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Everything posted by Mace

  1. What, in his swim shorts? Mace [ March 25, 2002, 03:07 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  2. Now I'm no legal eagle but I do believe there's precedence not to do this. The main one being that you, Michael, have the status here as a GROG SSN, and we can't go against convention and actually do something suggested by your type. We can only hope. Mace
  3. I'd just like to point out yet again that we as a nation do not drink Fosters. We do however ship it overseas and sell it as a joke on the rest of the world. Mace
  4. Standing firm while located on a bubbling morass of sewerage? I'd like to see that. Mace
  5. Hmmm, do I detect a hint of competition with our our very own Telstra to see who can provide the worst service at the most expensive price? Mace [ March 23, 2002, 11:04 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  6. *nasely female voice* "Oim sorry, but Mr Peng cannot be disturbed at the moment. He is currently wallowing in self-pity. Please try again Latah. Have a noice day"! What we need is to push the Australian land mass over a tad so it's just a few hundred feet from the US westcoast. We can then frequent the LA bars enmasse and really show you guys how to party (either that, or get a mention on page 3 of the LA times on the following day due to some sordid outcome) Mace
  7. I always thought we were the Port Admirals? Mace [ March 22, 2002, 03:53 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  8. And make sure you get some advice from Wayne Carey. He's taken rooting for the team to new heights. Mace
  9. ...yet, Gnome's are always cast from the same mould. Pssst, need I point out that Fanny means something else down here? Mace
  10. Did I ever say how annoying it is to sit at work and not being allowed to respond? Well I'm about to make up for it now....... The Justicar once told me he had a big pair - I assumed he was talking about his manhood. ...a little rooting to liven things up ain't a bad idea... ...Oh, I forgot... at your age, rooting holds no interest any longer</font>
  11. <FONT COLOR = BLACK> The Red and Green on a blue background is for what, annoyance value? Mace [ March 21, 2002, 02:41 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  12. Mmmmmmmmm, what I wouldn't give for a woman like that. Mace
  13. Get some beer out of the fridge. That'll do until the pub opens. Mace
  14. Oh yes, That was fun in a 'mass slaughter and execution' sort of way. I have fond memories of threatening to pull Mr Happy's ***censored*** above his ***censored*** and ***censored***. Of course this was in response to he calling Kitty and I a bunch of ***censored*** ***censored*** that was ***censored*** ***censored*** ***censored***. Oh, and who can forget when Kitty said that she'd stick a ***censored*** right up his ***censored*** ***censored*** ***censored*** thus resulting in ***censored*** ***censored*** ***censored*** and a shiney ***censored***. Those were the days! Mace [ March 19, 2002, 11:35 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  15. ....frequent rolling in dead roadkill that had been putrifying for some time. Mr Squeeker first began this strange hobby when...
  16. You're lucky! You obviously went to one of the Exclusive Aussie schools. Mace
  17. WWB, aka WWB-99 here on the board, is a fine designer NOT to be confused with Wild Bill. Sasenach? Sassenach? My spell check only works on english. Mace
  18. Hey, you Haggis eating, scotch swilling, sasenach, OG-peeuuu! WWB, CMBO scenario designer wonder kid, sent me 3 (read them 3) new scenarios for my collection. I helped him test one of these, but 2 I have yet to discover. Let us do battle to determine who has the right to hate the Pommies more, Aussies or Scots! Are you game(y)? Mace
  19. That's because you're full of so much hot air, and not much else. Mace
  20. And he said he wanted a witty one?! Don't know much, do he? Rules Synopsis i) we're xenophobic, so sod off ii) we're also grogophobic, so sod off iii) if you haven't got the message yet, sod off. iv) Still here? Still eager to dip your feet in the cess? Taunt like you've never taunted before. Try to make your target cry. If you're not up to this challenge, sod off. v) Expect to be taunted like never before. Nothing gives us enough joy as seeing a SSN cry. v) Do not challenge the more senior cesspoolers, for they are too busy picking their noses or extracting the fluff out of their navels to pay any attention. vi) Worship us, for if you persevere, you too will be like us (frightening thought, eh). Mace
  21. And you'd be right. The Kirin and Dragon kit are the same thing (Kirin actually is a Dragon offshoot). The only difference b/w kits is that the Dragon kit includes crew figures. Mace
  22. *Sigh* Dear Seanachai, you make this game ..so.. easy sometimes that it takes the challenge out of it. Mace
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