-2000).] [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-14-2000).]
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Formerly Babra: Good Synopsis Here Took me about two minutes to find that using Google. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Great Thanks I had searched before on the web but that site never came up. Thanks for the time and effort -tom w
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Formerly Babra: The significance of the presence of soccer pitches is that until that time, Cubans did not play soccer. Baseball was their preferred sport. Russians, however, were quite fond of soccer. The presence of the soccer fields near the MRBM sites was confirmation of a Soviet presence. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> GREAT! Thanks I had been told that story in High School but I never seen anything written about this? So I'm wondering if they will get it right in the up coming movie Thirteen Days? Due out in Dec. Do you know of any web page references? I have looked for the Soccer - Pitch Cuban Missle Crisis connection but have never actually seen it written anywhere. -tom w
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