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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. The Catwoman sent me a very strange setup yesterday. I think this one might be a fun or silly game to keep track of. I received nothing but green Polish infantry. From what she is telling me she has all German armor. Assuming the point value is even for this meeting engagement she should have had enough for like 2 tanks ( I am exagrating a bit of course but there can't be many). So far no Germans have been sighted. I think I have seen the turn 3 movie. Oh yeah something else I left out...from my setup area to the VLs is almost completely flat and open ground. I would love to win this one. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  2. Up till 5am EST and I gotta tell you if was one of the strangest things I've ever seen. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  3. Lorak..thanks for taking notice but now you have to add: Cruda: loss Elvis: win Watching the election tonight has been a blast...looks like I'll be up all night. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  4. Is anyone playing a game against Kitty? If not I would like to put a challenge out right now. Hell, even if someone is. It'll be like Bobby Riggs and Billy Jean King (I get to be Billy Jean). It's time the inferior gender is taught a lesson and the bus driver is here to take her to school. Other updates: I already mentioned my loss to Meeks. It was a nifty looking very very small battle that when I surrendered I had absoultly NO units let. None...Zero...Nil. If I still had the file he sent me I would go back to see if my global moral was 0. Cruda. He just had a major set back that should make the game a walk in the woods for me. I sucker punched his last mobile King Tiger with a Zook. My global moral is at 90% and we are very deep into the game. I am sensing checkmate in 4 turns. Hiram. My methodical advance towards his in this meeting engagement is like Casias Clay beating up the kid from "The Sixth Sense". He has troops running in every direction because he is trying to find a place to hide them....There is no place to hide. Germangirl. This will be a very ugly a bloody game. We have each taken some losses. So far his seem to be much greater than mine but it is hard to tell at this point. Peng. I guess we are still playing but I get about one file a week from him so I forget sometimes. Kitty. Send a setup file. Any type of game any side. Or if you would like to just send your surrender across you can do that too. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  5. My unconditional surrender has been sent to Meeks. If I had any surviors I am sure he would treat them right...But I didn't. Lorak you bitch mark me down for another loss.....even if you still haven't given me credit for Peter surrendering to me yet. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  6. I'm hoping you beta testers can (with Steve, Charles, Matt and Dans blessing of course) use this thread to give us information on how the tseting is going. Who won. What features are working great. Maybe even answer a question or two. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  7. Yes ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  8. His surrender right now is my best chance. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  9. This just in from the Meeks/Elvis game. He wanted me to pass this on. He insisted I post this. He said to me: "I am a boob." (the I being Meeks of course) He has also hinted to the fact that he will soon surrender. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  10. Thanks Matt but you shouldn't you be playing a TCP/IP game against someone? ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  11. El...that is a request from a person who is truly grasping what the mindset is to win in CM. I am not being facetious. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  12. Damn...I walked away from my desk before clicking the "submit reply" button on that last post..then after I did I see that Germangirl isn't the coward that I pegged him as. He is a guy that I am going to slaughter one soldier at a time. It will be a slow painful death. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  13. I swear I don't which is worse, consistently taking you dolts to school in each game I have going (except maybe Meeks) or not having any of you scum mention the pounding you're taking from me in your "what's happening in the games I'm playing" posts. Hell Lorak doesn't even posts my wins to his site anymore. Have I been beating up on you guys too much? Should I tank a game or two to get myself back to a point that the mere mention of my name doesn't fill you all with terror anymore? Oh yeah Slappy...get lost vermin. Your kind makes me sick. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  14. Steve, thanks for the response. For what it's worth I'd rather have the larger file transfers then an extra exchange for PBEM. And SS_Crybaby you are near the top of my list. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  15. Excellent news for the biggest TCP/IP crybaby on the board. Peng..strap on your helmet, grab a case of cheap beer and start smoking again you are in for some all night sessions. My dream of playing a best out of 3 game series in a drunken orgy of Internet violence is almost upon me. I'm giddy as a school girl. Actually this will sound like a strange question coming from the aforementioned crybaby but..I wonder if this new system that condenses file sizes for TCP/IP transfer can be used to reduce file sizes for PBEM games in CM2 or a patch for CM1? ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  16. Lorak ya little bastard I don't think you updated with Peters surrender to me...get on the ball man...also you might as well put me in for wins against Hiram, Cruda and Germangirl since it looks like they are all dead. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  17. The answer is YES!!!! In CM mortor teams CAN run!!! Once their mortors have been knocked out or abandoned. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  18. Just finished the Turnbull scenario against the AI. It was the most fun I've had against the AI in a while. Also downloaded Cabbage Patch and sent a set up file to Germangirl. If its half as good as Turnbull then...then....I guess Turnbull would be twice as good as it (I'm pretty sure the math works there). Thanks Bill. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  19. Anymore AIM people? ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  20. I have accepted Peters surrender and promise to be mericful to the 166 Canadian soldiers that raised their hands and begged for mercy. Hamsterboy has sent me a very cool looking litle game. I only have 5 King Tigers and 2 companies but I think I will be able to make due. Germangirl and I are deciding what to play. His second email seemed to come from a deranged person and made little sense. I will chose that battle I suppose. Peng, stop hiding and send a file. It's been almost a week since I heard from you. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  21. I'm back and ready to finish mopping up you scumbags. I sent Peter a file this morning and he mailed me back saying "the end" so either he surrendered or it autosurrendred..I'll find out when I get home from work. Cruda and Hiram should be begging for mercy soon enough and that slug Peng didn't bother to send me a file while I was away. All this means I'll be looking for some fresh blood and would formally like to challenge Geeks or Germangirl. Having never had the chance to embarrass either one of those degerates. I think it's about time I did. Peng tells me that neither one are a real challenge but I have enough free time to take care of them. If you girls are interested feel free to send me any setuo file you choose and as soon as I get home I'll get to work teaching you a lesson you on't soon forget. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  22. mensch, It is most certainly not the first time I have lost to Peng. He had a long string of games beating me up. It's my first loss to ANYONE in a while. I have felt the shame of losing to Peng many times. But they tell me shame builds character...something I am still waiting for. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  23. Peter, SURRENDER DOROTHY ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  24. 1st defeat since August....Just lost to Peng......I am humbled ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
  25. Doug, You are right. I do that often. What I was talking about is if you issue (if it is even possible because I didn't think it was allowed) a move/pause/move order. When I have a stopped units I often issue pause/move so that troops can disembark. ------------------ "To conquer death you only have to die" JC
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