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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff Heidman: Steve, you ignorant sl... Ooops, never mind. Jeff Heidman<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Not everyone might "get" the reference to the late 70's Saturday Night Live line... "Jane, You Ignorant Slut!" it was meant in Good humour by Jeff at Least I think it was. Just mentioning it here as this is an international forum and not everyone may know about Dan Akeroid and Jane Curtan from the "hey day" of their saturday night live days. no offense -tom w
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf: Just like to say I am a huge fan BTS and everything they have done so far but.... $25.00 freakin' dollars for at most 12 new vehicles? Your nuts. I wouldn't pay for that. No offense mind you... I am just being realistic. If I was to shell out half again as much as I paid for a game I would expect to see atleast 50% value returned compared to the first investment. Make sense? But still.. an add-on pack would be nice. But in all truth there are still vehicles I haven't seen nor used in CM yet. Jeff <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OK It was just a suggestion, I know there was A GREAT Deal of work, YEARS in fact that went into the original game. My question is, seriously, how many more new vehicles do we, or the game REALLY need? How many more WW II vehciles are there that are not represented here? Can they get double duty out of those vehciles and model them for the ADD On pack and then re-use them in CM2? I was trying to make a case that would be profitable for BTS and give us some new 3D models for vehicles at the same time. First and Foremost if it is not profitable for BTS why would they do it? How many new vehicles do we really need? How many ADD On CD's are they likely to sell? If I were runnig BTS it I imagine some form of cost - benefit analysis would be required before any commitmant to this idea was made publically. I was just trying to help out and make a few suggestions. -tom w
  3. From a financial point of view it "should" mean MORE money for CM2 development. I say this because a Quciky effort to pull together and code into the game some new 3D vehicles models only, could result in more sales. I would again suggest that any new 3D models be released on a CD that we would all (ok most of us with real jobs) would be more than happy to buy. I would suggest the ADD On pack come with ALL the current mods that you can get permission to give away and the latest V1.1 Non-beta patch and some add on vechiles without skins. YES that's right SCREW the game mag reviewers, this community is SO generous and SO talented that there will be NEW mods and GREAT looking skins for those new add on vehicles in NO time. I say this becasue I would REALLY like to see the raw fire power of the Quad .50 cal U.S. half track NOW that would be FUN! Anyway, why not sell us 4, 5,or 6 new vehicles for each side, offer to sell the CD to us for say $25.00 U.S and see who perorders. I would preorder and I hope this is the FIRST preorder, if you get say 500 preorders before Dec 25/2000 maybe the project should be a go? Again Just a Suggestion Thanks so Much for the v1.1 TCP/IP Patch it is really wonderous!!! -tom w
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 109 Gustav: 9 would be alright, I guess. Maybe 0 (zero) would be better, though. That way, it's right at the bottom of the keypad. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Good point 0 zero is right at the bottom of the key board on a laptop it is up above the P beside the 9 so it make no difference. So I would advocate 0 as the intialize chat button just as well I really really don't like the ` key for chat but I do like chatting and taunting I wish I could play this weekend but I can't (sorry WAY too busy BUMMER!) -tom w
  5. I agree with Jeff as well I would prefer no "are you sure?" after go or done. its not a key command, its just a straight point and click in the interface, I'm sorry but it is somewhat difficult for me to believe you could actually drag your mouse over to done or GO and then look at it and then accidentally click done or go? I think this interface design feature is fine the way it is. Now the ` key for chatting is another matter and it is a whole other thread. -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 12-01-2000).]
  6. One more time? Who has a problem with the suggestion of using the "9" key to initiate the chat? 9 is out of the way 9 is on EVERYONE'S keyboard 9 is not now used for anything? correct? -tom w
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hobo: How about click on a spot and get its elevation. The only way I can clearly see terrain is from the first person perspective. I got killed by enemy tanks when I first starting playing this game because I placed my tanks in terrible positions. - Hobo<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> In all honesty I think this is the WHOLE point of the way the game was made. Sorry, but if you don't get down on the ground and look around in view #1 then you deserve to get killed. Way back before the Gold Demo when the Beta Demo was out MANY of us (my self included) asked for topo maps with contour lines. We were clearly told the map editor does not work that way. You can see that for you self if you use the map editor to design your own scenario's. The game is just fine the way it is and as Matt says there are other ways to determine the elevation using different grass textures. And Yes scouting around on the ground is the very best way to see what you can actually see. -tom w
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Olle Petersson: Actually I really like the suggestion for the \ key (backslash below delete) or the "9" key all of these keys å, ä, ö or ü require a modifier like option alt or control "somthing" key to make happen on the north american keyboard. I'm sure we can all agree on something international like the 9 key or the \ backslash key, both are not currently used, correct? -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 12-01-2000).]
  9. you are joking right? the § key is a bit of work on the Mac that's an option 6 to get that one, another two handed trick I would lobby for either 0 or 9 or - to initiate the chat.... EVERYONE has a 9 key Easy, easy, 9 is not to close to anything else important (like esc) to cause any further trouble. OK well 9 could be close enought to 8 to get an instant way overhead view of the map, fair enough, at least 0 is in the middle of 9 and - and it both 9 and - do NOTHING, so 0 is also a good choice. I would really prefer a keystroke that does not have to be modified by another key like alt shift option or control to work. -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-30-2000).] [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-30-2000).] [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-30-2000).]
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Turret: http://www.cdmag.com/articles/030/184/shot20big.jpg Aren't these pretty little Tigers? This is from IL-2 Sturmovik, a flight sim! Perhaps a preview of sorts of what dynamic lighting might add to future CM titles. I'll wait. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> very nice
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sergei: At least 9 and 0 are not used by anything. Hey how about Å key? I'm really bother about how no games ever utilize Å. It's a fine letter, don't discriminate it. Anyway, I guess customable key maps would be the best solution.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> å oops Å Forget that, on a Mac I have to hold down BOTH the Shift and the option key then tap a to get Å! That's a major two handed operation. -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-30-2000).]
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus: I thought the Space Bar was used to cancel an order in progress? And for all you Mac weirdos, buy a PC and quit whining! I don't get it! CM has been programed on a G4, apparently Charles didn't have any problems with what he assigned as the 'chat key'.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes the space bar is also used to cancel orders so it is not a candidate. I Will NEVER buy a PC and I NEVER support Microsoft, EVER! Mac zealots usually feel pretty strongly about this one. -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-30-2000).]
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fuerte: In fact space bar is used to cancel a menu. But I guess pressing space when the menu is not visible could open the chat. Tab is used to center the view to the selected unit. Enter is used in other games to chat, is it used for anything in CM?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well isn't that the one the brings up the info on the units? or is that "return"?
  14. oops I'm WAY wrong on two counts in the "keyboard" screen on my Mac, the ` key not the ~ (tilde) key, is shown as the initiate chat key. so the shift is not required. and OF course (Doh!) the Space bar is the one to cancel orders so now I look like a complete idiot. Yes and the Tab key is busy too, (lock view to unit, I LOVE that one) I still don't like the ` key to start to chat, but what's left? the "9" key? its not busy? there are many kinds of keyboards and the key to start to chat should be a common one. the choice to go with the ` key makes sense because it is on all keyboards. Hope I have not been flamed already for my earlier rant. -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-30-2000).] [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-30-2000).] [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-30-2000).]
  15. I like the TCP/IP play and all the new features of the v1.1 patch so much is it hard to bring myself to complain however.... since Fuerte started it... On the Mac the ~ key to initiate a Chat is VERY close to, (right on top of) the esc key on my Powerbook keyboard so a few times while in the game I esc'd out of it by accident, while trying to chat, this is a small nuisance as it is relatively easy to get back into the game. BUT the one that bugs me the most is the choice of the Shift key as a modifier key for toggling things like Roofs and Smoke graphics on and off.Also on a Mac Powerbook the tilde ~ key requires the Shift to be held down, if you miss the shift and just hit the ~ then attempt to chat, (I was Shift Typing To Capitalize My Words) then the roofs would flcker on and off and the Trees were disappearing and reapperaing and the smoke and warning labels were coming and going and the vehciles came and went, VERY weird. It is only a MINOR thing but the choice of the shift key for modifiers in the game is very questionable IMHO. and the ~ key to chat is a little tricky. Even Tab to chat would be better or BEST of all space bar to chat! EVERYONE has a space bar and it has no known function so far. Yes Space bar to start chatting and return to send it,..... How about that you Finish and Norwegion guys? hit the Space bar once to start to chat? NOPE sorry I'm WRONG the space is used to cancel orders, its busy Ooops sorry. Just a friendly suggestion the key board lay-out is workable the way it is but it could be a little easier to initiate the chat I think thanks -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-30-2000).] [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-30-2000).]
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dNorwood: I guess we have to decide if this is gamey.... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh I'm SURE this is gamey BUT it sure is a COOL trick thanks -tom w
  17. WHAT! Whats this???! An optics thread disguised a "slow panther turret traverse" thread??? geesh ! The lengths you guys will go to avoid hearing me rant on about superior German Zeiss optics!!! All in Good Fun I'm Glad to See John Waters keeping up the "German's had superior optics" concept in this thread. I'm still VERY true to the cause but I agree completely with: quote: Jeff wrote: So I would argue that the mythical\factual success of German "uber-Armour" in WWII was as much or more a function of: the average German soldiers past combat experience, his tactical savvy, eye for terrain, and ability to rely on his initiative to adapt to changing situations in battles, rather than relying on a notion that his machines were indestructible or his traverse speed was quicker. AND playing v1.1 is so much fun its really hard to bitch and complain anymore, because such a great deal of work has gone into the TCP/IP patch. I will suggest again that the BEST of The BEST Mods AND the v1.1 TCP/IP Multiplayer Patch should be burned to a few "one off" CD's and trotted out AGAIN as a NEW press release to all the reviewers at those video game Mags so they can play the game now and see what they have left to complain about !! Onward and Upward BTS!!!! -tom w
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by deanco: My take on TCP/IP so far: 1) I want to turn freyland's argument around. I've played and enjoyed RTS titles before, and I've always thought that the one thing MISSING from CM was this sense of urgency, this heart pounding desire to click on everything quickly enough. Now, not only is CM the deepest, most kick ass tactics game ever made, but I get an RTS buzz off of it as well! But it doesn't stop there. In other RTS titles, the amount of "speed" or "urgency" is built into the game and is a set value. If events are happening too quickly, you will get discouraged; if the action is to slow, you will get bored. But by using the timer and force size judiciously, CM now allows you to "dial-in" the amount of urgency and heart pounding action you want : a lot, a little, or none at all. BTS has given us a "tension" knob to play with. A true innovation in gaming. 2) This is gonna sound funny coming from me but here goes: I think TCP/IP makes Combat Mission MORE REALISTIC. You can't tell me that a Commander, in mortal danger on a battlefield , is gonna have the time to give the kind of super-detailed orders that you might work out in a PBEM or against the AI. "Squad A! Advance 62.721 meters north, then crawl an additional 22.806 meters north north east until your line of sight extends exactly 186.5 meters out of the woods! Here's a ruler, now GET MOVING!!" Now don't get me wrong, I like playing like that too, I think it's fun. I'm just saying that a realistic WWII game should have some adrenaline and uncertainty mixed in with it, to reproduce as closely as possible the actual condition of the soldier on the battlefield. I hope I've made myself clear. DeanCo-- <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I agree I agree completely and FULLY support EVERYTHING Deanco said. Worth repeating: "But by using the timer and force size judiciously, CM now allows you to "dial-in" the amount of urgency and heart pounding action you want : a lot, a little, or none at all. BTS has given us a "tension" knob to play with. A true innovation in gaming." PERFECT! I could not have said it any better. Steve is also absolutely correct the v1.1 TCP/IP patch takes NOTHING at all away from the slow enjoyment of plotting very detailed tactics if that is your preference. BUT, some of us have been waiting patiently for this game to give us a timer and simulated sense of urgency, provided only with a time constraint that would (in my opinion) simulate "more" accurately the tension and arlendalin rush of command decisions required under "combat" conditions. Thanks BTS!!!! Very cool. ( I got beat again last Night by Epee, I think someone needs to challenge this guy and KICK is Brazilian Butt ) I have found v1.1 remarkably stable. -tom w
  19. I think this issue is the Proxy. I can play through a router at work. Virtually ALL that travels across the internet goes through routers, (again Mostly Cisco ) Its the Proxy routers which are like software emulators (sort off) that does not give you a true IP that cause problems here. -tomw
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GreasyPig: aka_tom_w I wish I had more time to keep up on all the events that happen in here. Your screen shots are absolutely beautiful. So, to be short... I want my game to look exactly like yours! I just downloaded deanco's execellent interface, so could you tell me where exactly to get the other mods? Thanks GreasyPig<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OK Its hard to remember them all. I have Tiger's Water I'm pretty sure they are all Gunslinger's Tree's and Terrain. The Buildings are Some from Panzertruppen, some from Mangua, and Some from Gunslinger. Kump's great Web site helps you see which is which and what looks good compared to what. I have tweaked and edited my mods right down to the individual building, to get some that look like Barns and some that have textures from two different mod makers. Mostly its like this: Water and Vehciles by Tiger Trees and Terrain by Gunslinger Buildings by Magua PanzerTrupeen and Gunslinger and Pavement special brown texture, by some one I can't remember (sorry). try Kump's site http://www.gkump.com/cm/ and There are even WAY more Mods at MadMatt's CMHQ hope that helps -tom w
  21. If more people are now more comfortable in the role of the defender and they can now buy CHEAP obstacles and Mines to set up a defensive perimeter with, then 10 points for mines sounds good. I have not played on the Defence yet, but cheaper obstacles are welcomed by all defenders I'm sure. I wonder now how VoT Plays now?. Who has the newer TCP/IP friendly version of the VoT map ready for QB play so we can buy obstacles and set up a new German Defence? Where Did I read about newly edited original scenario's re-minted for TCP/IP play? Anyone ? -tom w
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: I'd settle for a smart opponent! Oh, or a thermal nuclear device (for times when things are really not going very well). Mace<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh Mace, Have you not found someone who can kick you butt yet? Don't worry, someone is waiting in the Shadows for you -tom w
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M. Bates: Hey man, the WW2 mod for Myth 2 was out ages and ages ago...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OK I'm a HUGE fan of Myth 2 BUT, huge BUT here, Myth 2 DOES not measure armour plate thickness to the mm the way CM does. Myth 2 does not model every weapon common to WWII the way CM does. Myth 2 is a great 3D RTS game but the WW II version of it is just a plain old MOD! Not a historical recreation of fact and ballisical (sp? ) accuracy the way CM works. BTS did invent the Wheel on this ONE! and it mighty fine Wheel it is too! -tom w
  24. From what I understand it is actually supposed to be based on Newton's Rules. Yes that's Rules by Sir Issac Newton. I understand they have attempted to model a REAL life ballistics and physics model inside the game "under the hood" and they have not used any other "games" rules or data at all. In this case I think they can legitimitatly claim they have actually "invented the wheel" when it comes to a real world 3D WW II tactical level Post D-Day combat sim. -tom w [This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 11-29-2000).]
  25. I agree completely I really Like RTS games like Myth II and Age of Empires because there is CONSTANT action. NOW with the timer you "feel" like there is constant action and there is a little adreanlin rush to move fast and not screw up, I'm also happy knowing my opponent is under the same time constraint as myself. The Timer is GREAT! I think, (if I might, at this point, make a suggestion) there should be a value between 5 and 10 minutes it works in seconds so it "should" be not so hard to do 7.5 minutes at 450 seconds. Just a suggestion. I played with 5 minutes last night on a 1000 point QB and found I had PLENTY of time. I could also see a request for a 4 minute option as well. (240 seconds) But Overall the Timer does work GREAT!! Very cool! And it really is FUN!! -tom w
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