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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Nabla: One preorder from here, yes. Why don't you change the topic of this thread to "Post here if you'd like to preorder CMBB now, knowing that you'd pay now and receive the goods whenever it's done." [ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: Nabla ]<hr></blockquote> Sure I would preorder. I hope there is some "mechanism" in place to honour the long time supporters of CMBO and the "early adpoters" and evanglists of the orignal CMBO. So BTS how about it? How will BTS make it feasible for early adopters and those that pre-ordered CMBO to be the first in line for CMBB. I would be happy to pay now and get it when it is done if I know that it would be shipped to me immediately after it came of the press (duplicator CD burner whatever). AND AND this is a BIG one how about enhanced shipping options like FED EX and UPS and Package Tracking??? That might be pushing it but, package tracking would be a VERY big deal. So BTS mark me down for at least one copy of CMBB. At this point many of us are concerned the game might sell out before we get our copy because the demand may be greater than BTS projections again. Any thought give to an intial run of say 50,000 to 100,000 units??? just a happy friendly question...... -tom w
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Flammenwerfer: Can we rename(or mod)the term 'doodads'? Please [ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: Flammenwerfer ]<hr></blockquote> Yes please Doodads??? no anything but "Doodads" They could be sprites BUT they are not technically sprites (I don't think) Are they 3D graphical terrain elements? well that does not shorten easily 3DGTE ?? How about "TEGS" Terrain Element Graphics? NO? Didn't think so Maybe we are stuck with "Doodads" Anyone else have any other ideas? -tom w [ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]</p>
  3. I'm speachless! Those images are Breathtaking! WOW Thanks for the preview! Can I order the game NOW???? -tom w
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzerman: Um you just pointed out two...not three. Good pict Matt. You are to kind to us.<hr></blockquote> just look here: http://www.battlefront.com/CMBB_Pics/ in that directory there are three images. -tom w [ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]</p>
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: WHERE ARE THE DOODADS????<hr></blockquote> This wheat shot is an example of Doodads as I understand it..... http://www.battlefront.com/CMBB_Pics/wheat.jpg -tom w
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by KwazyDog: Most are reasonably final Commissar...currently I am finishing up the skies and then I need to finish up the buildings Dan<hr></blockquote> WOW!! Dan, That stuff looks GREAT!! Right out the "box" this game is going to look GREAT! I'm BLOWN away by these three Screen shots I've seen tonight. (There are Three! 1) Wheat Shot (soldiers in Wheat DOODADS, 2) Smoke in the Wind Shot (Smoke is bending over) and 3) Sky at dawn Shot as seen above). WOW!! I really like the toned down trees and terrain, it looks great! -tom w [ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]</p>
  7. Holy CRAP thats COOL! WOW!!! VERY impressive! Thank-you thank-you thank-you -tom w
  8. BRING on The DOODADS!! I can already see user modifiable graphics on head stones in Grave yards !!!! -tom w
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SuperTed: Tom, Am I missing something here, or is that the same article I linked in the first post? :confused: All, Steve or Matt should be along to officially answer all your questions. Apparently, they actually sleep. In the meantime, I'll take a stab at it: yes, soon, no, no, no, yes, yes, the latter, medium careful-most careful-least careful, don't know, understood, yes, yes, no, interviews would probably not be done if nothing new was released, that's BTS' decision, yes and no, see answer about interviews being done, no. Remember, those are just my best guesses. [ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: SuperTed ]<hr></blockquote> Hi SuperTed That is indeed the same article I posted the link since I was quoting from it and want to reference the source of the quote. Like everyone one else I was just trying to be sensitive to the fact that I was posting a quote from an article that had a © copyright on it, so I posted the link again. Hope that's ok? -tom w
  10. If you care about CMBB you MUST read this interview At the risk of Copyright infringement: from: http://www.homelanfed.com/index.php?id=3747 Copyright © 2001 HomeLAN.com in Steve and MadMatt's Words: "The newest and most impressive graphical element is the introduction of terrain elements, or what we have taken to calling them, DOODADS. These doodads will be found in many terrain types and what they are in effect are small textures that rise up from the ground, similar in approach to how we depict trees currently, although much shorter in height. These doodads give "volume" to terrain like wheat fields, add 3 dimensional bushes to brush terrain and little clumps of plants, flowers and shrubs to clear terrain. Rubble, rocky areas and even new terrain like cemeteries now have a new 3D feel to them that was never before possible. When you see a platoon of T-34's prowling through a field with their lower hulls obscured by wheat stalks you know you are in for something special! " Copyright © 2001 HomeLAN.com
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai: Here, why don't you try this: Try to post as often, but with less attitude. Try to remain inquisitive, but don't assume that people of far more experience in the world are bloody morons who do things for no reason. Try, now, young person (and, frankly, I imagine you are very young, and I don't regard that as a put down, but you should regard this explanation as being more significant than your need to be regarded as an adult) to imagine a nation guilty of the one of the most significant atrocities in contemporary history. Try to imagine, if you can, a nation that methodically and without benefit of the qualm of conscience, sent millions of people to death as though they were nothing more than infected farm animals that had to be properly disposed of. Can you imagine that? I hope not. I hope no one can assume the mind-set necessary for a crime like that. Now, try to imagine a nation, scarred by war, racked by guilt, anxious to reassume their position in the international community, and yet burdened by a past in which they'd committed the worst of crimes, the deepest of atrocities. Imagine them saying: Never Again. Never again will our nation committ genocide. Never again will our nation be known for their bigotry and racism. Never again will the canker in our soul find another voice, to destroy us all. And so Germany enacted laws, contrary to our own freedoms, to limit the ability of their demons to rise again. They traded personal freedom of expression against the desire to never again be the perpetrators of horror. Honour them their desire, and understand the choice they made. Or shut up. It's all one to those who understand the choices this proud but anguished people have made in the pursuit of No More Treblinkas. [ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]<hr></blockquote> WOW!! Wery Well Put Very well written! I hope that perhaps some of the younger readers of this thread will appreciate the issue here. It was also communicated EXTREMELY effectively in the 9th episode of Band of Brothers, but not so eloquently as was written above. kudos -tom w
  12. thanks for all the thoughful replies -tom w
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Shipmonkey25: You might need the explain to your friend the difference between a 105mm antitank gun and a 105mm howitzer, that might be his reason for confusion. He could be thinking of Isreali M50 Shermans with the 105mm high velocity guns.<hr></blockquote> Good point that may well be the source of the confusion -tom w
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by The_Rooster: I have an ongoing dispute with a friend that says there where no 105mm Shermans in WWII. I have seen some material on this tank in a book on military hardware, and it exists within CMBO. ( I trust the gang at Battlefront that they got this right.) What i am wondering is there a website that details this tank and when it was released and where it saw action. I had to be told i am wrong when i know i am right! Thanks in advance.<hr></blockquote> http://afvdb.50megs.com/usa/m4sherman.html try that you are correct by the way and your friend is mistaken -tom w
  15. "Zeiss optics aren't a type to themselves they simply include a stadia ranging set. You rotate a dial until a triangle is the correct size. The triangle is 1 m across the bottom so you manipulate it until the enemy tank is 3 trianges wide across the bottom. You now have the range." OK I agree with your post and your point, the issue however remains that Germans had much better optics and range finding devices to determine the range to the target than did their Allied tank gunner counter parts. -tom w
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by ciks: Please explain to me, what was so special about Zeiss optics that has to be learned well?<hr></blockquote> Hi I suspect this thread may be locked or moved shortly. BUT that aside all you need to do is read this web page: http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/turret/pegunnery/pegunnery.shtml and look at the way the German optics are modeled and look at the way the US optics are modeled and you will know the difference. For the record in This game CMBO there are NO optics modeled and the Germans are granted no advantage even though it is clear they had superior optics and range finders. It is in fact so clear they did have an advantage in optics and while firing from long range that it will be now be modeled in CMBB on the Russian front where longer distance engagements will mean the German gunnery optics advantage should be modeled and be obvious, and observable by both players in combat situations at long range. To answer your question: Simply put: "Step One: Determining Range Sorry troops, the American sights had no way to find range . However, here is an old old virtual tanker’s trick...if I recall my training correctly, the coax could be used to roughly gauge the range. Say the coax range is set out to 800m. With that knowledge, I would move my sight up to 800 meters and fire a burst of coax. If it fell beyond the target, I knew it was closer then 800m. If the bullets fell in front of the target, then I knew the target was further then 800m." ©2001 SimHQ.com hope that helps BUT it doesn't matter because differences in gunnery optics between the Germans and the Allies are not modeled in CMBO, because to be fair to BTS and CMBO, the game is NOT a tank sim. -tom w [ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]</p>
  17. My FAVOURITE topic This is not really news but I have been reading about gunnery optics at this page: http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/turret/pegunnery/pegunnery.shtml OK so it is about gunnery optics in "that OTHER" WWII tank sim game..... BUT that does not mean this stuff is not fascinating!! Quoted from the above page: Armor Piercing Shells * Armor Piercing (AP). The AP round relied on its own weight to penetrate the enemy’s armor. The higher the muzzle velocity, the more penetration your AP round will have. * Armor Piercing Capped Ballistic Cap (APCBC). The APCBC round relies not only on its own weight to penetrate the enemy’s armor, but the APCBC is also filled with High Explosive that causes increased internal damage to both systems and crew. The APCBC has a ‘windshield’ to give it better flight performance and a ballistic cap that aids the shot from shattering against armor. * Armor Piercing Composite Rigid (APCR). The APCR round is made with a tungsten carbide inner core, which will punch its way through armor. For flight performance effects and to aid the shot from shattering against armor plating, the APCR round has an aluminum alloy ballistic cap with Phenolic plastic filling. To increase the APCR muzzle velocity, a softer metal that compresses in a special tapered bore surrounds the tungsten core. * Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot (APDS). The APDS round has a tungsten carbide core, which is surrounded by either a plastic or a light magnesium alloy sleeve or sabot. The alloy sleeves falls off after the round is fired, thus sending the tungsten carbide core down range to the target. This round can be fired from normal barrels; no special tapering of the barrels are necessary. * High Explosive Anti Tank (HEAT). The HEAT round uses a directed explosion, rather than mass or weight, to penetrate armor. The inner makings of the HEAT round is explosive filler that is a molded into a "shaped charge." When it strikes something, the explosion is channeled forward into a stream, which cuts through armor, melting it along the way and including it in the stream. The enemy’s own armor then becomes part of the weapon that will cause the damage to the internal systems and crew. An advantage to HEAT rounds is that they can be fired from normal barrels and their effectiveness doesn't go down with range. General Purpose Shells * High Explosive (HE). The HE round is filled with High Explosives. It may also contain a fuse assembly to allow the shooter the choice of how he wants the HE round to explode. HE rounds are mainly against infantry and other non-armored targets. * Smoke. The smoke round is filled with chemicals that form smoke when the round hits a solid surface. Smoke rounds are used primarily for screening. Ammunition Trajectory The basic flight path of any shell in flight is an arc. The ‘arch’ of the shell’s arc depends on the muzzle velocity and other items. Hence the higher the muzzle velocity, the flatter the ‘arch’ of the shell and the more accurate the gunner can be. THE OPTICS AND GUNNERY German Gunnery Zeiss Optics To accurately fire in any of the German tanks, you will need to understand the Zeiss Optics, shown below. Don’t let it be intimating...with practice you to will be able to master it. Summary U.S. tankers...do not get into a long-distance duel with German tankers, period. Use a lot of smoke and maneuver to gain a hull down fighting position less then 500m from your target. Also, a flank shot is preferred. Refer back to my other articles on the tactics that you may need to survive on the battlefield. German tankers...learn your optics well. Once you do, you will be the king of the battlefield, plain and simple. Use your better optics and better firepower to shoot targets at longer ranges. Don’t let the enemy close in on you. Make sure you have a good fighting position. Refer back to my other articles on the tactics that you may need to survive on the battlefield. That is about it for the basic World War Two gunnery concepts. Sharpen your gunnery skills and I will see you on the field of honor! ©2001 SimHQ.com your comments???? -tom w
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: It was mentioned in Post 1 of this thread, nowhere else, befre or after. It was one of the more shocking things in that FAQ IMO. That and the rubble teaser...<hr></blockquote> DOH!! I fell like a Dolt "Will there be new weather affects? There are many environmental enhancements including, separate Dawn and Dusk settings, wind strength and direction, various temperatures, and blizzards. We have also added a new EXTREME setting for display of rain, snow and other graphic effects to enhance the look of the game." I read RIGHT past this and missed it the first time over but I recall "separate Dawn and Dusk settings... AND also added a new EXTREME setting for display of rain, snow and other graphic effects to enhance the look of the game" BUT Wind Strength did not SINK in at the time thats a BIG deal I think.... Thanks -tom w
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Ricochet: It was mentioned about wind direction and speed. I wonder if this will effect smoke dispersal and fire spreading?<hr></blockquote> Where and when was this mentioned? Has this been independantly confirmed??? This sounds BIG! -tom w
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Herder: Being a total newbie here I think I can make a good suggestion. I am playing the Demo now (ordered the full version, but have to wait ). If some of you old timers gave some tips on how to play the two scenarios provided it would go a long way to helping me and others into this highly complex game. Just a suggestion. I look forward to reading as much as I can in the near future.<hr></blockquote> Some simple suggestions Lead with your infantry Keep your armour back in a supporting role Determine where the enemy strength and concentration is target that concentration with arty or mortar fire if that doesn't work... use lots of smoke then advance quickly from cover to cover how's that for quick and dirty? a few more hints How to get your armour whacked: - A quick guide for Panzer Commanders - 1.) Always scout with armour, not infantry. Tanks with closed hatches are great for spotting AT teams and other threats. (Don't forget to close quickly within 200 m of all suspected hideouts for cover of AT teams ) REMEMBER In Combat Mission if a PIAT/Bazooka/PanzerShreck/panzerfaust round (Anti tank Shaped Charge) gets a "hit" anywhere on ANY tank in the game there is close to a %90 chance that tank will be ko'd (K-kill) and if not K-Killed then immobolized with an M-Kill is very likely. These weapons at their MAX range can be deadly out to 200 meters ! (but at that range a hit is VERY unlikely 2.) Always go head-to-head with enemy armour, especially if you have weak armour, a puny gun or both. 3.) Avoid moving your tanks into hull-down positions, move them up a hill and wait... 4.) Always attack PAK bunkers with single tanks from the front. 5.) Open all hatches on your tanks during an arty strike so that your TC gets some fresh air. 6.) When facing heavy armour, never try to use fast tanks to get flank shots, they might overheat or run out of gas. 7.) When an airstrike is approaching, don't move your armour into some scattered trees. Let them sit in open spaces to confuse the enemy pilots. 8.) The tank is the ideal weapon for street fighting, never forget that. 9.) When using lightly armnoured tanks, ignore enemy HMGs. Show them your flank or rear so they'll be embarrassed. 10.) Always commit your armour within the first 5 turns. You will never need it later in the game. P.S. Someone else made up this Top Ten ways to get your armour whacked but I don't know who to credit here, and I did edit it a little myself. Fess up, if you wrote the orignal list and I would be happy to credit you with its authorship -------------------- [ 12-11-2001: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ] [ 12-11-2001: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]</p>
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by panzerwerfer42: The game gets most of the stuff right, but the armor penetration model sucks. IIRC it uses a guns armor penetration at 30 degree slope. It doesn't account for armor slope at all. Therefore the 76mm gunned Shermans can kill Panthers through the glacis plate, but not Tigers. I have put no less than 10 rounds (verified in the AAR that all hit) from a Panther straight into a Stuart at 200m and the son of a bitch kept on firing! Same thing with Tigers and KTs.<hr></blockquote> Thats sort of a shame! I'm on a Mac so I have never played the game, but since it was "supposed" ot be a WWII tank simulator I would have expected it to have a VERY precise armour penetration model. I had assumed it was superior to to CMBO's armour penetration model because it was a tank sim from WWII, I'm happy, but somehow disappointed to learn I was mistaken to think PE had a more accurate armour penetration model than CMBO. Thanks for the update. -tom w
  22. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by wadepm: Plus, it only has one drive sprocket. There is no way physically that one drive sprocket could move this thing without snapping the tracks. There is also no way this thing could turn without destroying the suspension. And traversing any kind of elevation difference over about a foot and half would snap the chassis in two. And...hey this is fun!<hr></blockquote> This is this the most sensible post in this thread. From an engineering stand-point it looks like there is NO WAY this wacky contraption could ever be "combat effective". -tom w
  23. what was the name or ID used to search for or describe that 'tank'? that looks like a very hard model to find it would be interesting to build one of those models. -tom w
  24. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Sergei: I bet this kinda changes won't make it into CM:BB anymore, but maybe for the next engine... At the moment the formation move is pretty useless in most situations. You would like to get a number of units to a certain location, but it can be done for one waypoint only. That is too harsh for most situations, when for example you want to move a platoon through patches of woods. So, you put their waypoints as a group for the first etape, and from that point on you'll just micromanage each of them even if they follow the same route. Why couldn't one give a formation consecutive waypoints? I would also like to see an "Insert waypoint" command so that you could insert waypoints between already-set waypoints, at least fresh ones that aren't red yet. That way managing routes would become *much* easier. Also, how about adding wormholes and warp engines for easy movement through difficult terrain. I thank for your attention.<hr></blockquote> Guess What?? Wormholes are IN! As I understand it the sewer system of Stalingrad will work largely like a network of wormholes and warpengines. sound crazy? Not really the last time I read about the Sewer system modeling of Stalingrad it sounded like "wormhole psuedo-science" as your infantry units can enter the sewer and you won't really be sure where they will come out again??? :cool: comments? -tom w
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